10 questions to ask bush before the war.


Jan 20, 2002
Invading Iraq will cause more terrorism???

Gee, let me see, on 9/11 the civilians of this country were attacked; this was unprovoked. These people have been trying to commit more acts of terrorism in this country and have succeeded abroad.

If we do nothing, they are still going to try to attack us. How then does attacking Iraq increase the chances of an attack???

We need to do to all radical muslims what the Romans used to do.

ABSOLUTELY OBLITERATE THEM Show them there is no way to win; that they face total destruction. The Romans would pillage a village, steal everything, kill the men, take everyone else as slaves, burn down the village and then salt the fields so that you can't grow for a few generations.

This left a message. Don't FUK with us

These people are going to continue to try and attack us, even if we do nothing.

We are at war with radical ISLAM because they are at war with us; we didn't start the war.

Iraq will be the second example; ask the Taliban.

For those that don't think we are beating Al Quida I strongly disagree.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Kenny B

Great post i've been saying the exact same thing for two months and all i got for my trouble was a bunch of names i wouldn't say in front of my mother.

I am quite frankly sick of some of the people on this forum. One jerk poster named Lander called me a baby killer because i served in the first gulf war. If someone is that stupid there is no point in debating. I'm sure he will come on here and flame me in moments.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>There are a bunch a war hungry posters here who think by the USA obtaining Iraqi oil, it will somehow prevent the USA from being targets of terrorism. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There are other posters here that share your conspiracy theories, General?

I must have missed the "war hungry" guys that shared THAT view.
chonce, i don't know who you are and i'm sure you mean well, in a very uninformed manner.

general, i do feel i know you through correspondences herein, and forgive me, but i just lost one heck of a lot of respect for you sir.

i'd be willing to bet you were mum when we bombed milosevic, but beyond that.

lest we forget things about this bad man:

he practices genocide, or tried to!

he tried to assassinate our president!

he put a $25,000 bounty on any american!

he is directly linked to al queda -- and if you naively want to argue that point we can later. but he did not only condone 9/11 he celebrated the act!

he tests chemical weapons on his own people!

he has ignored the un treaty that he signed ending the war 12 years ago for the past 12 years!

he has made an absolute mockery of the inspections including kicking them out completely!

he kills people who disagree with him!

furthermore, the un:

what a colossal disaster, it was bad in theory, and it's bad in practice. do not kid yourself we are/were the un -- call it arrogant but it is the flat out truth! we provide the money, we provide the security, we provide the force.

and bush went above and beyond, trying to get an uneeded un approval for this war. our war, not the un's war. we did not ask for this -- DO NOT forget he started this -- and we are the direct target NOT the un.
you can stick your head in the sand and hope that if we do nothing, terrorism will just go away, but you really don't need me to tell you how incredibley ridiculous you would look, and how incredibley ineffective it would be -- it's just plain stupid!

furthermore, we are actively still pursuing osama -- we just arrested his #3 man, and are just days away from getting him!

we will deal with them next. but why don't china, russia, so korea, or japan??? i'll tell you why because they rely on us to do these things!

i don't know how, you can, in good conscience, say that we are "arrogant" and whatever...
...do you really believe that we just arbitrarily just pick countries that we do not like and decide to take them over??? we've gone thru painstaking lengths to end this diplomatically. i know you have the right to your opinion (something you would not be allowed to have in iraq, by the way), but it just sickens me that people like you, in this country can be so misguided!

and chonce, for God's sake my friend, become more informed before you speak!!! you think people in iraq live in caves! my God, what is this country coming to???? this war does not scare me, terrorism does not scare me, people like you having the right to vote --THAT SCARES ME.
read, learn, do some work inform yourself --and i highly doubt you will have the same opinion.

sorry if i was harsh -- just frustrated!


first Iraq, then France
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> sorry if i was harsh -- just frustrated!


