‘Malaria cases discovered in Florida and Texas for the first local spread in 20 years’


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Prior to the covid 19 pandemic there were about 2000 annual cases of malaria in the US due to international travel. In 2003 there were 8 cases of locally transmitted malaria in Palm Beach County, Florida. I'm pretty sure Joe Biden and Bill Gates weren't responsible for those cases.

It is a legitimate question to ask where/how the latest outbreak originated. No one knows for sure yet. One theory is climate change. From the linked article

... but of course, we all know climate change is a liberal hoax... I bet George Soros and the illuminati have been behind it all for decades. :icon_roll

The climate has been changing for 2 billion years, and it's going to continue to change, and you can't stop it

Thinking driving EV's is going to stop climate change is science denying

Thinking domestic policy can stop your "manmade" client change is just as silly. Since we don't control the biggest polluters in the world

Before that, you made a reasonable argument

Sep 21, 2004
1) Bill Gates company released billions of GMO mosquitoes in Florida & Texas.

2) Malaria now in Florida & Texas for the first time in 20 years.

3) Bill Gates has a malaria vaccine almost ready. What an amazing perfectly timed coincidence!

Hydroxycholorquine is an anti-malarial drug.

No toxic Bill Gates vax needed.

View attachment 71152

Maybe a jury... Scott Peterson aka Parkland School shooting should be hearing this case? It is a circus and nobody tries to fight City Hall.. or cares until it affects them. Then it's too late....

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
C02 is a giver of life. There isn't a cell on this planet that would survive without it.

Yet somehow, somewhere along the line, someone(s) just arbitrarily decided one day to designate it a toxic "pollutant". And just to add insult to injury - because they really DO treat you like you're stupid - you didn't even vote for those someone(s). Just a little private elite club flying around in their private jets you've never heard of and will never be a member of. ?

Oooooo, C02 baaaaaaad! ?

Mineral mining in foreign countries by child slave labor ("Green Energy") gooooooood. ?

Do people even know what the hell they're arguing when they blame "climate change" for every ailment and problem on God's Green Earth? It's kinda like "gender ideology" and "safe and effective": SMU (Shit Made Up).

You know why countries like China are building record number of coal plants and not on board with this hoax? They already have communism and CONTROL of their people... they don't need "climate change" to get them there.

But back to Bill Gates/Big Pharma "vaccines"...

No vaccine on the US vaccination schedule has been through pre license safety testing"


In practice, this means Big Pharma can pretty much grease the skids for any of their products to end up into your blood veins..

Vaccines TRUTH BOMB coming at you in 3,2,1...



Aug 25, 2022
Ah yes, of course..."climate change"

Did you blow out your candles on Greta Thunberg Day (a Rothchild btw) when recently the End of the World came and went once again? 50+ years of documented WRONG predictions on "climate change" say it's a total and complete hoax. A multi-trillion dollar hoax, but a hoax nonetheless.

Do your research where all these hoaxes, scams, multi-billion dollar NGOs, undemocratic organizations and their "problems" they brainwash people with originate. Then follow the money. By the time a politician mentions them in a speech, they're beyond corrupt.

For example, The Club for Rome, a club you're NOT a member of, were the originators of your "climate change" hoax. Betcha didn't know that, did you? I'm sorry, but is there a "climate change" test you can show me to verify this bullshit, like my meat thermometer in my smoker? Of course not, because invisible "problems" like "climate change" nobody - absolutely nobody! - can pin down scientifically are nothing but propaganda.

Many of these charlatans, like Gates, Soros etc., are banned in different countries for different reasons...but that's just not good enough.

They need to HANG for their crimes against humanity.
Fantastic! I was waiting to see how many responses to my post it would take before one of you advocated for killing somebody. You complied on the very first one. Good job, Sherriff!

A part of one post suggesting that one theory on the spread of malaria could be climate change, using a linked source, has you advocating for lynching. The theory could be right or wrong, but getting yourself so upset about a theory that you want to hang people is probably a sign that chilling out a bit wouldn't be a bad idea.

I wish you good luck in all things.:cheers:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Fantastic! I was waiting to see how many responses to my post it would take before one of you advocated for killing somebody. You complied on the very first one. Good job, Sherriff!

A part of one post suggesting that one theory on the spread of malaria could be climate change, using a linked source, has you advocating for lynching. The theory could be right or wrong, but getting yourself so upset about a theory that you want to hang people is probably a sign that chilling out a bit wouldn't be a bad idea.

I wish you good luck in all things.:cheers:
What about the millions of people these western oligarchs and globalist monsters have already killed and injured? No justice for all those innocent lives ruined? Not to mention, all of the govts and agencies they've corrupted beyond repair.

Tribunals. The guilty have two choices - death by hanging or firing squad.

Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican, male, female, black, white, brown, religious and non-believers...I don't care who you are..

Just like Nuremberg, let every man, woman and child bear witness to the gruesome consequences for criminals who relentlessly fuck with people's rights, liberties and health.

The Depopulation Agenda... cooked up schemes from mad Nazi-like Lunatics like Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, George Soros and Bill Gates is no "conspiracy". These Pedophile-Raping Epstein’s Island Despots deserve everything that's coming to them.

Let justice be done though the heavens fall. Only then can America (and the world) reconcile and heal.

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