thaks for that info , i'll keep that in mind next sunday.
my memory is kind of in la la land but if i believe that the get out of dodge games b4 the as break have been more unders than overs which i believe is next weekend (check that at well)
pops- for yesterday you have sdg listed as N game, should be a D, LAA is the reverse of that, but also incorrect
changed sdg to day, but left laa as a day as well. i'm still using the 7pm as the cut off. need to see data to change the 6pm from night to day and vice versa. i would be willing to do some sort of a T for twilight games. but if they fall more toward the pattern of either day or night than that is where they should be
Understand with what your getting at- i think my personal bias on this one is the simpler the better- if you want to use 7pm as the cutoff a whole slew of changes are likely needed to the master as currently we have 6.