
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks to Lenny for just corroborating that everything I stated in this post is 100% true as he just did it once again!!

In addition he once again demonstrated that he doesn't care about the facts of the case and has now rebuttal to any of the 91 indictments

but being the redneck he is, cares not about trump's guilt but by getting him of the hook by a delay of the trials!!

The GUTTER SLIME he is as well as a coward when he runs away and hidees when I bring up things for which he has not DIRECT

answers as he just showed today!!

Bet you never thought this dog shit case might just be the only one that’s complete by Election Day .

What’s the matter Lightweight ? You don’t like what you heard from the Supreme Court yesterday ? Sounded to me like the DC Court of Appeals got bent over and will have this case sent back down to them to chew on a little longer .

If you were half as smart as you think you are you would know that cases like the ones JackMeOff is trying to hurry through before the election take MUCH more time than what he’s looking for .

Cry harder Lib !

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
JAG Pulls Plug on Klaus Schwab

By Michael Baxter -April 26, 2024

The saga of globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab culminated in his death Wednesday afternoon, after President Donald J. Trump reportedly ordered Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall to “pull the plug,” a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

Schwab, suffering from organ failure and acute Adrenochrome withdrawal, had been on life support since arriving at Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay on April 19, and staff had questioned whether he would recover to be deemed fit to stand trial, a prospect that diminished with each passing hour.

Wednesday evening President Trump telephoned Adm. Crandall to inquire about Schwab’s condition and whether the 86-year-old death-bringer would ever be healthy enough to face a military tribunal for his myriad crimes against humanity. The admiral, our source said, informed Trump that Schwab’s prognosis was bleak and that GITMO’s finest physicians put his odds of recovery at less than 1:150,000.

“Mr. President, if he regains consciousness, it’s unlikely he’ll know who or where he is or what’s going on. He’s a vegetable, Mr. President. A specialist here did suggest a radical therapy that could stimulate him awake, but It’s unethical, immoral, and not something we’d try—at least not without your approval,” the admiral said.

“What is it?” President Trump asked.

“Well, Mr. President, it would mean acquiring and administering Adrenochrome,” the admiral said.

“That’s not happening,” said President Trump authoritatively. “Schwab’s a loser and deserves a tremendous hanging, but no point dragging this out. Pull the plug. It’s my call.”

An hour later, our source said, physicians removed Schwab’s breathing tube; his heart stopped beating, and he flatlined shortly thereafter.

“He’ll be kept on ice like the rest of them,” our source said.


Rot in HELL, Satanic shitbag!


Nov 11, 2007
Thanks to Lenny for just corroborating that everything I stated in this post is 100% true as he just did it once again!!

In addition he once again demonstrated that he doesn't care about the facts of the case and has now rebuttal to any of the 91 indictments

but being the redneck he is, cares not about trump's guilt but by getting him of the hook by a delay of the trials!!

The GUTTER SLIME he is as well as a coward when he runs away and hidees when I bring up things for which he has not DIRECT

answers as he just showed today!!
It looks like this post really got to Lenny with his angry response because he has no real rebuttal to it!!

If you read it, all you see in it as usual is his usual begging the question, poisoning the well and using the "saved by the bell" hopes

that his deity to whom Trump's umbilical cord still remains tied to hiwon't be tried until AFTER the Election meaning that Donny

can and will dismiss all of the charges!!

But then again why should this be shocking because as any objective who has followed Lenny Boy since his started his participation

in this thread, Lenny has ZERO defense for any of the 91 indictments and thus reverts to what he is "good" at, namely

hurling names and insults at those who have the goods in the way of evidence of documentation against his darling. and as stated above

hoping to be "saved by the bell!!"

Also as I have stated before, although Lenny talks big, in essence, he is a COWARD and neither has the courage of his convictions

and is SCARED to say anything that opposes anything that sbd and sheriff joe claims and instead runs away and hides!!

