Been in those shoes. Back to back on Sunday NFL, in fact had one in NFL almost every week now. I could put them in my book 1001 Bad Beats. I am on the second edition already. It is like when you are running the marathon, and you are the only one to step in the gopher hole, and fall promptly on your face. You get up, dust yourself off and keep running. Or you lay on the ground for sympathy. Depends on your mental makeup. To be honest, most bad beats do not bother me too much, or very long, even in bunches, because I feel I did the best I could, was in position to win, and crapped out. Much more bothersome to me is when I go icy, losing by 4 td's, or 20+ points in hoops. That will get you to wonder if you are due for some time off.
Eastern cultures believe in balance, harmony. When things are going badly, I try to do a act of benevolence. Maybe a stranger, an associate. I will donate to a charity, children's home, or my favorite, teenage pregnancies. Help two for one there. To me, it lifts me up, reenergizes my spirits and I get back in the marathon, with renewed vigor. It balances the negativity from the bad beats. You know...I may have got jobbed with 4 bad beats in 48 hours, but I just helped out some kids in need. And that was warm and fuzzy. The only time that has not worked was a nasty DFish shot with .2 seconds left. But that was due to many extraordinary factors.
Things will change, the worm will turn, it always does. Have to get back to the screen, I am sure you will have a gem or two in the NFL.
Best Wishes...OF:howdy: