2016 US Presidential Election Odds


There's no such thing as leftover crack
Apr 2, 2005
I like Bernie too, but he's got zero shot. He's like the Ron Paul of the left, he'll have passionate supporters but it wont be enough. I like Bernie cause he's more of social democrat, like you see in the Germanic countries in Europe, and not a Progressive democrat like we have here in the states.

I think it's a miscalculation to say Bernie Sanders has zero shot. He's definitely the best value on the board and has the biggest upside (from a wagering standpoint) than any other candidate. His odds are only going to get shorter and I expect at a certain point he'll pull even in the (pre-election) polls with Hillary Clinton. If that happens, he'll probably beat her. Mainly because unlike Hillary (or any republican), you never have to wonder if he's being disingenuous (which will be a significant factor for anyone sitting on the fence). I'm sure many will disagree, but we'll see.

Rand Paul probably wont get past GOP nomination though. He's the only one that's not being funded by a billionaire sugar daddy

I don't think a Republican can win without significant voter suppression or outright theft (which would be done electronically, as opposed to the false narrative of voter impersonation). This brings us to why Rand Paul doesn't have a billionaire benefactor. The Republican party and those with enough money to fund a campaign are heavily tied to the falsehood/scam of voter fraud and that the solution is (narrowly defined) voter ID laws. Rand Paul knows that this scam is about denying ballot access to legitimate voters and he's hinted at exposing the scam to those dumb enough to fall for it. If he actually exposes it, he's finished within the Republican party and he'll be thrown under the bus. The fact that he's hinted at it keeps anyone who might step up and fund him from doing so. He would be a very bad bet and basically the equivalent of throwing money away.

Nov 4, 2009
I already have even money on the Dems......my Rep. friends think they can win against anybody.....

And they are right. I'm astonished that people actually entertain the idea that this country will elect a female president let alone Hillary with all the Clinton Baggage that the Republicans will whine about incessantly. Elizabeth Warren maybe....but she is too smart to fling herself into the dark abyss of a presidential race that could find her, if elected, transformed into a puppet of Big Money PACS and Corporations...

15044 USA gets entombed even more deeply in Jihad thanks to yet another Bush family Servant of Saudi Arabia & The Carlyle Group -1200

Expensive yes but the only sensible play here if one wants to Cash a Ticket in this one.

Could be parlayed with 15102 Hillary Withdraws +189 to make it less costly.

15222 This is a generation of Cowards unwilling to stand up for themselves and create a viable 3rd party, the only hope for escape form this Quagmire albeit a slim hope...-4200 = Mortal Lock.

Nov 4, 2009
Would love to see anyone but Clinton win, but reality is she will win.

You seriously believe The Sheeple are gonna vote democrat again? I think History alone could provide a "Trend" here that would just in itself expose how -ev a belief that is...such as "DEM Voted in after 2 Term DEM" or somesuch...

Republicans have far too much ammunition vs. Clinton Family for her election to be even remotely possible. Just whats at the following link...though I doubt Republicans "Go There" as they've plenty enough ammo to mow down a Clinton without this:


Sep 18, 2006
Dude, I'm hoping Clinton doesn't win, but the money backing her by the corporations etc......make her a solid bet.

Last time I bet on politics was when Bill Clinton won his 1st term.......

I won't be betting this election tho, but I do think she gets in.

I would like to see Rand Paul, Christie or Sanders tho......

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
for me , there is a lot more " Bush baggage " with the Republicans then there is with " Clinton baggage " and its not even close...

Sep 18, 2006
for me , there is a lot more " Bush baggage " with the Republicans then there is with " Clinton baggage " and its not even close...

IMO, Bush has no shot to win because of the heavy baggage he brings from his father & brother.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.......

Nov 4, 2009
Bush Baggage cannot be spoken of though, lest we cause Offense to The Christians.

Who have God on Their side. Are only doing what God wants them to do. Cuz God tells them stuff. I guess.

That aside, an honest discussion of "Bush Baggage" can never happen in this country at least not within our lifetimes because this would have to include an (also honest) discussion of the events of 911, an addressing of facts that suggest Bush Complicity in those events and this country isn't courageous enough to have that discussion.

"Why?" we haven't had that discussion is among the great mysteries of my Life. Suggests to me that their IS an Invisible Old man In The Sky who (for whatever reason) wants Christians and Muslims fighting as if all this planet is in fact is His own personal little Cock-Fighting Ring.

Sep 21, 2004

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