Prior to the covid 19 pandemic there were about 2000 annual cases of malaria in the US due to international travel. In 2003 there were 8 cases of locally transmitted malaria in Palm Beach County, Florida. I'm pretty sure Joe Biden and Bill Gates weren't responsible for those cases.
It is a legitimate question to ask where/how the latest outbreak originated. No one knows for sure yet. One theory is climate change. From the linked article
... but of course, we all know climate change is a liberal hoax... I bet George Soros and the illuminati have been behind it all for decades.
The climate has been changing for 2 billion years, and it's going to continue to change, and you can't stop it
Thinking driving EV's is going to stop climate change is science denying
Thinking domestic policy can stop your "manmade" client change is just as silly. Since we don't control the biggest polluters in the world
Before that, you made a reasonable argument