You morons need another round of attention? Still starting threads here. LOL... LOL . How may threads make you guys happy? keep going...LOL
You guys are all sick memtal patients. I won12K in MLB playoffs and your numbers are way off. Dont forget the Huge College winning season and NFL wins and playoffs and the 6-1 superbowl record that won 5700.00 all in one game....LOL. Now that you got your 3 minutes of attention, go fuck your self.LOL L2 has his toung ready to lick your assloes.LOLLOLOLOLO
When you can post plays in any sport and win let us know. The same aliases every time. You have at least 4 alises and Loves2lick assholees, Doc Holliday johnnyvagas and motor city madman are all pure fraude assholes, who never won in any sport. LOL
Enjoy children...
Must be a great life to bash and lie. LOL