You know why it took 3 weeks to "hit" the media? Because the cops just discussed what happened in detail a few days ago. I live a couple miles from where this family lived and to those of us around here this is just a crime. Not a race thing, not a political issue. Its a heinous criminal act. And yeah we have been hearing about how this has gone national which is good if it brings in more money for the family, but fuck off if you think this is racial. This was a kid who was trying to steal and there wasn't a goddamn thing about it that had anything to do with race. Around here we don't have white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods and we don't have racial shit going on except for all the out of town people who want to come around here and start shit. The riots in Denver that happened a few months ago were proven to be provoked by white supremacists driving in from other parts of the state where the dirtbags live and bitch about how we live in Denver.
So all of you that want to make this into something it isn't go fuck yourselves.