NY Times: Trump’s Proposal to ‘Take Over’ Gaza Sparks Immediate Rebukes
President Trump’s suggestion was denounced in the Middle East, Washington and beyond. -
Rebuttal By
The Black Pill Brigades and the easily influenced Sunshine Patriots are buzzing like hornets today over what just came out of the recent "meeting" between Commander Trump and Bibi Satanyahoo. . "Mike, Mike! Muh Trump the Zionist is going to evict the Palestinians from Gaza, build hotels for the Kushner family and then give all of Gaza to Bibi Netanyahu!" . (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) . OK. Let's take it from the top, boys and girls, and go back to
First Principles -- Quindergaten, so to speak:
. 1. The Greater Israel "river to river" expansionism project is dead forever.
2. The US will NEVER again fight another war or proxy war for the Shitty Little State.
3. The real Bibi Satanyahoo was executed and "Bidenized" several years ago for his role in 9-11.
4. The "war" in Gaza is a poorly staged "
Wag the Dog" Q op illusion --
utilizing CGI, crisis actors, fake blood and theatrical dust -- calculated to utterly wreck SLS's stature in "the court of world opinion ™."
5. A just and permanent deal for the Palestinian people has already been constructed -- with ZERO input from SLS.
6. Trump despises -- or rather, despised (past tense) -- Bibi Satanyahoo
7. Trump conceals his
Secret War against "our greatest ally" ™ by making empty proclamations of love for SLS and condemnation of "antisemitism."
8. Trump has repeatedly promised good things and a bright future for the Palestinians. . . Now if some of these data points seem too farfetched for some of "youse guys" to accept -- well, that's understandable. After all, truth really is stranger than fiction. But instead of jumping on and off the fast-moving Trump / Q Train so frequently, why not just watch the movie play out before being so quick to betray the HERO who sacrificed most of his Golden Years to save our very lives.
That is no exaggeration! Those of us who would have survived the planned HELL-ON-EARTH 8-year-reign of Madame President Killary would likely now be enduring the early days of Big Mike Obongo's "historic" presidency over the looted out and greatly depopulated Global Province that was once a sovereign nation.
Before jumping off the Trump Train, pause to remember what a horror show our dauntless Commander and the Q Operation saved us from -- and allow at least 48 hours to pass before assessing unexpected moves or announcements.
As for "the Gaza Strip" and its population of 2 million people, understand that SLS blockades, periodic bombings (real ones from years past, that is) and the internal corruption of Hamas officials have rendered those people as mostly poverty-stricken. The infrastructure is badly damaged and, in spite of Gaza's prime seaside location, any foreign investment would be a sure loser. Who the heck would want to do business in or vacation to what had been a perpetual war zone?
With this forgotten context in mind, let us rationally reassess Trump's proposal with logic, not the reactionary "da Jews! da Jews!" emotionalism which Sunshine Patriots are prone to do. . Trump, with the actor "Bibi" standing next to him and scripted to look like a helpless spanked ass forced to go along with Trump's proposal: . "The US will takeover the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too. We will own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs on the site, level the site and get rid of all the destroyed buildings and create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area." .
"There is nothing but death and destruction all over. It's a terrible sight, and it's only going to get worse .... I see a long term ownership position that will bring great stability to that part of the Middle East and even all of the Middle East. This was not a decision made lightly. Everybody I've spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land and developing it -- creating 1000s of jobs with something that will be magnificent. This could be the Riviera of the Middle East." . If Trump seizes Gaza, it means that Israel will NEVER get it (nor its offshore natural gas reserves!). Gaza could become an American Empire Dubai on the Mediterranean. So, why all of the knee-jerk Black Pills? Rest assured that any Palestinians who choose to move out of the current Gaza hellhole as it is being rebuilt will be handsomely compensated -- and surely be the first ones allowed to move back in when Trump's "Riviera of the Middle East" is up and booming. .