Tom Brady is a leader of men who will lead our nation someday. He woukd whip the 2 people running right now for sure . I trudged up the hill to sit on the cold side of Schaffer from the. Day it opened , built for 6 million bucks and done 30 days early. Jim Nance, Plunkett to Vataha , Carl Garret.... The best draft ever, by anyone, when they got Hog Hannah and Mike Haynes....Minnie Mack Herron and Sam Bam Cunningham .the bullshit call against sugarbear Ray Hamilton on snake stabler that put the raiders in the super bowl....then sucking bad, getting good again beating raiders and fins to go get killed by the bears in the super bowl.....sucking again ....then going back to New Orleans to see more number 4 jerseys than a Bobby Orr fan club reunion as the packers special teams did us in. These were the Bledsoe years........and then we pick the kid Brady. I liked him in college cause the team just seemed to come to life with him in there. All of a sudden in preseason Bellichik names him second string. I'm already thinking that maybe Damon Huard should be in there instead of Drew. We had gotten him from the fins cause he mad us look terrible ( Bellichik still does this, Wes walker comes to mind) this can only mean that Brady is awesome. After Lewis bundled Bledsoe....the rest is history. When John Madden said the Pats will run out the click and go to overtime, it was obvious he did not know or understand who Tom Brady was. The drive for the win , with a little help from a fellow east Bostonian , was beautiful. Never a doubt that AV woukd split the uprights. Happiest day of my life. My dad who was a charter season ticket holder passed away a month later, still happy from the win. I met Tom Brady that summer. He was driving the super bowl MVP caddy. "First car I've ever owned, he said. I thanked him for me and my dad, and told him how much it meant to everyone. He couldn't have been more gracious. The man loves football. He wins with class and loses with class. He plays hard every down and doesn't come out. I don't understand how any real football fan could have a problem with him, except that he's not on their sorry ass team.
They em should let the pats wear their old all white uniforms. They were beautious