I didn't find Joes dating site stuff but it is him. Regardless, the searching high and low for akp online is creepy to me.In all fairness, you thought it was just as funny when you found what you thought was Joe's dating profile.
Even though I'd guess the majority of guys who hang out at this site also desperately need sites to help them find dates, you have to expect some ball busting when one of them is outed. The difference is Joe doesn't act like an asshat while alkiefagdrunk does.
The other issue is the piling on.....who here mentions joes dating site besides me and occasionally Guesser? Akp is dealing with 8-10 creepy dudes on a daily basis.
That said....I've never been on a dating site in my life and wouldn't if I was single anyway.
We aren't gonna agree on this and since we've been at least not smashing each other lately , I see no reason for this to start a flame war with you.....we can agree to disagree on this.