A Large Anti-Vaccine-Mandate March Is Planned for DC on January 23


Dec 27, 2011
STFU and keep writing those checks to Mango Musslioni, you stupid cunt. How's that "Reinstatement" working out? How about Succubus Sidney's "biblical" revelations re: the "voter fraud?" Fucking moron....

well well well .. look who's wife black lover allowed him to access the internet from the property he paid for's perimter ..

the faggot king himself .. small dick , tweezer / magnifying glass in transition naturally from lack of using
the cock he was born with it has now rebelled against his Own self .. his own testickles want out ..

the fuck boy king .. Dafinch himself , trying to talk tough ..

look here cuck-boy , none of us here are the guidance counselor that lied to you ,
nor Sallie Mae with that 6 figure black dildo they tap you with every 30 days for all the money you
have scrounged up from behind your mask .. take it out on them , not us ..

its them you are really mad at .. now beat it punk, grown folk are speaking
Oct 30, 2006
Howard M
I have been closely watching the protest in Canada. The Canadian government came down hard on the protesters. And in recent Canadian polls, about 70% of Canadians are behind Trudeaus government. In fact, Trudeau is more popular than ever in Canada. Numerous truckers were arrested, their trucks towed, and even their bank accounts frozen. The protest got a lot of attention. But many drivers paid a heavy price. Biden has been watching that whole thing very closely. The Canadian Government did not bend to the protesters. And Biden can't afford to look weak, in the face of what happened in Canada. If you're going to DC, expect trouble. I'm not against you doing it. The British burned Washington in 1812. Another good house cleaning wouldn't hurt. Well, I guess it would start another civil war.

Eric F
Howard M you apparently don't know many Canadians and are only hearing one side of the story.....not your fault, that's what the government and media want people to think.
If there's any question in your mind about how much support the convoy members received ask yourself a few questions.
Why did the heavy duty tow companies refuse to respond to the government's request for help?
Why did the military say no to getting involved?
Why did farmers roll into mass to join the protest?
And finally, why did the protesters raise more money, despite the government illegally shutting down GoFundMe, than any of the Canadian political parties did in the last election?

Craig L
Eric F We left because we won. Check the mandates being recinded around the world. I would say more but would get edited again.

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Nov 23, 2011

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