1995 Tax Returns of Idiot Drumpf Leaked

Sep 21, 2004
What a great opportunity for Trump to explain how business works. The reason that losses are deductible is because Congress wants to keep investors' money in play. Someone or group who risked capital, and hits a loss situation, will likely risk it again once they recover. On net, it's good for the economy. Of course, in a debate scenario, especially with the moderator interrupting the pro-business side 15 times, it's hard to explain the nuances of a capitalist economy. You have to sort of dumb it down for the average American, and then use bumper sticker phraseology so as to not lose people.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I agree to some point on this. People who pay some sort of federal tax should be the only ones to vote, the country is in so much debt and has such an entitlement mentality, that I think this would fix many of the problems. Thos who dont put anything into the pot dont care, if you notice, they continually vote for those offering them the most freebies.

Either that or abolish the IRS altogether and fund the govt with a sales tax and tariffs - everyone has skin in the game.

The current tax structure is completely unfair and economically backward strictly for political reasons: Progressivism.

Sep 22, 2007
This is how it should be.

People who don't have skin in the game shouldn't vote. Period.

Want proof? America 20 trillion in debt = Leech Nation

And yes, there is wisdom in ALL their statements.

Obviously, one of the main reasons the Revolutionary War was fought was the principle of "no taxation without representation," and, furthermore, you could argue that the most famous sentence in US history says: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." I don't see anything in there about owning property, which makes the signers who signed the document but had the "no property, no vote" mentality hypocrites and, with 240 years of hindsight, it makes YOU a moron...but, we already KNEW that, didn't we?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Obviously, one of the main reasons the Revolutionary War was fought was the principle of "no taxation without representation," and, furthermore, you could argue that the most famous sentence in US history says: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." I don't see anything in there about owning property, which makes the signers who signed the document but had the "no property, no vote" mentality hypocrites and, with 240 years of hindsight, it makes YOU a moron...but, we already KNEW that, didn't we?

If all men are created equal, we all make choices on how our lives end up, then we all should pay a flat tax of 10-15% regardless. No more tiered taxes, no more some pay nothing, some get refunds, some pay millions/billions... everyone pays a flat percentage. Thats as fair as we can get. And everyone would pay their fair share.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Obviously, one of the main reasons the Revolutionary War was fought was the principle of "no taxation without representation," and, furthermore, you could argue that the most famous sentence in US history says: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." I don't see anything in there about owning property, which makes the signers who signed the document but had the "no property, no vote" mentality hypocrites and, with 240 years of hindsight, it makes YOU a moron...but, we already KNEW that, didn't we?

So if all men are created equal, how come "all men" don't put something into the pot? So much for your 'Progressive' theory of 'equality' :pointer:

Do you not understand how taxing productivity (income taxes, corporate taxes etc.) is not only economically stupid, but a direct impediment to "Pursuing Happiness"?

Of course you favor the status-quo (Mooch Nation) and will always vote for the Party of Handouts while attacking ANYONE who wants America back on the path of Life, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of Happiness" as some racist or something.

Only a 'progressive' would make Trump's tax returns an issue because in their warped world, "paying taxes is Patriotic!" :ohno:

Sep 22, 2007
So if all men are created equal, how come "all men" don't put something into the pot? So much for your 'Progressive' theory of 'equality' :pointer:

Do you not understand how taxing productivity (income taxes, corporate taxes etc.) is not only economically stupid, but a direct impediment to "Pursuing Happiness"?

Of course you favor the status-quo (Mooch Nation) and will always vote for the Party of Handouts while attacking ANYONE who wants America back on the path of Life, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of Happiness" as some racist or something.

Only a 'progressive' would make Trump's tax returns an issue because in their warped world, "paying taxes is Patriotic!" :ohno:

Again, it doesn't say anything about all men putting "something into the pot," that's simply YOUR uniformed opinion. What happens after birth is anybody's guess, that's why all MLB teams won't finish 81-81 today. And, who, exactly, is saying "paying taxes is Patriotic?" What Rump DID say is that our infrastructure is screwed up massively, and he conveniently overlooks is that taxes go toward things like road, bridges, schools, the military, etc, but, apparently HE hasn't "put something into the pot" for close to two decades while going bankrupt 6 times and stiffing people by the truckload. And, like Hillary said, if that makes him "smart," why does that make people who DO pay taxes? Btw, if it's such a brilliant idea, why did he desperately try to keep it hidden, Schmuck? Fortunately, it will all be a moot point by the night of November 8th, and brainless dinosaurs like you can slowly fade out. Btw, I noticed you carefully avoided addressing the slight inconsistency in "no taxation without representation" and your fascistic, no property, no voting stance. Nothing to say, Adolph?

Sep 22, 2007
You have 1,900 posts....700 about me and 600 about Dafinch. Nice life ya got

Total and utter loser, he's almost as bad a another psycho on this site, trying to dig up personal information on posters like he's accomplishing something...

