10-1 Baby!!!!! Rotflmao!!!!!!


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Childish confrontational post adding nothing to the spirit of the forum!

Nov 17, 2004
Wow! Anger and homophobia in the same comment. Please tell me you're not a member of the Ku Klux Klan also. What a sad way to be.

Joe_Hallenbeck said:
And then of course we have the comment from a friend of mine that said in the fourth quarter of a game, there's no one he would rather have calling the shots then Tom Brady. Really?! Well actually, after seeing the look on poor Tommy's face in the final 3 minutes of the game tonight, I would contend that Tom Brady is the last QB I'd want on my team. Those eyes were the look of a defeated man. It was apparent there wasn't going to be any magic tonight and I was just smiling knowing full well that he would be the loser.

That is singlehandedly the stupidest comment anyone has ever made here at the Rx. Congratulations!

And I'm not a NE fan and I had Denver yesterday. Also, I thank God everyday I don't live in fagville like you do.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
bodyforlife said:
"Pats gave the game away plus the worst inteference call in NFL history"

Oh my! A Patriots fan crying about a bad call!

Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black :puppy:

sharp post

i remember it like yesterday when they called that tuck play...:nopityA:

Nov 17, 2004
Yeah, these Patriots fans are hilarious. They glorify their team and can't stop crowing until things don't go their way. Can you imagine what would have happened if they did go all the way this year? We'd never hear the end of it. We'd be hearing things like "the greatest of all time", "they walk on water", etc. etc. Bottom line is if you compare this team to the great Superbowl teams of the past, they're not even close. Anyone who thinks this team is better than the Cowboys of the 90's, 49ers of the 80's, or Steelers of the 70's should have their head examined. There just isn't any comparison. Are they a great team? Of course, no team wins 3 Superbowls in 4 years and doesn't deserve that title. But no way should they ever be considered in the same sentence with the above mentioned teams because this team has never been dominate like any of them were (look no further than their Superbowl victories and an objective person would see that). Not to mention that there's a lot more mediocrity in this day and age than there used to be (I think the NFL calls it parity).

sharp post

i remember it like yesterday when they called that tuck play...:nopityA:

Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
sharp post

i remember it like yesterday when they called that tuck play...:nopityA:

that swung the game in the wrong direction no doubt, just as the p.i call did imo.I would of hoped the refs have learned they dont need to be the deciding factors in these games but im always proven wrong.

Not giving excuses and honestly im not sure even if thats not called the patriots would of won.The broncos brought their A game that day.

btw how's everything going with you kid?

I lurk
Sep 29, 2005
"Referee's once again made sure the home team was victorious. I would love to see a game that is decided by the player's and not the girlie referee faggits" -Blaming Refs, Loser 101

"they just made stupid mistakes" -and is there a smart mistake?

"Pats gave the game away plus the worst inteference call in NFL history" Blaming refs: Loser 201 in conjuction with the cliche "gave the game away" umm, right. Good thing Denver decided not to give the W away.

"I didint touch this game, but if they were to play again next week, I would take NE every time." And this is precisely why the NFL doesn't have a best-of-three series in the playoffs.

Quote the losers.
When you lose, take it like a man. Don't make excuses. I've been lurking these forums for a very long time and the cliche excuses crack me up. Your team lost. Period.

Nov 17, 2004

You should have seen it when I got to work today. I had to collect from 5 Patriot fans and not one could just say that their team got beat, fair and square. I've never seen such a bunch of sore losers! Based on some of the comments on this forum and the people at work, I'd have to conclude that Patriot fans are the most classless fans in all of football.

Avondale said:
"Referee's once again made sure the home team was victorious. I would love to see a game that is decided by the player's and not the girlie referee faggits" -Blaming Refs, Loser 101

"they just made stupid mistakes" -and is there a smart mistake?

"Pats gave the game away plus the worst inteference call in NFL history" Blaming refs: Loser 201 in conjuction with the cliche "gave the game away" umm, right. Good thing Denver decided not to give the W away.

"I didint touch this game, but if they were to play again next week, I would take NE every time." And this is precisely why the NFL doesn't have a best-of-three series in the playoffs.

Quote the losers.
When you lose, take it like a man. Don't make excuses. I've been lurking these forums for a very long time and the cliche excuses crack me up. Your team lost. Period.

Nov 17, 2004
Ya know. I was so busy explaining to 5Doors that I wasn't a Niners fan that I didn't realize what an complete fool he was. Uh, can someone tell him that the Niners have won 5 Superbowls. Jesus, what a nutcase!

fivedoorsdown said:
roflmao when do you think san fran will win 3 superbowls:puppy:
never lmao idiot

they got rid of the bay area favorite garcia yup good old bay boy

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