
Sep 5, 2010
Ok-here we go.

After one week's absence from posting anything in this thread, I have returned.

Before beginning, for those who don't want to read what is going to be a rather lengthy post and want to cut to the chase, I am going to

do that at the outset and then post more for those who want to understand my reasons for this.

The bottom line is that this post will be the last one in this thread FOREVER as well as reading anything posted here as I am transferring

all of my efforts to Twitter/X which I will explain in the second part of this post.

I will effect this change at the end of this post by simply putting sbd on ignore which will mean I don't even see this thread anymore

since he is the one who started it.

For good measure, I will also put the sheriff joe/doctorsuccess on permanent ignore.

That's it for part one.

If the folks who have me on ignore or most likely pretend to have me on ignore keep alluding to me anyway, well then it is up to someone

who reads my posts to let them know that-that is up to you.

Now part 2 for those who are interested:

Beginning in February, although I have been a member of Twitter for much longer, I started to really get involved with the site,

first for the most part reading and then getting involved with tweeting to the point where I am averaging around 20 tweets a day.

Most of my tweets are and have been directed at very significant folks, all of whom are devout Trump lovers, all of whom blow away

in importance and relevance the main contributors here like sheriff joe/doctorsuccess, sbd and Lenbo as well as others who chime

in here who are also staunch Trump supporters and Biden haters!!

The folks to whom I include are the biggie over there include Laura Loomer, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, Kristi Noem, Kari Lake,

Mark Levin, Juanita Broaddrick, Dan Bongino, Charlie Kirk and on occasion Trump himself!!

My biggest ally and buddy over there is Dr. David A Lustig, who thinks and tweets in the same manner that I do.

My tweets are well received and although I don't get anywhere as nearly as many views and likes as the folks coted above, some of whom

have been around since Twitter started, I do get enough to make it worthwhile.

I currently have 51 followers which again pales with the number of those that are in the thousands and who have been around

much longer.

In fact one tweet of mine that follows received over 24 thousand looks which I am going to post now.

Also, keep in mind at Twitter I don't use the posting name of savage1 there but my real name which you will see.

Here you go from a tweet of mine from April 15 which received the 24K plus views and lots of likes!

Paul Saltman

"I read Trump's response several times and at the risk of projecting my opinion onto others and/or reading too much into his response, imo his son's graduation issue is not Trump's real concern here, but rather an excuse to bash the judge and merits of the investigation itself!"

10:24 PM · Apr 15, 2024

A few other things here before I conclude:

One of the big reasons I am transferring all of my energy from here to Twitter/X is that even though both this thread and Twitter

are dominated by Trump Lovers and Biden haters, at X, all of the posts have to deal with reality and not like here attention-seeking

and/or delusional bs!!

I have not seen one tweet at Twitter/X from even the most ardent Trump tweeters love there that has posted once the

laughable shit you see here posted regularly by sheriff joe/doctor success and sbd including Trump's predicted

devolution.the alleged executions of thousands of members of the DS at GITMO(and that what we of them now are actors,

body doubles, holographs, their evil spirs, other kinds of optics, etc.), that hundreds of millions of folks who have been vaccinated

for Covid have already died with hundreds of millions more to follow, that Trump won all 50 states in 2020 and received

90% of the popular vote in so doing and lots non-existent whacko conspiracy nonsense such as 9/11 was an inside job and no planes

hit the Twin Towers, and that it was all optics.

In addition, I never see the other dire predictions(all of which failed) over there that I see here regarding certain dates for this stuff

to happen.

These folks wouldn't dare to post that bs over there because if they did, they know they would be ripped apart by lots of

folks no matter what their political affiliation such as just occurred with Kristi Noem for murdering her puppy!!

In short I have become bored with reading this stuff every day in this hred and thus have decided to graduate to Twitter/X

where the people who tweet feel good about themselves and have enough confidence not to have to resort to stuff like this to

gather attention!!

And for the record, as I have stated before, I believe sheriff joe believes the crap he posts whereas sbd posts most of it to

bring attention to himself and to taunt rather than actually believing it.

That's it and thanks for the ride!!

Good luck, Paul!
We'll be in touch soon.
80 is the new 50.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Ok-here we go.

After one week's absence from posting anything in this thread, I have returned.

Before beginning, for those who don't want to read what is going to be a rather lengthy post and want to cut to the chase, I am going to

do that at the outset and then post more for those who want to understand my reasons for this.

