A Locked Rubber Room Thread???


If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
Not only is some of the funniest shit I have ever read (as most of Boxslayer32's posts are), but it is all TRUE and well thought out.

And I think it is hilarious that Journeyman is still calling this dude "she".

For the LAST TIME, Roxygurl is a HE.

Wake up people.

Boxslayer32 said:
1) He makes a mockery out of this entire board.

Absolutely 100% true.

Boxslayer32 said:
i.e. (hypothetical)
Journeyman: "Orioles -120"
cfbguy: "lol journeyman. im gonna give you a giant nuggie. hehehe. i bet youre sexy. good luck today. if you win, lets hot tub it in Vegas."
Journeyman: "Thanks, Roxy. I definitely wouldnt mind seeing you in a bathing suit. I'll pay for your plane ticket."
cfbguy: (SUCKER, and you call yourself sharp. LMAO. ***.).... "Oh no, I cant, my grandmas cat died, and I'm a wreck."
Journeyman: "OK, why dont you call me and we'll discuss alternatives?"
cfbguy: (JMans aaaaa faagggggggg)..."Oh no, I got strep throat doo-cock-us-maximus. Terrible time of year for that. You know how it goes. I cant talk."
Journeyman: "Ok, well, call me when you get over it."
cfbguy: (This guy never gives up)..."No actually I cant, I just saved 10% by switching to Geico and Im using that 10% on dildos for a big lesbian squirt fest with my friends. I rock. Nuggie time!"
Journeyman: "Wow! big lesbian squirt fest? Sounds awesome. I wish I was outgoing like you."
cfbguy: (horny ass, get over it)....."I know, Im crazy like that."
Journeyman: "Any chance of you posting one more pic of yourself?"
cfbguy: (oh shit...think...think)...."No I cant. I am very shy."

This is hysterical and comical, but it so damn close to the truth it is scary.

Boxslayer32 said:
Next day:
cfbguy in vegas to his GF: "Go up to that radio guy and say hi to shrink from roxygurl. Please, Im trying to start this thing online and Im gonna make huge money off of it. If you do it Ill get you that necklace you want when I bank off of this sports board."
cfbguys girlfriend: "OK, Im hammered.......Hi Im roxy....big shout to the shrink."

Yay, Roxy for prez. Shes real. OMG. Awesome. That proved it.

Roxysports.com launches

You have no idea how close this is to the absolute, 100% truth.

Boxslayer32 said:
3) He steals posters from RX. While therx seems to adopt the philosophy of, who cares if we lose 1 or 2, we are 200,000 strong. I have the business philosophy of "Every customer lost is weakening your business."
Not my place. I dont work here. I know. But, I am part of the "support system". I have enjoyed my time at therx. I have won tons of money. I have enjoyed some threads and conversations. I dont enjoy seeing posters go. Especially to blindly follow sausage thinking it's a pink taco stand.

Again, right on the button.

Boxslayer32 said:
5) He's in every damn thread. It bothers me. "hehehehe lol. giant nuggie. roxynation. heheheh.lol. roxy nation..giant nuggie. you rock...i rock...he rocks...she rocks...i rock...you rock......hehehehe lol. roxynation. and a giant nuggie." I honestly cant take that shit when Im looking for some real insight. Not just that, but knowing its coming from a fake ass liar passing around 3 pictures of different hot chicks. Some stupid radio show happened, and every bows down. Its ridiculous. AM I taking crazy pills here?

No, you are not taking crazy pills. This dude who cannot handicap posing as a female making all of these useless posts for attention that have NOTHING to do with sports handicapping is sickening. Plus, HE is doing this to try and steal posters over to HIS forum.

Roxygurl is a dude. Wake up folks.

Roxygurl = 100% fraud
Jan 19, 2006
Again, she has had all the opportunity to prove otherwise and she fails to do it.

Oh yeah she claims to be shy? HAHA he/she talks about sex with men she
hardly even knows.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Everyone knows the truth but this is all about business.

Roxy is trying to generate extreme interest in "her" numerous endeavors. So what does "she" do, "she" says "she" is some hot chick that loves sex and gambling on sports, creates fake pictures, and says "she" likes to get creamed on by numerous fat, degenerate slobs. She tries to be "nice" and makes numerous gestures to come to her sites. Oh, its so clever that they came up with a site called "Roxygurl". What a joke! Money talks in this world and therefore the RX supports Roxy or Roxy's friends. Its business, I can understand that. There are a lot of gullible and weak guys out there that even the thought of a chick with a pulse that loves sports gambling, and sex, gets them hope. Now if this chick is truly hot, these guys are following her to any website she creates. Too bad her one website has like 5 total people, and she tries so hard its sickening, to draw interest. Even the losers on this site who have nothing but some vaseline, 2 palms, and a watermelon with a hole cut out arent buying it. Her posing as some hot chick when she is either a dude or just a very average to below average chick is very plausible especially considering what her motives are.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
People in glass houses should not throw stones.