The best example is the multiple times I have questioned him whether he agrees with the above that Trump's devolution

is imminent which we have heard for 39 months as well as whether he agrees with the notion of sheriff joe and sbd

that Trump is and has always been the ACTING CIC!!"

Also and to be fair to Lenny, there are such things as miracles in life, meaning that there will always be hope that if he lives

his life through Trump, that someday overnight he will be transferred from his miserable failed existence to one which he has

always dreamed of money and fame and a person who be respected by others besides some trump dick fellators which

is currently the case.

No more responses of any kind whether they be direct or as is the case here indirect because I don't want to take the chance

that be wallowing with a redneck pig in the gutter too long that I might assimilate some of his characteristics!!

Nov 11, 2007
JAG Pulls Plug on Klaus Schwab

By Michael Baxter -April 26, 2024

The saga of globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab culminated in his death Wednesday afternoon, after President Donald J. Trump reportedly ordered Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall to “pull the plug,” a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

Schwab, suffering from organ failure and acute Adrenochrome withdrawal, had been on life support since arriving at Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay on April 19, and staff had questioned whether he would recover to be deemed fit to stand trial, a prospect that diminished with each passing hour.

Wednesday evening President Trump telephoned Adm. Crandall to inquire about Schwab’s condition and whether the 86-year-old death-bringer would ever be healthy enough to face a military tribunal for his myriad crimes against humanity. The admiral, our source said, informed Trump that Schwab’s prognosis was bleak and that GITMO’s finest physicians put his odds of recovery at less than 1:150,000.

“Mr. President, if he regains consciousness, it’s unlikely he’ll know who or where he is or what’s going on. He’s a vegetable, Mr. President. A specialist here did suggest a radical therapy that could stimulate him awake, but It’s unethical, immoral, and not something we’d try—at least not without your approval,” the admiral said.

“What is it?” President Trump asked.

“Well, Mr. President, it would mean acquiring and administering Adrenochrome,” the admiral said.

“That’s not happening,” said President Trump authoritatively. “Schwab’s a loser and deserves a tremendous hanging, but no point dragging this out. Pull the plug. It’s my call.”

An hour later, our source said, physicians removed Schwab’s breathing tube; his heart stopped beating, and he flatlined shortly thereafter.

“He’ll be kept on ice like the rest of them,” our source said.


Rot in HELL, Satanic shitbag!


Real Raw News – Bias and Credibility​

Real Raw News - Satire - Right Bias


These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are clear that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive. See all Satire sources.
  • Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”
The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.
On 9/24/2021, Politifact published a lengthy investigation into Real Raw News Hangings, guillotines, and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines. According to Politifact, who has fact-checked Real Raw News a dozen times, the satire disclaimer is misleading because it only appears on the About Page. In other words, when their fake stories are shared on social media, the person reading them does not see the disclaimer and may believe the story to be true.
Our policy states that if a site disclaims they are satire, we rate them as satire.

Funded by / Ownership

Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Real Raw News publishes satirical articles for the purpose of either duping conservatives into sharing them on social media or to entertain. We previously listed this source as an extremely right-biased questionable source; however, they now correctly indicate they are satire. Although they disclaim, they are a satire website, many fact-checkers have reviewed their claims (see below). The headlines alone provide ample evidence such as this Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO. This update moves Real Raw News from Questionable to Satire based on proper disclosure that the content is satirical.
It is incredible to us that fact-checkers continue to waste time fact-checking an apparent fake satire website. These fact checks serve as a promotion for the website and expand their reach to a larger audience.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles. (D. Van Zandt 1/6/2021) Updated (03/22/2022)
Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

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Nov 11, 2007
JAG Pulls Plug on Klaus Schwab

By Michael Baxter -April 26, 2024

The saga of globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab culminated in his death Wednesday afternoon, after President Donald J. Trump reportedly ordered Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall to “pull the plug,” a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

Schwab, suffering from organ failure and acute Adrenochrome withdrawal, had been on life support since arriving at Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay on April 19, and staff had questioned whether he would recover to be deemed fit to stand trial, a prospect that diminished with each passing hour.