The bottom line is that this post will be the last one in this thread FOREVER as well as reading anything posted here as I am transferring

all of my efforts to Twitter/X which I will explain in the second part of this post.

I will effect this change at the end of this post by simply putting sbd on ignore which will mean I don't even see this thread anymore

since he is the one who started it.

For good measure, I will also put the sheriff joe/doctorsuccess on permanent ignore.

That's it for part one.

If the folks who have me on ignore or most likely pretend to have me on ignore keep alluding to me anyway, well then it is up to someone

who reads my posts to let them know that-that is up to you.

Now part 2 for those who are interested:

Beginning in February, although I have been a member of Twitter for much longer, I started to really get involved with the site,

first for the most part reading and then getting involved with tweeting to the point where I am averaging around 20 tweets a day.

Most of my tweets are and have been directed at very significant folks, all of whom are devout Trump lovers, all of whom blow away

in importance and relevance the main contributors here like sheriff joe/doctorsuccess, sbd and Lenbo as well as others who chime

in here who are also staunch Trump supporters and Biden haters!!

The folks to whom I include are the biggie over there include Laura Loomer, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, Kristi Noem, Kari Lake,

Mark Levin, Juanita Broaddrick, Dan Bongino, Charlie Kirk and on occasion Trump himself!!

My biggest ally and buddy over there is Dr. David A Lustig, who thinks and tweets in the same manner that I do.

My tweets are well received and although I don't get anywhere as nearly as many views and likes as the folks coted above, some of whom

have been around since Twitter started, I do get enough to make it worthwhile.

I currently have 51 followers which again pales with the number of those that are in the thousands and who have been around

much longer.

In fact one tweet of mine that follows received over 24 thousand looks which I am going to post now.

Also, keep in mind at Twitter I don't use the posting name of savage1 there but my real name which you will see.

Here you go from a tweet of mine from April 15 which received the 24K plus views and lots of likes!

Paul Saltman

"I read Trump's response several times and at the risk of projecting my opinion onto others and/or reading too much into his response, imo his son's graduation issue is not Trump's real concern here, but rather an excuse to bash the judge and merits of the investigation itself!"

10:24 PM · Apr 15, 2024

A few other things here before I conclude:

One of the big reasons I am transferring all of my energy from here to Twitter/X is that even though both this thread and Twitter

are dominated by Trump Lovers and Biden haters, at X, all of the posts have to deal with reality and not like here attention-seeking

and/or delusional bs!!

I have not seen one tweet at Twitter/X from even the most ardent Trump tweeters love there that has posted once the

laughable shit you see here posted regularly by sheriff joe/doctor success and sbd including Trump's predicted

devolution.the alleged executions of thousands of members of the DS at GITMO(and that what we of them now are actors,

body doubles, holographs, their evil spirs, other kinds of optics, etc.), that hundreds of millions of folks who have been vaccinated

for Covid have already died with hundreds of millions more to follow, that Trump won all 50 states in 2020 and received

90% of the popular vote in so doing and lots non-existent whacko conspiracy nonsense such as 9/11 was an inside job and no planes

hit the Twin Towers, and that it was all optics.

In addition, I never see the other dire predictions(all of which failed) over there that I see here regarding certain dates for this stuff

to happen.

These folks wouldn't dare to post that bs over there because if they did, they know they would be ripped apart by lots of

folks no matter what their political affiliation such as just occurred with Kristi Noem for murdering her puppy!!

In short I have become bored with reading this stuff every day in this hred and thus have decided to graduate to Twitter/X

where the people who tweet feel good about themselves and have enough confidence not to have to resort to stuff like this to

gather attention!!

And for the record, as I have stated before, I believe sheriff joe believes the crap he posts whereas sbd posts most of it to

bring attention to himself and to taunt rather than actually believing it.

That's it and thanks for the ride!!


Most of my tweets are and have been directed at very significant folks, all of whom are devout Trump lovers, all of whom blow away

in importance and relevance the main contributors here like sheriff joe/doctorsuccess, sbd and Lenbo as well as others who chime

in here who are also staunch Trump supporters and Biden haters!!

The folks to whom I include are the biggie over there include Laura Loomer, Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, Kristi Noem, Kari Lake,

Mark Levin, Juanita Broaddrick, Dan Bongino, Charlie Kirk and on occasion Trump himself!!

Let them know you come heavily armed with some serious DNCNN
knowledge before they decide to engage .


