whetehr he placed the bet or not....i looked in this thread, and other than the flamboyancy of his pick, and amount wagered...this guyw asnt a prick at all.......THERX.COM has to take along hard look at itself, some of u post jokingly, but for the most part...THIS BOARD IS FULL OF INTERNET COWARDS AND HATERS WHO assume the worst until proven otherwise.....seriously, u guys who come and hate are a bunch of low life fagots.....u actually take the energy to go into threads and hate on others or wish bad.....I used to bet between 500-10,000$ on sports in my life, and the last year has been bad for me (life and relationship wise, not sportsbetting)...its completely possible he did bet this game for 38k.....but u know what, if he didnt, so what?
I mean what are u guys, air dominators? u consider yourselves the king of all air? Most of u wouldnt make this bet, so u hate on him cause he does.......he posted like 4 or 5 times out of 40 .........I hate all of u fucking small timers who just HATE HATE HATE, AND I HAVE 100% ZERO TO DO WITH THIS 68 POST HAVING PDMASON...JUST FED UP WITH U RETARDS THAT RUINED THIS MESSAGE BOARD