2 Big Plays For Tuesday...........


"Calling All The Shots"
Jan 25, 2005
FULL CARD....11 PLAYS...Will HIT 7 Minimum!

BUFF PICK...............................10 UNITS(1K)

KENT -1................................8 UNITS

S. ILL -4..............................6 UNITS

NOVA -7.............................5 UNITS

NOVA 1st H -3.5...................5 UNITS

PROVIDENCE +4.5..................5 UNITS

DUKE/NC OVER 154..................5 UNITS

TN/KY OVER 151.5..................3 UNITS

SIENA -6.5............................3 UNITS

CREIGHTON 1st H -4...............3 UNITS

MARYLAND -7........................3 UNITS

The Ultramate Professional
Nov 15, 2005
BUFF PICK...............................10 UNITS(1K).... STOLEN FROM ACTION!!

KENT -1................................8 UNITS...STOLEN FROM ACTION...TOO!!

S. ILL -4..............................6 UNITS..STOLEN FROM KAPUSTA!!

NOVA -7.............................5 UNITS

NOVA 1st H -3.5...................5 UNITS

PROVIDENCE +4.5..................5 UNITS

DUKE/NC OVER 154..................5 UNITS

TN/KY OVER 151.5..................3 UNITS

SIENA -6.5............................3 UNITS

CREIGHTON 1st H -4...............3 UNITS

MARYLAND -7........................3 UNITS



New member
Feb 21, 2002
[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 01-12-2006, 12:25 AM   #1 MR. NEWLYWED vbmenu_register("postmenu_2504029", true);  The Ultimate Professional
Join Date: Jan 2005Location: Mason-Dixon LinePosts: 1,586 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] MR. NEWLYWED is Gone On JANUARY 15th...It's OVER.... No, No....I'm not Leaving, but My "Handle," MR. NEWLYWED is!

You see...IThat, January 15th..This Coming Sunday is My One Year Anniversary..w/ My 2nd Wife! The First one didn't Make It This Long!
I just feel like I'm no longer a "NEWLYWED!" Hell, I really feel like I've been w/ "HER" Forever!





Thanks, PHIL (MR. NEWLYWED):suomi:

RX-MANIAC vbmenu_register("postmenu_1299019", true);  RX Member (+300 posts)
Join Date: Sep 2004Posts: 575 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] I know this is The CBB Forum, but This is Where all the Action is right now!
Therefore more Posters ,Who Care, can read it!

--On Monday DEC 8th...I woke up and my mouth was Numb.
--Same thing on Tuesday & Wednesday.
--It felt like I'd had like 20 shots of Novacaine.
--I've had a tooth that's been killing me for 8-10 months that needs an $1800 Root Canal..it didn't even hurt.
--But nothing hurt, so I just let it go.
--I could bite my toungue & not even feel it.
--Then Thursday morning I woke up and as I was Brushing my teeth, I went to spit and it ran down the right side of my mouth. I looked in the mirror & the right side of my mouth was drawn to the right & my right eye was drooping.
--I really looked like JR ROSS(announcer for WWF/WWE...RAW.
--I went on to work, but after work I went to my Doctor. I explained to him that I had to have a straw to drink anything, or it would spill all over my face. The only food that I could taste was a Pickle, or something really sour. In soft drinks only Carbonation or the Fizz...no flavor.
--So I was sent to the Hospital for A CAT SCAN & AN MRI, both with that Hot ASS Contrasy Dye.
--The doctor called me later that night & told me that I'd had a Mini-Facial Stroke.
And that left me with Bells Palsy.
--No Tumors, No Bleeding, No Anuresysms...but I would need to see a Neurologist.
--The Doctor put me on A Strong Steriod..Predisone....I gained 21 LBS in 2.5 weeks.
--After making 20-30 phone calls I finally got an appointment with The Neurologist.
--I went to him on Tuesday. **He said it was a 1 inch Lesion on my Brain, connecting to a nerve and a 5mm retention cyst on my brain, right next to the lesion.** 
--He said Surgery is dangerous...very dangerous and more than likely it will not get any worse, and possible better. 
--I'm starting to get some of my taste buds back & I still feel fine. I've just been really depressed and have a complex about my looks now. And alot of people have noticed. One lady on my mail route said,"Phil, I never new you chewed tobacco", I said I don't. And she kept saying how bad I looked, so I told her the story.....and then she reverted by saying...oh you can't even tell it..It's not noticable, trying to make me feel better. 
--And My Daughter, oh man...She's 6 years old and keeps asking me if I'm going to die. We are real "tight" It's just me & her and has been for the last 5 years! Her Mom...(Biological Mom) lives in Michigan, and hasn't even seen her since she signed over her parental rights when My Daughter was only 13 months old. I'm really MOM & DAD! She keeps telling me that she's praying for me & tells me she loves me 100 times a day!

