I agree to an extent....even though we all look at it as "game" this is their "job". You have to ask yourself if your hourly wage was let's say 25$ and your employer asked you to come to work for $15 would you go to work and be happy because you love your job that much? The % of players you are describing is very low IMO. If I had to bet Id say a very high % want to scrap the season and prepare for 2021 for multiple reasons..Covid, Pay, 60 games, no fans to name a few
they arent playing for less money per game, just less games. Its like you work said we need you for 3 months at $25 an hr then you free to do as you choose for the rest of the time. sure they are making less, but they are also working alot less time too
Absolute speculative nonsense. The entire thread. Not a single piece of verification.
90% minimum will play; I'd bet 95% if I gave a shit. Which I don't.
I'll not spend a cent on MLB for the remainder of my life (no Tigers games, etc.),
but I'll bet on Underdogs. Because I make a modest profit doing that.
Absolute speculative nonsense. The entire thread. Not a single piece of verification.
90% minimum will play; I'd bet 95% if I gave a shit. Which I don't.
I'll not spend a cent on MLB for the remainder of my life (no Tigers games, etc.),
but I'll bet on Underdogs. Because I make a modest profit doing that.
Apparently you cannot discern the difference between facts and completely unsupported speculation.
Your problem, not mine.
Oh really?
So where are your facts that over 90% of the players will report?
Since it’s factual I’m sure you have some evidence or a link you can produce .
Looks like an agreement is made for a 60 game season.....but many players will sit out. Get ready to see many AAA and AA players. This is going to be ridiculous this season will mean NOTHING in the record books as far who wins what in the end. Scrap the season already both sides have taken way too long to get their heads out their asses and make a decision either play or don't play
Coming from many reputable sources....not me
I agree to an extent....even though we all look at it as "game" this is their "job". You have to ask yourself if your hourly wage was let's say 25$ and your employer asked you to come to work for $15 would you go to work and be happy because you love your job that much? The % of players you are describing is very low IMO. If I had to bet Id say a very high % want to scrap the season and prepare for 2021 for multiple reasons..Covid, Pay, 60 games, no fans to name a few
They’ve got a lot more money coming is what they have coming lmfao. You and whoever else other racist that doesn’t like sports anymore.....BYE
It wasn't my speculation.....it was from Twitter from multiple reputable sources....I said that