5 star bomb


New member
Aug 22, 2005
wow dseth, props to you, you can clear $ 100 bucks quickly, lol. brothers wedding, internet down, payment arrangement frustrations, haha.

if i owe someone 5 dimes they will get it before they even ask for it/expect it. if i owe you a hundred youll just have to wait until i bump into you, i aint driving out to meet someone even if its the bank/post office for hundred bucks, not worth my time and if you call me on it you lose major style points with me and i'll never have any business with you again.

ask yourselves why all of you are doing business with guys in different areas? if you dont have anyone local to get busy with than you have no clout or respect.

TTP call his ass out, dude was shucking and jiving for a few extra weeks to pay you.

The examples are nothing alike - My situation had nothing to do with my financial position, it was solely a logistical matter with not actually being able to make any sort of financial transaction (that would have accommodated you, which ended up not working out) for a somewhat prolonged period of time. Yours has to do with not having the funds available to actually pay these people. My only real crime was my being unable to communicate when I was at my brother's wedding.

Regardless, your attempting to use our transaction as an example is bullshit in my mind, even if it was just the mention of a 'well-known poster.'

And despite your situation, you're still betting (and betting 'large' units) online, and having success - which is what prompted Gyno to make a comment to begin with - that's why Gyno made those comments.

TTP - post #4 - forgive me if I view that as critical. Don't know it's cool of him to 'not call me out' for shit that I don't think I can realistically be called out for. I pay my debts and, barring difficult circumstances (such as ours) I pay promptly, and others on here can vouch for that, and for much greater sums of money than $100.

New member
Aug 22, 2005
haha, this is too funny, thanks skins for getting you guys business out there, lol. fucking degenerates. a hundred dolars ire transfers and shit hahaha. what did you hit a 10$ 4 team par and cash out., lol,

Dsethi meant as no harm no foul

If you read my post we didnt care cause we knew you were not a stiff.

But the reality is no matter what the situation is it took about a month.

My point is shit happens. Who gives a fuck. I would bet with you again in a plug minute.

If Bomb has been keeping in touch with him and he isnt in desperate need of the 50 I think I would have given it a little longer than to call him out is all.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Let me say for the record you haven't been honest with me.

Don't hold out on us. Details.

And burn_in_hell_atta, why are you STILL stalking my brother and I? This is sick. Seriously, you are a e-stalker. Get help, for the 95349825295th time.

And if one of those guys had asked Dsethi for his $100 right away, they would've gotten it. But they didn't. So your criticism doesn't even make sense. Learn.

You are a miserable fuck. Stop stalking people online. Move on with your life. I'll even suggest a better way for you to spend your time: 7th grade English class. You're welcome.

New member
Aug 22, 2005
who made you the authority to call out stiffs on this board?
okay, im a stiff what the fuck you gonna do about it huh? boy do i wish you would let me dial up you and ya brothers service, i wouldnt pay you a single penny and it wouldnt be becaus i dont have the money, that would be your punishment for doing what youre doing without permission..
memo to skinsraj: this business isnt run by guys like you, this business is run by guys that have the power and the audacity to drive down to your place of employment and give you a dirty fucking beating on principle..

now carry on with your righteous cause to expose all the deadbeats on the rx board, carry on

Don't hold out on us. Details.

And burn_in_hell_atta, why are you STILL stalking my brother and I? This is sick. Seriously, you are a e-stalker. Get help, for the 95349825295th time.

And if one of those guys had asked Dsethi for his $100 right away, they would've gotten it. But they didn't. So your criticism doesn't even make sense. Learn.

You are a miserable fuck. Stop stalking people online. Move on with your life. I'll even suggest a better way for you to spend your time: 7th grade English class. You're welcome.

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
Reminding everyone and myself of an extremely dark period in my life to attempt validate yourself shows what kind of person you are. Why do you keep saying I'm that I'm trippin? I never mentioned what happened to anyone nor have I been harping you for the money.

I was cool with you bro but I could give 2 shits if it was a "dark" period in your life. If you want to play that game then fuck you fa,ggot. You are now going to be the last person paid. I am going to take care of prodigy, patsfan, and once they are taken care of you will get your money...

Rx. Junior
Jun 24, 2005
I was cool with you bro but I could give 2 shits if it was a "dark" period in your life. If you want to play that game then fuck you fa,ggot. You are now going to be the last person paid. I am going to take care of prodigy, patsfan, and once they are taken care of you will get your money...

you're a pussy

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
Don't hold out on us. Details.

And burn_in_hell_atta, why are you STILL stalking my brother and I? This is sick. Seriously, you are a e-stalker. Get help, for the 95349825295th time.

And if one of those guys had asked Dsethi for his $100 right away, they would've gotten it. But they didn't. So your criticism doesn't even make sense. Learn.

You are a miserable fuck. Stop stalking people online. Move on with your life. I'll even suggest a better way for you to spend your time: 7th grade English class. You're welcome.