Anyway, that's all I know for now. But I do look, I'd say 50-60% better than I did. The doctors are just saying take it easy & have no or very little stress in my life.
I'm not doing the surgery to remove it though...way too risky! And I'm only 27 Years Old!

If anyone has or knows someone that's had this condition please share your input!

Thanks & I Love You All-----Please Pray For Me!


MR. NEWLYWED vbmenu_register("postmenu_2522481", true);  The Ultimate Professional
Join Date: Jan 2005Location: Mason-Dixon LinePosts: 1,586 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] --0-- Not a Damn Soul!
I'm The Most Popular Man in Town, and I'm The MailMan!


 02-17-2005, 09:04 PM   #1 MR. NEWLYWED vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784100", true);  The Ultimate Professional
Join Date: Jan 2005Location: Mason-Dixon LinePosts: 1,586 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] 2 Late Night Games.....10-4-1 Since V-DAY $1000....SF +5.5.....This line has jumped around all day long...from +7 to +3, back to +5..+5.5....I'm on it at +5.5....I have them wining by 2 Points! Not playing the $-line, but it is a really strong play +5.5!

$850.....ST. MARY'S -11...........Shouldn't even be close...I see BLOWOUT!

GL & GoodBye.......MR. NEWLYWED[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] 
MR. NEWLYWEDView Public ProfileFind More Posts by MR. NEWLYWED[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 02-17-2005, 09:19 PM   #2 J2 vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784130", true);  RX Senior
Join Date: Feb 2002Posts: 2,591 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] Rx-Maniac:

Good job this week.
Even though you record is really is 8-6-1

I'm sure it was just a mistake[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_online.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] J2View Public ProfileFind More Posts by J2[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 02-17-2005, 09:26 PM   #3 KIDSLICK vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784143", true);  RX Wizard
Join Date: Oct 2002Location: islip terrace long islandPosts: 5,210 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] Quote:Rx-Maniac: 

hmm what would make you think that was him

anyway i thought he passed away...[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_online.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] KIDSLICKView Public ProfileFind More Posts by KIDSLICK[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 02-17-2005, 09:46 PM   #4 J2 vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784176", true);  RX Senior
Join Date: Feb 2002Posts: 2,591 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] Quote:Originally Posted by KIDSLICKhmm what would make you think that was him

anyway i thought he passed away...

Only his handle passed away..

Has been reincarnated several times though[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_online.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] J2View Public ProfileFind More Posts by J2[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 02-17-2005, 11:14 PM   #5 MR. NEWLYWED vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784301", true);  The Ultimate Professional
Join Date: Jan 2005Location: Mason-Dixon LinePosts: 1,586 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] Looking Good @ The Half! Should have taken SF ML..knew it!

J2, who are you man? I haven't ever seen you in here. Are you one of those basher people. I've never seen you post in the forum. Just wondering. Anyway, I'm a recently joined new member. My record stands correct. Believe me. I'm up some cash since Valentine's Day. Record is posted & is correct. Never seen anyone named Maniac in here. Was he really a maniac, crazy or something. 

Good Luck on your plays J2. Oh yeah you are 100%, never lost, b/c you never post!

see you back here after the games![IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] MR. NEWLYWEDView Public ProfileFind More Posts by MR. NEWLYWED[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 02-17-2005, 11:28 PM   #6 KIDSLICK vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784332", true);  RX Wizard
Join Date: Oct 2002Location: islip terrace long islandPosts: 5,210 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] rx-maniac used to post here a long time ago..

he was a good fader ( other side of whatever he takes)[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_online.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] KIDSLICKView Public ProfileFind More Posts by KIDSLICK[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 02-17-2005, 11:33 PM   #7 coconutman vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784342", true);  RX Senior
Join Date: Oct 2004Location: Queens, N.YPosts: 1,946 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] J 2 is from the OGD forum. A top notch forum.[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] coconutmanView Public ProfileFind More Posts by coconutman[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 02-17-2005, 11:38 PM   #8 J2 vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784359", true);  RX Senior
Join Date: Feb 2002Posts: 2,591 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] Your plays since Monday:

Over 140 UNC Greensboro (Win)
Appy State -6 (Win)
Toledo +4 (Win)
1st half New Mexico -2 (push)
1st half Over 53.5 NM (loss)
New Mex - 4 (win)

Over 129 SC/UK (win)
Aus Peay -10.5 (loss)
St Peters -3.5 (win)
SWMS -3.5 (loss)
1st half West Mich -4.5 (loss)
2nd half Aus Peay -8 (win)
2nd half Over 67 UK/SC (win)

Under 124 Pacific (loss)
Fresno State -6 (loss)


I understand your frustrations about being found out. Just make another handle and maybe I wont catch on.[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_online.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] J2View Public ProfileFind More Posts by J2[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 02-17-2005, 11:40 PM   #9 oldirtyku vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784364", true);  JT3 Bird Call - Georgetown to the final 4
Join Date: Dec 2002Location: Washington DCPosts: 2,392 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] J2 - If it is really him Y not just let him be so you can keep on doing what u are doing. No need to scare anyone off.

