Doggers +1.21 Pinny. Med.
Think there might be a slight pitching matchup advantage here worth a try. With Lowe you have a sink specialist, ground balls galore, faced the Mets this season, pitched very well beating them. Closed strong, his arm motion does not wear it out. Finished very strong, after AS break money. Post season, the clincher. Three times for Red Sox. Again money. Maine, rookie, pitched well at times, but not against the Doggers as they hit him well and chased him with a loss. The Doggers saved Lowe for this start, scratching him once they had clinched. He is the Ace. Mets #1 and #2 starters scratched. Not sure about trash, but main is a #3 or #4. This seems like a bad mismatch to me, if it is only starting pitchers, it might be enough. Not sure what clubhouse mood for Mets is, but I have not seen anything like this happen before. Keep it medium, value dog play hopefully. Created and Written by O. Frog.
Best Wishes...OF :howdy:
FYI: Chavy K'd again. ofer ain't gonna beat me. Win if no xtra inn. 4-0.