Im not sure why you and your brother want to continue this thread as we said we didnt feel he stiffed or would ever be a stiff but the facts are the facts and you saying if we would have asked for it he would have payed quicker. Come on man:ohno:

It just would be nice if one time either one of you looked at a situation and someone else was right. The situations are exactly the same. Your brother good guy and not a stiff,5 star bomb good guy and not a stiff.

Circumstances made it so it both took them a few weeks to pay.Im not sure why you would think moving is a reason for a 3 week later payment when your brother was on the computer to email and post. Doesnt take to long to get on paypal. And there is the thing called good old fashioned regular mail.

The reality is this. He was either caught up in the move and payment was not important or he was short on funds due to the moving and need a few weeks to catch up. Its either one or the other.

Either way it is what it is and we knew he was good for it and never brought it up. So just once Skins and D maybe just look at the other side as no one was out to get you in this thread but the one who started this thread was out to get 5Star and it blew up...

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
who made you the authority to call out stiffs on this board?
okay, im a stiff what the fuck you gonna do about it huh? boy do i wish you would let me dial up you and ya brothers service, i wouldnt pay you a single penny and it wouldnt be becaus i dont have the money, that would be your punishment for doing what youre doing without permission..
memo to skinsraj: this business isnt run by guys like you, this business is run by guys that have the power and the audacity to drive down to your place of employment and give you a dirty fucking beating on principle..

now carry on with your righteous cause to expose all the deadbeats on the rx board, carry on

Hey drunky, quit your incoherent rambling. Use the time on something more productive, like therapy.

New member
Aug 22, 2005
TTP - Accurate post, you didnt call anyone a stiff or anything just said it took a month to get paid thats all, you said it matter of factly. of course Dseth gets all bitchy and says it was only 3 weeks not a month,haha. wow so stand up by seth, he wants style points for saying that was him you were refering to when you mentioned well known poster.

Dseth who prides himself on being so on point and stand up, all of a sudden is in a whirlwind over his move and his brothers wedding and his internet being down as if he had ZERO access to the internet and had no headsup about the wedding, move etc..

dseth, plan ahead nigga. stop being a defensive **** and a know it all. i am not impressed by your higher education and i have met many many software programmers and what not. ive met tons of sanjays in my time and many patels to boot, you act like such a bad ass yet you make 3 lame ass excuses why you cant pay someone 100 bucks. Meanwhile that dickface brother of yours is trying to call people out and stir up shit and as soon as your referneced (not even by name) you get major defensive. time to pay 100 bucks and youre all thrown for a loop over the payment process of all things, that supposedly took you a week to sort out. if you and youre brother wernt such hard asses i wouldnt even care, all the two of you do is act like badasses and fuck with people for the tiniest transgression... please let me dial into your credit shop , i'll fly to sanfran and hand my plays in to you on note paper and you can come collect from me at my room at the marriott.

Im not sure why you and your brother want to continue this thread as we said we didnt feel he stiffed or would ever be a stiff but the facts are the facts and you saying if we would have asked for it he would have payed quicker. Come on man:ohno:

It just would be nice if one time either one of you looked at a situation and someone else was right. The situations are exactly the same. Your brother good guy and not a stiff,5 star bomb good guy and not a stiff.

Circumstances made it so it both took them a few weeks to pay.Im not sure why you would think moving is a reason for a 3 week later payment when your brother was on the computer to email and post. Doesnt take to long to get on paypal. And there is the thing called good old fashioned regular mail.

The reality is this. He was either caught up in the move and payment was not important or he was short on funds due to the moving and need a few weeks to catch up. Its either one or the other.

Either way it is what it is and we knew he was good for it and never brought it up. So just once Skins and D maybe just look at the other side as no one was out to get you in this thread but the one who started this thread was out to get 5Star and it blew up...
Jan 19, 2006
I was cool with you bro but I could give 2 shits if it was a "dark" period in your life. If you want to play that game then fuck you fa,ggot. You are now going to be the last person paid. I am going to take care of prodigy, patsfan, and once they are taken care of you will get your money...

Glad you made this post cause I've been getting the feeling you are no good, but after this post I'm more than convinced.

You "were" cool with me? What the hell did I do to you?

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Dsethi, I think that's the most text you have ever had in a post. Looks to be a personal best.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
but the facts are the facts and you saying if we would have asked for it he would have payed quicker. Come on man:ohno:

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. And I'm not sure what you're having difficulty understanding. Let me try to be more clear, though:

D could've paid quicker and was ready to within that first week after paypal cleared because HE HAD THE MONEY.

5 star bomb, if asked to pay right now, could not pay because HE DOESN'T HAVE THE MONEY.

I didn't bash 5 star bomb or call him a stiff. I asked what happened because somebody was calling him out. And then I wanted to hear what gyno had to say about the matter. If you have a problem with that, then I don't know what to tell you. I understand that you're trying to get everyone off 5 star's back because he's a nice guy and isn't a stiff, but that doesn't make me the bad guy for wondering what happened. And as for admitting that someone else is right, I have no problem with that. Just show me where I was wrong and I'll gladly do so.

And I have no problem with 5 star. I think he's a nice guy and isn't a stiff. But does that mean I can't ask questions and have a conversation?