Dont be. We have been dabating over this stuff for months. We didnt just start today. It's all good. You should hear FatFrank. The opinions herein displayed do not necessarily reflect that of the poster

I still love ya man.
opinions might differ, but your still the best man!

first Iraq, then France

Jan 20, 2002
hansen, very well put.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I was obviously being satirical when I made the comment that the all live in caves. The point is that they do not have the technology to attack our land with any missles.(there missles can only travel a few hundred miles tops) This is common knowledge. Could they threaten us with nerve gas, antrax etc....yes. However,so could many other countries. Are we planning on making pre-emptive strikes on all of them? North Korea, among others are much larger threats.

Please be more psecific as to how I am so blatantly uninformed. You used a million exclamation points and were seemingly trying to insult my intelligence. What did I say that was so incorrect? Other than the cave comment which was satirical as I mentioned, please site examples. IFor the record I spend a great deal of time reading about this stuff. From sources both for, against and nuetral to the cause. I am quite informed, and not willing to only hear one side of the argument.

I agree with all of things you said about saddamm bieng evil. I think he should be disarmed. I just dont think we need to risk the lives of all of these troops to make it happen.

As for your comment about me hoping that terrorism goes away, I do very much. I think bombing the piss out of Irag will prompt more hattred from the eastern part of the world. How do you imagine it will decrease it. Radical terroristic networks are just that...radical, and frightengly commited. Do you really think that they will see us bomb the hell out of Iraq and just say. "Well these americans are just too damn powerful. I Guess we should just stop trying to terrorize them" . I think they will see this as the western way trying to bully the middle east once again, and grow even more angry at us. They are not rational, they are insane. They believe terrorizing whom they consider to be "Evil" a glorious way to please thier god. They will not cease because we bomb iraq. It just doesnt work that way. They(the radical fundamentalist) are not rational.

Anyways, I am sorry that you despise my opinion. That is the way things work sometimes. However, to call me uninformed is just not accurate. (again point out my fallacies, and I will try to see where you make this assumption) I am quite familar with this situation, we just differ greatly on how to solve the root of the problem.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
In response to Iraq being primitive and living in caves. Have you seen their radar and missle launch systems? They were regarded by General Schwartskof (dont know how to spell his name) as sophisticated as any. If we would not have taken them out they would have taken down most of our aircraft!

Another thing you have to remember is that Iraq is a very RICH country, there is a lot of money that flows through there with oil and all that. The leaders have a lot of wealth. This is where I am leading to, with money you can buy anything- anything. ANd countries would sell a nuclear missle to Iraq just so they could point it over here and try to destroy us. They are a threat, they are not primitive.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
This test consists of one (1) multiple-choice Here's a list of the
countries that the U.S. has bombed since the end of World War II,
compiled by historian William Blum:

China: 1945-46
Korea: 1950-53
China: 1950-53
Guatemala: 1954
Indonesia: 1958
Cuba: 1959-60
Guatemala: 1960
Congo: 1964
Peru: 1965
Laos: 1964-73
Vietnam: 1961-73
Cambodia: 1969-70
Guatemala: 1967-69
Grenada: 1983
Libya: 1986
El Salvador: 1980s
Nicaragua: 1980s
Panama: 1989
Iraq: 1991-99
Sudan: 1998
Afghanistan: 1998
Yugoslavia: 1999

QUESTION: In how many of these instances did a democratic
government, respectful of human rights, occur as a direct result?
Choose one of the following:

(a) 0
(b) zero
(c) none

You pass.
Sep 21, 2004
on 9/11 the civilians of this country were attacked; this was unprovoked.

see above post for some history.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Good: why, the scales of hate and bloodlust have fallen from my eyes upon reading your quiz!!! I can now see how futile it is for this current action!!! Thank you!!!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Radio, the comment was directed to the poster who thoughtfully provided the quiz.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jazz, Glad to have helped. BTW, the quiz was not mine, I received it from a few people I know.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
(9) Why have you stopped mentioning the name of the one individual who has been most closely linked to the 9/11 attacks: Osama bin Laden?

We are getting ready to go to War with Iraq, we should focus on that because that is our most serious threat.

Sep 21, 2004
your logic is frightening. It is the most heinous example of Newspeak (a la 1984) that I have read.
A country becomes OUR most serious threat the moment WE decide to invade them?????

Truly amazing...

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