well boys, looks like I will finally get to meet you losers. I cant wait for this trip. Its official that i am going to be there. Cant wait to sit there with a bunch of degenerate gamblers. Its going to be one helluva weekend meeting these guys.
Shrink, did you get my email yesterday? Those rooms look nice. I want a king size bed, not 2 double beds. I am a big boy who sleeps very bad and i toss and turn a lot too. i need my space. i have it all planned out nicely. after the weekend, i am heading to LA and watch the Dodgers and Marlins play at Chavez Revine and eat a famous Dodger Dog while seeing the defending world champs. Going to be a helluva trip boys.. Can wait to finally meet these guys. I just hope i dont meet anyone i know from montreal, or any relatives there. I dont want to have to explain to them what i am doing there with 200 of the biggest gambling degenerates in North America. I have my reputation to save here. i cannot be seen with these degenerates.
so put me in coach.. i am ready to play,.today..
i am officially in boys.. should be great.
now that it is free the room, over under of people that will be showing up
147.5 ov -120
147.5 un even