Ku[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_online.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] oldirtykuView Public ProfileFind More Posts by oldirtyku[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 02-18-2005, 12:29 AM   #10 MR. NEWLYWED vbmenu_register("postmenu_1784447", true);  The Ultimate Professional
Join Date: Jan 2005Location: Mason-Dixon LinePosts: 1,586 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] Ok J2, You are correct, no doubt. I did lose that Fresno & A. Peay the other night. now that I look back. Honest mistake. Thought I hit that A. Peay, b/c I know I hit it BIG in the 2nd half.
Sorry, not trying to post false records.
I posted some plays tonight...I was 8-6-1 going in to tonight...please update my record, hell you keep up w/ it better than I do!

[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 04-21-2005, 09:48 PM   #1 MR. NEWLYWED vbmenu_register("postmenu_1902659", true);  The Ultimate Professional
Join Date: Jan 2005Location: Mason-Dixon LinePosts: 1,586 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] 4 Big Late Plays 10 UNITS......SD -161

10 UNITS........ARZ TEAM TOTAL OVER 3 -120

08 UNITS...........OAKLAND -110

08 UNITS............SD/LA OVER 8.5 -120

ENJOY---------MR. NEWLYWED:suomi:[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] 
MR. NEWLYWEDView Public ProfileFind More Posts by MR. NEWLYWED[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 04-21-2005, 09:53 PM   #2 Intruder vbmenu_register("postmenu_1902668", true);  RX Senior
Join Date: Jan 2002Posts: 2,037 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] Why the name change?

Go back to you're original handle.[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] IntruderView Public ProfileFind More Posts by Intruder[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 04-21-2005, 10:15 PM   #3 MR. NEWLYWED vbmenu_register("postmenu_1902700", true);  The Ultimate Professional
Join Date: Jan 2005Location: Mason-Dixon LinePosts: 1,586 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] Original........... And what was that?

MR. NEWLYWED = Just Got Married[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] MR. NEWLYWEDView Public ProfileFind More Posts by MR. NEWLYWED[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 04-21-2005, 11:03 PM   #4 Intruder vbmenu_register("postmenu_1902777", true);  RX Senior
Join Date: Jan 2002Posts: 2,037 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] The Maniac...... :103631605 

Good luck by the way, hope you get em all[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/IMG]   [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/buttons/quote.gif[/IMG] IntruderView Public ProfileFind More Posts by Intruder[IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/post_old.gif[/IMG] 04-22-2005, 03:56 PM   #5 MR. NEWLYWED vbmenu_register("postmenu_1903900", true);  The Ultimate Professional
Join Date: Jan 2005Location: Mason-Dixon LinePosts: 1,586 [IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/icons/icon1.gif[/IMG] Not Just MANIAC........ --THE RX-MANIAC--

BOL to:suomi: You BUDDY![IMG]http://forum.therx.com/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif[/IMG]

Here's more proof showing that 1. You are Rx-Maniac and 2. You can't keep accurate records yourself


Newlywed and Rx-Maniac: Both named Phil and both are mailmen in SC. That was proof enough but the clincher is the last 2 threads.


Thanks for posting

New member
Nov 7, 2005
:pucking: You are a JOKE.......you sap the intelligence of the forum, better yet you are a smear on the underwear of society..... PLEASE go away!!!!!!!!:realtongu

New member
Oct 20, 2002
J2 said:

You asked me for your record in cbb

here ya go

70-71-3 -45.6 units

J2 i opend this file , on the bottom right hand side
it says

what does that mean, also what would his record be if its was -105 juice thanks


New member
Feb 21, 2002
J2 i opend this file , on the bottom right hand side
it says

what does that mean, also what would his record be if its was -105 juice thanks

<TABLE borderColor=#058f01 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=336 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD width="20%" height=16>
</TD><TD width="20%" height=16>
</TD><TD width="20%" height=16>
</TD><TD width="20%" height=16>
</TD><TD width="20%" height=16>


I don't see what you are looking at? It looks ok to me

I would have to sub out all of the other juice on his plays

I'll have to get back with you on that

New member
Oct 4, 2004
Atleast there are people trying to keep this place clean. Keep up the good job, sometimes the regular posters who care about the place want to keep it clean because they realize all the bullshit that is going on. It's very annoying to see new posters prasing a pathetic scumbag who is a worthless cunt. People like that need to be exposed... keep that shit up.

I'm all about low expectations
Feb 3, 2006
hahahahaha gosh damn I'm bored. LMFAO @ TigerGuy "The Ultramate Professional"...

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