Thanks for the laughs Lightweight

Sep 21, 2004
Good luck, Paul!
We'll be in touch soon.
80 is the new 50.

At 80 it looks like a Savage/Biden would be a great Democratic ticket if Kamala isn't on the ticket....
Aug 17, 2019


This is what happens when you realize you have been misguided by Satan.

And was wrong about everything.


And that your worst nightmare is coming true.

Just like the op said it would.

Sep 12, 2022

View attachment 88824

This is what happens when you realize you have been misguided by Satan.

And was wrong about everything.


And that your worst nightmare is coming true.

Just like the op said it would.

Salvage surrendered?

The world's biggest attention whore, whose entire life revolves around this thread, stopped posting - and nobody noticed because we all have him on Ignore?

Sep 12, 2022
Educating clueless Tards (and contributing to their defeat and surrender!) one important post at a time.


Top immunology expert warns that everyone who got COVID-19 jabs could die within a few years

Other leading experts have made similar warnings, with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a world-class virologist, cautioning that a "massive tsunami" of "death" and "chaos" will hit the vaccinated population. He said that it could collapse hospitals and lead to economic, social and financial chaos.

Bossche believes that people's vaccine-compromised immune systems will lead to a slew of illnesses, and the surge of cancer diagnoses we are seeing now will give way to a more chronic phase that ends with "a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave."

He explained: "The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world..."

He appears to have no doubt that this is in the cards, stating: "It's very strange for me to make such statements, but I'm not hiding it because I'm two hundred percent convinced that it will happen."
Aug 17, 2019
Possible scenario: he came to his senses and realized what a fool he's been.

Rather than admit it, he's "retiring," like certain public officials do, to avoid shame.

Only saw it because skoda responded to wilbur.

We all knew it would happen.

He must have read all the posts exposing the "chosen ones".

Imagine going through your entire life thinking you are a "chosen one" only to learn the "chosen ones" are evil satanists and some of the biggest criminals and terrorists on the planet.

Savage was misguided by Satan the last 4 years, hopefully this drives him back to God.
Aug 17, 2019
Educating clueless Tards (and contributing to their defeat and surrender!) one important post at a time.


Top immunology expert warns that everyone who got COVID-19 jabs could die within a few years

Other leading experts have made similar warnings, with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a world-class virologist, cautioning that a "massive tsunami" of "death" and "chaos" will hit the vaccinated population. He said that it could collapse hospitals and lead to economic, social and financial chaos.

Bossche believes that people's vaccine-compromised immune systems will lead to a slew of illnesses, and the surge of cancer diagnoses we are seeing now will give way to a more chronic phase that ends with "a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave."

He explained: "The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world..."

He appears to have no doubt that this is in the cards, stating: "It's very strange for me to make such statements, but I'm not hiding it because I'm two hundred percent convinced that it will happen."

Exactly what the op stated at the outset of the original RR thread.

It's already happening.

Every single day, every person I encounter is talking about how someone close to them just "died suddenly" or is now very ill with cancer, etc.

It was the most sinister thing ever done to humanity in the history of the planet.

Very very sad.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Educating clueless Tards (and contributing to their defeat and surrender!) one important post at a time.


Top immunology expert warns that everyone who got COVID-19 jabs could die within a few years

Other leading experts have made similar warnings, with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a world-class virologist, cautioning that a "massive tsunami" of "death" and "chaos" will hit the vaccinated population. He said that it could collapse hospitals and lead to economic, social and financial chaos.

Bossche believes that people's vaccine-compromised immune systems will lead to a slew of illnesses, and the surge of cancer diagnoses we are seeing now will give way to a more chronic phase that ends with "a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave."

He explained: "The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world..."

He appears to have no doubt that this is in the cards, stating: "It's very strange for me to make such statements, but I'm not hiding it because I'm two hundred percent convinced that it will happen."
Pretty scary outlook. We're all just going to have to prepare ourselves for what's coming.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A disbarred, serial perjurer walks into a courtroom and asks to take an oath . . . No, seriously, this is not a joke. Michael Cohen will soon appear in a Manhattan courtroom in what is sure to be one of the most bizarre moments in legal history.

Cohen nearly comprises the prosecution’s entire case against former President Donald Trump under a criminal theory that still has many of us baffled. It is not clear what crime Trump was supposedly trying to conceal by making “hush-money” payments to former porn actress Stormy Daniels.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

View attachment 88824

This is what happens when you realize you have been misguided by Satan.