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Total and utter loser, he's almost as bad a another psycho on this site, trying to dig up personal information on posters like he's accomplishing something...

Vtard Nation chimes in.
One shy of your circle jerk.
Hockey helmets and short bus ready for the next trip.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Those wig wearing pricks believed in slavery, and some even believed that if you didn't own property, regardless of your race, you shouldn't be allowed to vote, so, let's not attach wisdom to ALL of their statements.

"All men are created equal" means all men are given the same inalienable rights by their creator, not that all men are created with the exact same skills and talents and can expect to have the same predetermined outcome in life.

But as long as we're on the subject, please explain why people who don't own property should be voting on property-related issues which appear on their ballots.

Sep 22, 2007
Vtard Nation chimes in.
One shy of your circle jerk.
Hockey helmets and short bus ready for the next trip.

Coming up fast on 2000 posts, Dumbo, all of them dumb, and many of them creepy. You still babbling about HRC not having a significant edge in swing states, Genius?

Sep 22, 2007
"All men are created equal" means all men are given the same inalienable rights by their creator, not that all men are created with the exact same skills and talents and can expect to have the same predetermined outcome in life.

But as long as we're on the subject, please explain why people who don't own property should be voting on property-related issues which appear on their ballots.

You should work on your reading skills, Jay Douche, you REALLY should. Wtf said anything about voting on "property-related issues?" Now, why don't you try answering what I really asked, which is, being that our country was founded on the "no taxation without representation" issue, so, how do you reconcile that with your brown shirt stance?

Apr 14, 2006
You should work on your reading skills, Jay Douche, you REALLY should. Wtf said anything about voting on "property-related issues?" Now, why don't you try answering what I really asked, which is, being that our country was founded on the "no taxation without representation" issue, so, how do you reconcile that with your brown shirt stance?


Sep 22, 2007

Do you EVER actually answer a question instead of posting dumb ass videos, you racist, brain dead, blubber bellied, needle dicked schmuck?kth)(&^Loser!@#0Slapping-silly90)):bigfingerazzkick(&^:madasshol:trx-smly0:kissingbb:fckmad:

Apr 14, 2006
Shut up gay wad

Sep 22, 2007
Shut up gay wad
You know what you can do with your "orders," right, Blubber Belly? Do you EVER actually answer a question instead of posting dumb ass videos, you racist, brain dead, blubber bellied, needle dicked schmuck?kth)(&^Loser!@#0Slapping-silly90)):bigfingerazzkick(&^:madasshol:trx-smly0:kissingbb:fckmad:

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Starting in 2010, the Foundation reported on its IRS tax return for three consecutive years that it received no donations from foreign government sources. It wasn’t as if they didn’t know how to report them. In prior years, the Foundation reported tens of millions of dollars in such donations. Then, after Mrs. Clinton resigned as Secretary of State, the Foundation again began accepting donations from foreign governments. Of course, it has now once again pledged to stop accepting them. This time do they mean it? Does Mrs. Clinton?
The Foundation is now worrying over the accuracy of the IRS returns from 2010, 2011 and 2012. Most taxpayers can’t amend that far back, generally being limited to the last three years. Yet the Foundation says it will “re-file when the review is completed.” Refiling does sound responsible, but does it fix everything? It depends. It is clear that the Foundation did accept millions in donations from foreign governments in those years, which overlapped with the time Mrs. Clinton served as Secretary of State.
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And it also seems clear that if there wasn’t any sleight of hand, it sure looks bad. Mistakes happen, and as with other taxpayers, foundations can amend their tax returns.The changes shouldn’t mean any taxes are payable, but the gaffe is disturbing nevertheless. The Foundation has said that the foreign government donations were no secret.
Does that suggest that Mrs. Clinton didn’t mean it when she promised that the Foundation would cease accepting donations from foreign governments? Perhaps there are undeleted emails about this on that private email server. The Foundation downplays the errors, noting that the money was included in the overall revenue figures reported to the IRS. Plus, the dollars from government sources was noted in the organization’s annual audited financial reports, posted on its website.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You should work on your reading skills, Jay Douche, you REALLY should. Wtf said anything about voting on "property-related issues?" Now, why don't you try answering what I really asked, which is, being that our country was founded on the "no taxation without representation" issue, so, how do you reconcile that with your brown shirt stance?

It used to be amusing to watch you embarrass yourself. Now, it's played out and tired.

if you pay the taxes you owe, you should be entitled to the promised representation. Please cite where Donald Trump is out of compliance with paying his taxes and why he shouldn't have representation. If he doesn't owe any taxes because of policies like tax loss carry forward, why the fuck would he voluntarily pay any?

Otherwise, I have no idea wtf you're babbling about...and I surmise you don't either since you just parrot strawman crap you read on DailyKos without even understanding it. You have no idea what carry forward even means or why it would destroy innovativeness and entrepreneurship if it was removed. You should feel fortunate so many people have given you a free education on here for years now. Not surprisingly, you aren't bright enough to let it sink in.

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