Scammer Alert has identical IP of poster Holly Baby:

<TABLE class=tborder id=post2401821 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">12-06-2005, 01:22 AM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right> #19 <INPUT id=plist_2401821 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[2401821] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>Holly_Baby<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2401821", true); </SCRIPT>
RX Junior

Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: USA
Posts: 19

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_2401821><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->This may be a stupid question, but forgive me because I am blonde, but when you refer to "righties" and lefties", are you talking about guys who, how shall I put this, "yank their members" with that particular hand?


<TABLE class=tborder id=post2402813 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">12-06-2005, 03:31 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right> #22 <INPUT id=plist_2402813 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[2402813] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>Holly_Baby<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2402813", true); </SCRIPT>
RX Junior

Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: USA
Posts: 19

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_2402813><!-- icon and title -->
post #2, day 2
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->:lolBIG:

Well, I am posting here until New year's because I lost a bet and one of the conditions of posting was I put THIS picture of myself on as my avatar (a picture my ex-boyfriend took). I'm just glad I didn't have to use some of the OTHER pictures he took but I doubt if they'd even be allowed!!! But they are real and obviously a 3-D cup.

I have to make 10 posts a day until New Years' at this forum. I started late last night and got them in right before bed, but today I will try and do a few from work today.
<!-- / message --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Last edited:
Jan 19, 2006
wilheim said:
Scammer Alert has identical IP of poster Holly Baby:

Roxygurl did the same thing and you defend her??? hmmm.

Again I have tons of respect for you Wil. I just am curious as to
how you can defend a deceitful,treacherous person like roxy.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
and the scams continue. Its funny to see people called out. They think they are being slick and little do they know everything is so easy to track over the internet.

Guys one thing please do not send me Roxy e-mail, IMs, etc. I have important things to do in my life much less worry about some scam artist and yes I believe Roxy is a scam artist. Boxslayer is like an 80 year old retired widowed grandfather that has very little to do all day but read the obituaries and call up other old friends saying "did you know little Alan died", "yeah I just heard". That and go to buffets at 5 P.M for dinner.

I do want to share one email though that shows Roxys motivation. At one of Roxys sites, Roxy starts like 80% of the posts (the other 19.9% are started by colleagues and friends and 0.1% of real posters) and thinks she/he is some mastermind of coming up with topics that will get people to sign up and respond.
One is titled "Do you like sex"? A brilliant title. A girl that is supposedly hot and likes sports and gambling more than any guy and now is posting all these sex related topics....WOW. 90% of the low lifes are signing up and want a piece of that however the thing is Roxy is so bad, and so desperate to make up topics and ideas, and even say she is someone she is not that the majority of the losers see right through her scam. Here is a copy of what Roxy wrote in that thread:
<HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->then register right now and get down to the mvp bedroom which youll only see as an roxysite member. right now its melting down with the hottest most erotic topics at any forum and thats undisputed. this forum is home to the most women at any forum and thats undisputed too! i assure you more are on the way. bisexygurl,shadows03,cardsfan29,rashida....just some of the hottest girls posting here AND they love sports. how hot is that?we burn with pasion for the men and the women down there and it rocks the house baby so register today IF you love sex!

I got many other examples like this that demonstrate this desperate person. So why would Roxy try to be someone they arent? Motivation? BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS and maybe even the person needs some attention in their life.

Now I am sure this will generate many emails to Wil and other moderators at the RX from 4 posters (all posters from Roxy's site) crying and whining but you know what, they (the whiners) can BLOW ME. Send that in your email too! Bunch of scammers! Dont group me with any other person on this site. I make my own decisions and I have no motivation or ulterior motives. I just hate people that try to scam others.

I respect people that go about doing business in a hard working manner and bust their butt but when you try to scam people, then I care and I lose respect for you. Now I am sure this generates free advertisement for Roxy, but the best thing you can do is stay away from anything associated with this person.

I am done with this crap.
We need better topics to talk about in the Rubber Room. Where is HenHouseX149? How about Marino the pedophile with the cartoon avatar? What prison is Marino in? How about JimmyK, he is a damn good baseball capper but is he alive? I havent seen JimmyK for some time? A real good capper is in Tulsas best bet thread--HEELMAN. Very selective and close to 80%.
We have to have better things to talk about besides Roxy and shitting on Jessica Alba.
Any other person on this site that is a scammer?

Well, On to sports betting and making money.

Thank god football season is around the corner.

ohhh and moderators of the RX, sorry to give you extra work by getting some crying, whining emails :cryingcry but think of it this way. I am giving you guys more work which justifies your position and you guys could be so overworked with the crying emails :cryingcry that you can ask for a pay raise. Just trying to help you guys out and get more cash.
:money8: :pope:

Whats this my 11th Roxy post....Ohhh I am fuckin Obessesed! I need Roxy detox. 11 out of 2,700. :smoker2:

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
"People in glass houses should not throw stones"


Scammer Alert. .uh uh. . I mean Holly - You fucking homo
Jan 19, 2006
wilheim said:
About time - now if we can only get Gyno to give up his obsession and maybe I can get some rest.


Obsession??? And why only call out my name? Now Thats unfair Wil.
Seriously I am not the only one in the roxy threads.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Gyne or Gyno (not sure which one to use) please do me a favor and give the entire Roxygurl is this or that campaign a rest.

Enough is enough.


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