But regardless, I hope you now understand how the two situations aren't even remotely similar. Two people being nice guys doesn't make their actions or situations similar.

I don't know how much clearer I can be, so I hope you got it this time. If after reading D's and my posts you still don't, then god help you, because I'm out of ideas. GL.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Glad you made this post cause I've been getting the feeling you are no good, but after this post I'm more than convinced.

You "were" cool with me? What the hell did I do to you?
It's nothing personal, he still wants to sleep with you.

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
Glad you made this post cause I've been getting the feeling you are no good, but after this post I'm more than convinced.

You "were" cool with me? What the hell did I do to you?

I just emailed you today dip shit telling you that as long as I get paid tomorrow from someone who owes me money that I will be sending you the money. It has been 2 1/2 weeks bro not a year like you and your little scam artist scheme to get people to use you as referral and split the money that you didnt send to them. I could give 2 fukks if it was a "rough" time in your life. Its a "rough" time in my life right now too you fukkin clown. Do you need me to bump the gyno scam artist thread for a fresh reminder on your bullshit past? Listen up bro I would NEVER take a year to pay someone EVER... I think its so funny how worked up your getting over this and its been 18 days or so... you must need that $50 spot pretty bad

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
TTP that's not true at all.

1) You weren't even the one to get in touch with me even though I requested that you all shoot me an email - 5 star was the one that coordinated.
2) The first week or so was spent coordinating how 5 star wanted to get paid - clearly you didn't give a shit what happened, I was working with him, I was the one that wanted to paypal in the first place which is what we did.
3) When we did paypal, it took 3 days to clear funds because I never use paypal - this was easily explained.
4) I made the majority of whatever few posts and emails I made over my phone - that's documented as well in the emails.
5) If 5 star had wanted payment period, I was able to do paypal immediately - his wanting to be paid by a book was what caused the initial delay while we looked into that option, during this whole time you didn't get in touch once but were apparently coordinating with 5 star.
6) When you emailed me, I didn't even fucking know who it was, I had to verify through the mods that the email address was yours, if you've been around the board lately you'd remember that one thread about the guy who got fucked because someone pretending to be me emailed.
7) You didn't email me until 2 weeks after the bet officially ended - what am I supposed to do, paypal to timetopay@therx.com?
8) If 5star had agreed to do paypal in the first place instead of wanting money at various books, this would have been settled much sooner - having to wait for correspondence from the Greek, then from correspondence from 5star, then getting home from work when the manager at Greek wasn't on shift, what am I supposed to do? Call Wally from the Greek at his home?

Yes I was caught up on my move - but you act like that is the sole reason your payment was delayed - refer to my earlier posts for the other reasons which are understandable - not to mention the difficulties presented by the two people I was supposed to pay, which are outlined in this email.

If you both had said "hey let's do paypal" then it would have taken 5 days max because all I would have had to do is go to paypal.com and request funds to be added. Instead, having to go through the runaround of dealing with 5star, the Greek, on top of being out of town for my brother's wedding for almost a week, and time adds up.

Circumstances absolutely not the same as 5star's. I had the money, I was TRYING to get you the money as soon as possible, and then apologized for being inaccessible for a week when I was gone.

Ask TTinco how long it took me to get him a much larger sum of money a few weeks ago. It took a perfect storm on my end for you all to get money 3 weeks after the bet was over. That and you deciding to wait 2 weeks to get in touch instead of talking through 5star, and 5star wanting to explore payment via books (which I didn't have any problem trying to accommodate).

So I get shat on for trying to be a nice guy and accommodate him, then unfortunately having the busiest and most hectic period of the past year of my life occur when both of you finally got your act together.

Only thing I'm regretting now is that I apologized for the delay - now that I revisit the whole ordeal and look through the correspondences, it was you two that caused the massive initial delay, not me. I guess my only apology is that I couldn't get your money to the both of you a.s.a.p. when you two got your act together.

Thanks guys, appreciate it

Dsethi sorry for even bringing you into this... even though your the 1 who brought yourself into it since me or ttp never mentioned names. I wasnt mad at all dude about taking 3 weeks or whatever it was, I trusted you and knew you werent a low life piece of shit stiff... I do remember the money situation and said it would be easier if it was a book bc at that time I wanted to deposit at a couple other books anyway and I hardly ever use paypal but that shit is the past and theres no reason for it to even come up since it only took 3-4 weeks and I got paid so who gives a shit. Let it go we werent accusing you of any wrong doing. I know you guys are saing its different bc you had money and i dont but when I made these bets it was a while back and I assumed I would have gotten my money from selling my townhouse by now but wow was I wrong...I didnt realize how long it took for a loan to get approved. Its been taking forever.

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
Guess we can move onto the issue between Gyno and 5starbomb then. Maybe we can ask WVU to delete the parts of the thread that had to do with me and say he meant to bring them to the board room and accidentally deleted


Ive said all along it was 0 problem with me and i knew you were good for it.

Just think Bomb is a good kid. Sometimes corny but good guy. Lets let him and Gyno fight it out.

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