Quick Vote
A) As discussed in the thread
1st) 60% $ 3,900
2nd) 20% $ 1,300
last unbeaten) 20% $ 1,300
B) More to first place
1st) $ 5,000
2nd) $ 500
last unbeaten) $ 1,000
I'm not sure what the payouts were last year, but I'm pretty sure the last unbeaten was worth $ 1,000 (that's the person that would win a one strike contest)
and since we've (I've) been talking about a 2nd place payout throughout this thread with no exceptions until now, I don't think we should go to zero for 2nd place at this point
and the first place winner could very well still win $ 6,000 (out of $ 6,500)
if all the remaining contestants want to make it winner take all at any point, let them have a unanimous vote to do so then