Wednesday evening President Trump telephoned Adm. Crandall to inquire about Schwab’s condition and whether the 86-year-old death-bringer would ever be healthy enough to face a military tribunal for his myriad crimes against humanity. The admiral, our source said, informed Trump that Schwab’s prognosis was bleak and that GITMO’s finest physicians put his odds of recovery at less than 1:150,000.

“Mr. President, if he regains consciousness, it’s unlikely he’ll know who or where he is or what’s going on. He’s a vegetable, Mr. President. A specialist here did suggest a radical therapy that could stimulate him awake, but It’s unethical, immoral, and not something we’d try—at least not without your approval,” the admiral said.

“What is it?” President Trump asked.

“Well, Mr. President, it would mean acquiring and administering Adrenochrome,” the admiral said.

“That’s not happening,” said President Trump authoritatively. “Schwab’s a loser and deserves a tremendous hanging, but no point dragging this out. Pull the plug. It’s my call.”

An hour later, our source said, physicians removed Schwab’s breathing tube; his heart stopped beating, and he flatlined shortly thereafter.

“He’ll be kept on ice like the rest of them,” our source said.


Rot in HELL, Satanic shitbag!


Fact Check: No evidence World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab is seriously ill in hospital​

By Reuters Fact Check
April 24, 20249:03 AM EDTUpdated 2 days ago

Fact Check logo

Widely shared social media posts, opens new tab suggesting World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, opens new tab is seriously ill in hospital are baseless, according to a spokesperson for the Switzerland-based WEF.
The posts, opens new tab emerged across multiple platforms after an article, opens new tab about Schwab’s health was published by the Weekly Crier website on April 14.
One post on X was viewed more than two million times. The claim was also widely posted on Facebook in the US and the UK.
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But a WEF spokesperson, in an emailed statement to Reuters, denied Schwab was ill at all.
“I can confirm that Professor Schwab is in excellent health and that he has not been to hospital recently,” the spokesperson said on April 23.
“These claims are entirely baseless. Many organisations and individuals are seeing a rise in mis- and disinformation, including the World Economic Forum.”
There are also no credible media reports of Schwab having been hospitalized in April 2024.
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The Weekly Crier, prompted by Reuters’ request to comment, said it had retracted the article. However, despite an apology for the error, the original headline and article were still online, opens new tab at the time of publishing this fact-check.
Reuters has previously addressed other false claims about Schwab, who is a frequent target of conspiracy theories, including statements misattributed to Schwab about U.S. elections and humans who refuse to embrace artificial intelligence.


No evidence. There is no evidence that WEF’s Klaus Schwab was hospitalized in April 2024.
This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work.
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Aug 17, 2019
WARNING, new math coming in.

Market Summary > Trump Media & Technology Group Corp
41.54 USD+3.05 (7.92%)today
Closed: Apr 26, 4:31 PM EDT • Disclaimer
After hours 41.20 −0.34 (0.82%)

View attachment 87288

I started rebuilding my position today at $22.75.

I will continue building at or below these levels.


+83% in just 10 days.

Once again, called to perfection.

Meanwhile, tards having circle jerks over their 5% CDs and fake trials.

Sep 21, 2004
I'll use a Lebron James quote... It's just politics!

Nov 11, 2007
+83% in just 10 days.

Once again, called to perfection.

Meanwhile, tards having circle jerks over their 5% CDs and fake trials.
Hmm-again you posted at the end of the day AFTER THE MARKET CLOSED that you purchased at 22.75 which was right near the low of the

day rather than at much higher prices during the day.\!!

Don't feel bad as lot of scamdicappers do the same thing, namely tell us how they did AFTER the scores go final.

Also, not surprisingly you have maintained right along that djt, formerly, dwac, is and has always been by far your smallest position among

your ALLEGED holdings!!

