I really didn't want to respond as we have tried very hard to put this episode behind us. However, I refuse to let lies be told about this company and its employees. Upon Jim's request and with his promise to spare the forum more wasted reading, we sent $ to the charity of his choosing. The receipt of the $ has been confirmed, yet Jim continues to take plight to whomever will listen. No one from OSGA or any other forum contacted me on Jim's behalf. A couple of anonymous callers questioned me, but I refused to answer. No email was ever sent to Jim calling him a sucker. I'll forward a copy of the email in question to Shrink. He can do with it what he pleases. Undoubtedly, things were said that both parties regret, but there is only so much badgering and abuse one person can stand.
I hope this answers your question. The decision to not cancel Jim's bet is one we vehemtly support. The fact Jim has admitted to purposely past posting us is irrelevant. He made a bet, we accepted it, he lost, end of story. The $ was sent to Jim's charity in April after he promised to drop the issue upon receipt. It is nearly September, and Jim is still harping. This will be the the final response from me on this subject as we have lived up to our word by sending the $ to Jim's charity and we feel it is now his turn to be a man of his word and let this die once and for all.