And was wrong about everything.


And that your worst nightmare is coming true.

Just like the op said it would.

Satan was wrong on literally everything, so in that context, savage's O-FER prediction record makes perfect sense.

Again, not a difficult concept to understand.

If you worship Satan and believe his endless lies, you are guaranteed to lose every single time.

Sep 12, 2022
Maybe I'm weird, but I like reading these , at least a couple times each. Can't get enough of it. Hopefully this is just a appetizer and we get some recordings of these executions at some point.
I do too. But there's also a sense of sadness. It's like watching people commit painful suicide before your eyes.

Even with someone as arrogant and stupid as the Queen of Tards (Salvage), it can be sad, watching him destroy his life.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I do too. But there's also a sense of sadness. It's like watching people commit painful suicide before your eyes.

Even with someone as arrogant and stupid as the Queen of Tards (Salvage), it can be sad, watching him destroy his life.
agree. I'd like to have just one person come in here and say that they've been on the wrong side of all of this. It takes a lot to admit you were wrong.. It's never too late.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
agree. I'd like to have just one person come in here and say that they've been on the wrong side of all of this. It takes a lot to admit you were wrong.. It's never too late.
Yet they're all reading 😂😂😂

JAG Sentences Deep State Judge to Hang

By Michael Baxter -May 4, 2024

A three-officer panel at Camp Blaz, Guam, found Fulton County, Georgia, Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee guilty of treason and sentenced him to death by hanging, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

As reported on April 5, JAG investigators enforcing a military arrest warrant apprehended McAffee on April 3 outside the Fulton County courthouse, after which they brought him to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and, later, Camp Blaz. McAfee was at first charged with defrauding the United States of America and election interference, but JAG upgraded the charges to treason after the vitriolic judge admitted during an interrogation that he had preordained President Trump’s guilt.

“I hate Trump. I’ve hated him all my life,” the 34-year-old jurist, who had served just one year on the bench, told JAG investigators. “I dreamed about hurting Trump, and when my chance came, I took it.”

Though inexperienced, the novice judge, an Emory Law School Graduate, should have stayed silent. But his animosity for Trump eclipsed his judgment. It was as though he had a compulsive urge to unburden himself of pent-up rage for the president.

“So, Mr. McAfee, when you were ‘randomly’ assigned the fake racketeering case against President Trump, he was already guilty in your eyes?” the investigator asked.

“He was born guilty,” McAfee said. “And it wasn’t random—I begged for that case.”

“That’s very helpful. Thank you, Mr. McAfee,” said the investigator.

McAfee was returned to his cell, where he remained until Wednesday morning’s tribunal, overseen by Lead Special Trial Counsel Rear Adm. Johnathon T. Stephens.

Representing himself, McAfee in opening remarks talked himself into an early verdict. He said no one and nothing, not even imprisonment, would prevent him from destroying the Trump family. Handcuffed at the defense table, he glared at the panel and said he would topple the Trump empire, building by building, brick by brick, and wouldn’t rest until every Trump supporter was behind bars or dead.

“Then I’ll take care of the people here and this place,” McAfee said.

“Mr. McAfee, I’m told you are of sound mind and know where you are, right?” Admiral Stephens asked.

“I’m in a Kangaroo court in the Banana Republic of Trump, staring at a guy who couldn’t hack it in the real world, couldn’t run a private practice, get a partnership, or sit on a real bench, so he went into the military,” McAfee said.

“Have you ever heard of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Mr. McAfee?” the Admiral asked. “Because you have the worst case I’ve seen, and I’ve seen several.”

“Trump is finished. He’ll be in jail soon, and when he is, your house of cards collapses,” McAfee said.

“It might seem that way, but it only seems that way,” the Admiral said.

“You might as well find me guilty. I’ll never stop hating Trump and I’ll never stop working to demolish everything he stole. He was born guilty, and he’ll be guilty until the day he dies. That’ll be the only word on his gravestone: GUILTY!” McAfee shouted.

The lead panelist, a Marine Corps major, politely interrupted: “Admiral, sir, we don’t have to hear any more. McAfee mocks this court, and we find him guilty of the treason charge. Additionally, we are in agreement he should hang for his crimes.”

Admiral Stephens nodded contemplatively. “I side with these fine officers. Mr. McAfee, you are hereby sentenced to hang for treason against the United States of America.”

His execution is scheduled for May 15.


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