HE’S SHOT: Unable to Finish a Coherent Sentence, a Confused Joe Biden Starts Shouting Out of Nowhere in South Carolina


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Joe Biden arrived in South Carolina on Saturday to deliver remarks at a political event at South Carolina’s First in the Nation Dinner in Columbia.

The Democrats previously voted to remove Iowa as its first voting state and replaced it with South Carolina.

Apparently, Iowa is too white.

81-year-old Joe Biden delivered remarks at the South Carolina State Fairgrounds in Columbia and his speech was a total disaster

A confused Joe Biden began screaming out of nowhere as he repeated the “suckers and losers” smear against Trump. President Trump never called veterans “suckers and losers,” however, Joe Biden often repeats the lie and the media carries the water for him.

He is not well.

Biden was unable to form a coherent sentence. He slurred and struggled his way through his remarks.

Biden’s brain completely malfunctioned: “Folks, if I were smart, I’d say thank you and leave.”

He can't seem to pull it together anymore. He was always bad but it's even worse now. Now the incoherence is more and more apparent, as is the out-of-control anger and the slurring.

First, he seemed to blank out for a moment, then said, "Folks... [lengthy pause, mumbles] If were smart, I'd say thank you and leave."

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
He lost the fight with the teleprompter as usual, and I'm not sure he had any idea what he was saying.
"Things this countries have been through have been pretty tough," he slurred. Indeed, that's because of him, but he wouldn't acknowledge that.

He claimed that inflation was coming down, then blamed that on corporations being greedy, not on his overspending. He spoke about "Greedflation" and "Shrinkflation," likely trying to deflect from the obvious problem of Bidenflation. He then asked if they'd read the article about the Snickers bars. 🤪

"America, we're tired of being played for suckers," he shouted. Um, Joe? Yeah, we are, and this is on you, not whoever you want to blame it on this week.

Then it just got scary too, he was so incoherent

This part was even worst where he completely lost it while repeating a debunked hoax about what former President Donald Trump supposedly said about a cemetery visit where American soldiers were buried in France.

A VERY confused Joe Biden starts absolutely SCREAMING as he recounts the recycled "suckers and losers" hoax — slurring the entire way. The man is NOT well.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
"Donald Trump, when he was Commander-in-Chief, refused to visit a cemetery, a U.S. cemetery outside of Paris for fallen American soldiers and he referred to those heroes, and I quote as 'suckers and losers.'" Then Biden lost his mind and started screaming, "He actually said that!! He said that! HOW DARE HE say that! How dare he talk about my son and all [unintelligible] like that."

This has been debunked and no, there's no evidence that "he actually said that." Moreover it's just completely untrue that Trump "refused" to go. He wanted to go but they didn't go because of concerns about weather, as emails revealed.


Jul 14, 2018
They are trying hard as hell to pull the same garbage as they did in 2020. "Don't look at us, look at Trump!!!"
Because they have nothing.

The border has been a mess since Joe said "Surge the border" and then took office. Now election year comes up and the dems put out a bill to fund Ukraine and they say has border language to secure the border. Then they get the media to say "Joe says he will shutdown the border when bill is passed." Republicans are not given any time to read the bill and are told "trust us". When Repubs say they won't pass the bill the dems get the media to say; "Repubs want chaos at the border."
The TRUTH; The bill would allow 1.8 million more to enter the country each year. The bill would give Biden the ability to declare the border is overwhelmed at 5000 or more per day. He then could reduce the number but not a SHUTDOWN. And he doesn't have to.
Biden does not need any new laws to enforce the border. If he is not doing it now why would he do it after he gets the Ukraine money?

Another BIG LIE to Americans.

Jul 14, 2018
Let us see how long it is before they have to put Joe in the basement. He has to vacation 40% of the time just to make it maybe 15 minutes on a stage per week. No way he can campaign for any length of time.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Let us see how long it is before they have to put Joe in the basement. He has to vacation 40% of the time just to make it maybe 15 minutes on a stage per week. No way he can campaign for any length of time.

They don’t even try to hide their intentions

Clown News Network’s Van Jones

“If I were Biden … I would stay hidden,” Jones said. “And I’ll tell you why — he doesn’t inspire confidence. And he’s not a great messenger for himself.

81 million “votes”


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Let us see how long it is before they have to put Joe in the basement. He has to vacation 40% of the time just to make it maybe 15 minutes on a stage per week. No way he can campaign for any length of time.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
He also said this....should be cued up to 15min 12 second


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
"Donald Trump, when he was Commander-in-Chief, refused to visit a cemetery, a U.S. cemetery outside of Paris for fallen American soldiers and he referred to those heroes, and I quote as 'suckers and losers.'" Then Biden lost his mind and started screaming, "He actually said that!! He said that! HOW DARE HE say that! How dare he talk about my son and all [unintelligible] like that."

This has been debunked and no, there's no evidence that "he actually said that." Moreover it's just completely untrue that Trump "refused" to go. He wanted to go but they didn't go because of concerns about weather, as emails revealed.

But on top of losing his mind over yet another false story that media and Democrats like to spread about Trump, notice how he includes his son among the fallen World War II soldiers. His son not only wasn't in World War II, but he didn't fall in battle, he died of cancer. How dare he keep spreading this falsehood suggesting his son died in battle. Or is he so far gone he believes this?

Seriously, he is not well and we are in danger with this man occupying the highest office in the land.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
After the speech, they had Biden change out of the suit and go to a local barbershop. That's part of that new strategy to make him more "relatable," take off the tie, and make him look more like an "everyman."
In the barbershop, he approached a black man who was sitting in the barber's chair and commented on his size.

"If I had you running in front of me when I was playing at Delaware, I could've been an All-American, man," Biden claimed, touching the man's arm and shoulder and pandering away. How incredibly awkward was that?
How about just not doing all the pandering? Try making policies that actually let people prosper rather than strangling them.
He's obsessed with that concept of being an All-American and being a great college football player, although that's just complete fantasy. He even made up stories about his grandfather being an All-American. But it's Joe Biden, who constantly seems to traffic in fantasy.

He could have had anyone run in front of him, but that still wouldn't have made him a better football player.

While he played football as a freshman for part of one semester, he never played on the varsity team. He never even had a starting job on varsity, so it would have been pretty impossible to become an All-American.

His father made him quit football because he had terrible grades.
Delusion about his abilities isn't the only issue there. While we talk a lot about his issues with how he approaches women and girls, including the sniffing, he also has a weird obsession with men's biceps, and he's even touched/squeezed men's biceps before.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
"If I had you running in front of me when I was playing at Delaware, I could've been an All-American, man,"
He's obsessed with that concept of being an All-American and being a great college football player, although that's just complete fantasy. He even made up stories about his grandfather being an All-American. But it's Joe Biden, who constantly seems to traffic in fantasy.

He could have had anyone run in front of him, but that still wouldn't have made him a better football player.

While he played football as a freshman for part of one semester, he never played on the varsity team. He never even had a starting job on varsity, so it would have been pretty impossible to become an All-American.

His father made him quit football

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Weirdo Biden Grabs Man’s Shoulders, Tells Him About Delaware’s “Broiler Chickens”

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Biden confuses presidents of Mexico and Egypt after defending ‘fine’ memory: ‘Hard to watch’

“It seems @POTUS thinks he’s been negotiating with the President of Mexico to allow aid in to Gaza. What a way to show Putin and the world that he is not a demented and incompetent old man.”

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