You say I am not more of a man than a mouse, I am not quite sure what you mean, unless you are saying I am more of a mouse than a man, is that the case? Then you say by going along with these bigots and by not condoning their actions makes me a party to the party. Again your words are confusing. As far as you being mentioned in the same sentence as my new band of bigots, I can only say they are people on the internet who I have never laid eyes on, but if they are mine, then I quess they are mine. Let me remind you of something, you know exactly where to find me, so don't be bashful. By the way, I am not Mel. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill and obviously do not understand that no one takes this stuff serious. You came on here solicting busniness, now you see something you don't like and start to threaten people. This forum is like television if you don't like what is on turn, then the channel. Like I said you know exactly where to find me, I am not the hiding type. As for links to anyone else who participates in this forum, I have'nt the foggiest idea, why dont you ask them yourself. I really feel sorry for your wife, who has always been a perfect lady in any dealings I have had with her. Jerry I don't know what has imbittered you, I have an idea, but am not sure, but I hope you can learn to relax and live and let live. Not much more for me to say. Have a nice life yourself.