Can we assume that all of a sudden that it is now your largest holding?? lol

In any case, why should anyone believe you when you like your deity Donald Trump have been documented as being pathological liars

and where you got the money to purchase your ALLEGED holdings as person who has been unemployed at least as since you started the

original thread four years ago!!

Next please!!

Nov 11, 2007
Hard to be robbed when you're no longer here.

Schitt was eliminated long ago.
Hey Lenny-if you are out there, do you agree with sbd that Schiff was eliminated long ago and/or is it a lie or imagination of JEW HATER


If you don't respond, which seems likely based on past history, it will be noted!!

Sep 5, 2010
Another great read.

And alongside it shared CNN anchor Kristen Holmes’ post which read: “Trump spent Wednesday playing golf at his Bedminster club, sources told CNN.”

“Wednesday’s the only weekday court isn’t in for his NY criminal trial. Trump has lamented that trial has kept him off campaign trail,” Holmes added.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Only the ultra low iqanon cult of morons believe the orange encrusted buffoon.


Nov 11, 2007
If I was Lenny, roadreeler or anyone else who doesn't pretend not to read my posts and I didn't agree with sbd that Adam Schiff has been

eliminated and was asked the question, I would very confidently simply say "No I do not agree with this notion as there is no supporting


I would then add that I do agree with him and others regarding Biden's incompetence. etc. and leave it at that!!

Only cowards and/or those who do not have confidence in themselves and have a low self-opinion of themselves would simply not

respond to it and run away and hide!!

Nov 11, 2007
Another great read.

And alongside it shared CNN anchor Kristen Holmes’ post which read: “Trump spent Wednesday playing golf at his Bedminster club, sources told CNN.”

“Wednesday’s the only weekday court isn’t in for his NY criminal trial. Trump has lamented that trial has kept him off campaign trail,” Holmes added.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Only the ultra low iqanon cult of morons believe the orange encrusted buffoon.

At the very least he could have part of the day with Melania two days before her birthday by, well using the appropriate

word of the day, "treating" her with the performance of 100* rated toadstool PECKER!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ever notice Biden's "gaffes" and word salad disasters always make his party look bad, reveal some hidden truth or somehow end up being a backhanded compliment on Trump?


"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.."


His Blue Roof gaffe"


"How many times does Trump have to prove we can't be trusted?" 😂

Amazing, huh?

Now, you would think someone truly senile and mentally shot would just mumble random worthless gibberish...but it's never that. There's always a hidden gem to be extracted.

That's because it takes deliberate SKILL to deliver these zingers.

They are TRYING to SHOW you..

I know, I know..

It's damn near impossible to slooooooowly walk brainwashed and controlled TARDS through the enlightened path of simple observation using logic and reason when their fake fact-chokers and "great reads" always stand ready to lead them off the proverbial cliff.

What makes a good movie?

Great actors!


Nov 11, 2007
Ever notice Biden's "gaffes" and word salad disasters always make his party look bad, reveal some hidden truth or somehow end up being a backhanded compliment on Trump?


"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.."


The Blue Roof "gaffe"


"How many times does Trump have to prove we can't be trusted?" LOL

Amazing, huh?

Now, you would think someone truly senile and mentally shot would just mumble random worthless gibberish...but it's never that. There's always a hidden meaning to be extracted.

That's because it takes deliberate SKILL to deliver these zingers.

I know, I know..

It's damn near impossible to slooooooowly walk brainwashed and controlled TARDS through the enlightened path of simple observation using logic and reason when their fake fact-chokers and "great reads" always stand ready to lead them off the proverbial cliff.

What makes a good movie?

Great actors!

To the trained and experienced observer aka savage1, with the wording and certain phrases, this post appears to

have been assisted in its composition by sbd or the other lutker in this thread who never posts using his own posting name

but rather uses the sheriff joe's/doctorsuccess handle!!

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