Due process? I don't care if it was written in 1700 or 2000, it's a positive for all of us.
That sounds great and all....but this scum was a US born citizen. For people to be saying it wouldn't happen if Trump was president is as dumb as dumb gets.
Now Trump is accepting "congrats" on Twitter for being right. How fucking sick is that? This guy was questioned by FBI several times and because are idiotic gun laws.....he could buy all this ammunition with no problem. The fact that nobody sees that as part of the problem is very scary.
Well, we can put people on a no fly list ....so why not a no gun list? I mean, we know this guy was an ISIS piece of shit but because of something written in 1700's....we can't stop him from buying unlimited ammunition. Can't we apply logic to this stuff?
and there is no need for assault weapons. Nobody should own a killing machine that's only function is to kill as many people as quickly as possible.
Due process? I don't care if it was written in 1700 or 2000, it's a positive for all of us.
Nah.....the times are just so different. Something has to be done.....if we know somebody has expressed their allegiance to ISIS.....he becomes the enemy and should lose rights to purchase firearms.
People werent saying it wouldnt have happened if trump was president. You drummed that up yourself. He will acknowledge the threat though and I beleive he will do something about it.
You have to ignore vitter, he speaks of this list as if it's a legal document. He can't explain how someone gets on the list or how someone can get off the list, he chooses not to tell us how a law abiding citizen that's on the list can't be afforded due process. Hes never been to a gun range where 1 person can shoot 1000 rounds in a day, he can't understand the concept that a gun hobbiest, that shoots, will buy ammo in bulk, can vitter explain to use how he would track all those who reload their own ammo? Vitt how would you track people who reload their own ammo?
So if we are keeping records here, Vitter hates the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 14th amendment.
You sir are a true American
Nobody should own a killing machine that's only function is to kill as many people as quickly as possible.
How about we go with your solution....do nothing and let them keep buying ammunition and dealing with this every month or so? You good with that? This is s US citizen who we know supports ISIS.....you good with him being able to buy guns and ammo at will?
i don't care about some gun range weekend warrior dude who needs to feel good by shooting a target.
i can explain it quite simple....if we question a guy 3 times and know he loves ISIS....he gets on a no buy list. How that?