54.9% baseball system last 18 years


New member
Jan 18, 2005
this has been said before. The #1 peeve people have with you is that you're not using the system to place your bets, but you expect people to pay up 400 bucks for it. If you are so confident that it is worth 400 bucks, then play it yourself.

New member
May 19, 2005
Who said i don't play it myself. Of course I do moron, I don't really care about the $400 i really just wanted to find a whale who could move 10 dimes on a game. I just didn't want to put up a system and say its not for sale and piss everyone off. Obviously the guy playing 5 team $10 parlays like everyone at the stardust is not going to be interested. Again i am not soliciting right now so will please let my post stand. I have to say that to keep moderators happy. Honestly, the real pet peeve with my post is that all these readers are degenerates that pick games off the top of their head, have no idea what their doing and continually give the bookmaker 5% every time they place a bet and inevitably lose their bankroll which they probably never had to begin with. Now a guy comes in claiming to have systems that he can prove but will only give away for $400 which their degenerate ass can't afford and it drives them crazy. You included wilheam. That's why you post that stupid post saying i don't play my own plays. Of course I do. The two systems i posted are great little systems that have proven themselves over time and I was willing to let them go to 100 or so people because that's some real change in my pocket.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
58%systems said:
...and it drives them crazy. You included wilheam. That's why you post that stupid post saying i don't play my own plays.

Hey, where did Wilheim post? LOL!!!! Wow. This means that 58%systems made a mistake, but a knowledgable mistake. This means that 58%systems has been reading this site for a while and knew what would happen OR is a ghost of some idiot who also knew what would happen. 58%systems, you are a "fukkin tool" just as Noreaga pointed out! This reminds me, speaking of Wilheim, when you guys drink a pop, do you....

New member
May 19, 2005
Hey tulsa, nice comeback "you are a fuckin tool". You know i am right and you know it hit home didn't it. That's why the lame short comeback. Do you have anything of substance to say. Stop posting so much and get your head out of your ass and learn to handicap. I gurantee you have no idea which side is the correct side ever. However, degenerates like you can do alright in baseball and get on a roll for a while because of the moneyline. You have no idea what that meant did you. retard. Wildemu, "Casinoman part 2 what the fuc does that mean?


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Tulsa said:
This means that 58%systems has been reading this site for a while and knew what would happen OR is a ghost of some idiot who also knew what would happen. 58%systems, you are a "fukkin tool" just as Noreaga pointed out!

I knew it was just a matter of time before casinoman would reappear to tell us how he is just here to help.


at least in here these touts will get what they deserve

mr. 58% casinoman, at least in your first go round, you had better insults. Go back to the all caps YOU F**#% PIECE OF SH#%T Lazy A@%&^ can't even insult us 100%, stinking 58%

also, 58%casinoman I want to email YOU my results from the last 20 years. I swear I will not make them up. Just send me 20 bucks to cover postage
Last edited:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
what 'casionman, part 2 ' means is that you're a broke, just like him, trying to scrape up a few dollars hustling on the internet. If the system hits like you say it does you wouldn't be in here hustling unless you're too stupid to correctly manage your money..... just like Casinoman. If you can hit 58% then why mess with trying to hustle up a few dollars? Just bet your picks and live the good life. But I don't think 'casinoman, part2 ' was a fair comparison. It should be 'Biff, part 2'.... he was the king of 58%. Either way, you're wasting your time at this site.

New member
May 19, 2005
yo max, nice play on stlouis yesterday,you to tulsa choptalk roxygirl might mgrig, you like everyone lost their ass. That game had no right side stlouis or kc historically speaking. I love it when douchebags post their picks and everyone says great pick choptalk, tulsa whatever and then it loses so fuckin bad as a over -200 fav. It makes me laugh so hard and smile so much. I am starting to love this post because this **** is on page whatever and people are still posting. Everyone is so angry at me its funny. Everyone thinks i am casinoman, lying my ass off, blahblah blah. Please let this post die i am getting addicted to hearing all you jealous jerkoffs rage.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
58%systems said:
i am getting addicted to hearing all you jealous jerkoffs rage.

ahh playing the old jealous card so soon c-man?

since you want attention so bad, I will help you out, I submitted your casinomouse AOL e-mail address to every spam house I could find, so soon your inbox will be overflowing with offers for viagra, free porn and other great deals. Maybe you can get one of them to sell your system for you along with a cheap rolex watch

New member
May 19, 2005
I'm not a computer nerd, but I bought this computer used and don't even have my own personal aol adress whatever you said so fu. Just so u don't call me out as a poor mother ******. It is my third computer. I use three for 12 table play at party poker. Please let it die. I am not casinoman i promise. I really don't want to sell anything definately not anymore. I just wanted to throw a bone out there to see what would happen.

There's big money for handicappers that can win a little and I thought i would throw a decent system out there to see what happens. I guess i got my anwer. People would rather throw their $10/hour wages on teams like stlouis than buy a system. It's alright no hard feelings. Max you are a complete tard. Let me guess your card today fla definately. You will probably win to although the game has no correct side. But since you are favored you will probably cash.

A friend of mine worked for GWIN (wayne root) and said the amount of money they are pulling is mindblowing and they admit when they hire you that they only hit 50% and are just trying to sell the "degenerate gamblers" as they freely admit. One lady paid $30000 for a lifetime contract.

Please Please let this post die I want to move on

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yo 58,

Please do me a favor and show me where I had StL or KC or any bases play yesterday? OK? A guy with three computers shouldn't have any problem doing that.


And if you really want to let this thread die, which I doubt, then just don't answer. I think you'll probably give ID a run for Forum Attention whore before it's all over. I did like the part where you have a 'friend' that worked for Wayne Root. ID had a 'friend' looking to borrow money one time too. And I'm curious about how many personna's you have at Party Poker...12 table play??????


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
58%systems said:
A friend of mine worked for GWIN (wayne root) and said the amount of money they are pulling is mindblowing and they admit when they hire you that they only hit 50% and are just trying to sell the "degenerate gamblers" as they freely admit. One lady paid $30000 for a lifetime contract.

Please Please let this post die I want to move on

I think that is pretty much why touts or people who come on here selling picks get attacked. A lifetime contract. geez.

We were busting your balls about c-man and the tout stuff, but that is OK if you really want to help people or prove your system works, just post your plays in the Baseball forum. If you are legit, you will get the kudos you deserve.

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