
Nov 11, 2007
A very good read.





Shoe/ bible salesman.

Leader of a cult of morons.

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat:
if someone is stupid enough to marry a DOPE like Eric Trump, the limits of incompetence and ignorance are endless!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Aug 17, 2019

Just a reminder that tards are beyond delusional.


Like the op stated in the RR thread, they are going to cheer against God and defend Satan until they end.

And they are.

Many will be jumping soon.

Others will be institutionalized and highly medicated.

"less than 5 months"

It's going to be biblical!


And a great to also remember that savage1 has been wrong 100% of the time!

All documented here and in the RR thread.

That's right - 100%!

Wrong about every single thing!

Imagine spending 3.5+ years in a thread, 24/7, posting non-stop fake news links, fake fact-checkers, fake polls, fake covid world-o-meter numbers and other gibberish non-sense thinking you are "hitting HRs".

Only to find out in the end you were wrong 100% of the time, defending Satan the entire time, and the main clown of the circus!

👆 👆 👆 👆 👆

More than 4 years later and tards STILL haven't figured out they are the clowns of the circus.

The stupid, it burns.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Scoop: Biden changes his walking routine to Marine One​

VIGOR ! :rolleyes:

Send this senile broken down POS packing come November .

President Biden has introduced a change to his White House departure and return routine. Instead of walking across the South Lawn to and from Marine One by himself, he's now often surrounded by aides.

Why it matters: With aides usually walking between Biden and journalists' camera position outside the White House, the visual effect is to draw less attention to the 81-year-old's halting and stiff gait.

Zoom in: Some Biden advisers have told Axios they're concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age.

  • Weeks ago the president told aides that he'd prefer a less formal approach, a White House official told Axios. He suggested that they walk with him.

Nov 11, 2007
To be honest and fair, the more I see of some of these ex-Trump attorneys on CNN, the more I believe that their failures to get the job

to some degree with Trump is not because of their own incompetence but rather because their strategy has to be approved by Trump first,

who of course has no clue how to proceed when it comes to matters like this!!

Sep 5, 2010
Hmmm....Another big nothing burger.





Shoe/bible salesman.

Leader of a cult of morons.

Soon to be convicted felon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed this very good read.





Shoe/bible salesman

Family man.

Leader of a cult of morons.

Soon to be convicted felon.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
To be honest and fair, the more I see of some of these ex-Trump attorneys on CNN, the more I believe that their failures to get the job

to some degree with Trump is not because of their own incompetence but rather because their strategy has to be approved by Trump first,

who of course has no clue how to proceed when it comes to matters like this!!

The more you watch the more you’ll be waiting for one of the hacks on the left to call it a slam dunk case .

The fat POS DA has more people doubting the case than strongly supporting .

But the borderline retard might have found the reason for the strength of the case according to Normy Lawfare Eisen who had a very bad day yestrday.

CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen shared his insight into what Pecker's admission means for the prosecution with CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez

Pecker's testimony today has provided direct proof of Trump's state of mind That's a success for the prosecution, because they must prove Trump's intent to jurors beyond a reasonable doubt."

Sep 12, 2022
My favorite part was "Biden?" telling us

“The guy has never worked a day in the working man’s boots,” Biden said of his likely 2024 opponent before adding: “By the way, he gave me a pair of boots as a gift, by the way.”

This is great!

And look!

Like John McCain, who Trump executed for treason, he's wearing his on the wrong leg!


Is the Queen of Tards wearing a boot?

Sep 12, 2022
👆 👆 👆 👆 👆

More than 4 years later and tards STILL haven't figured out they are the clowns of the circus.

The stupid, it burns.
Yippee! Friday!

Another reminder of the OP's stellar record of being 100% right in all of his predictions and analysis.

And a reminder that the Queen of Tards, and all of her feminine followers, have been 100% wrong.

Actually, the Queen of Tards did take your advice not to take the booster, which saved his life. So I guess he/she did that right.
Sep 12, 2022
Is this what Tards have to look forward to?

I wouldn't want to be in their clown shoes.

The saga of globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab culminated in his death Wednesday afternoon, after President Donald J. Trump reportedly ordered Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall to “pull the plug,” a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

Schwab, suffering from organ failure and acute Adrenochrome withdrawal, had been on life support since arriving at Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay on April 19, and staff had questioned whether he would recover to be deemed fit to stand trial, a prospect that diminished with each passing hour.

Schwab’s all too merciful death came two days after a supposed Red Hat tried to assassinate him in his hospital room. As a brief aside, JAG was critical of RRN’s “sensationalist headline” asserting that Red Hats had “infiltrated” GITMO, for the claim lacks substantive proof. Currently, only the would-be assassin’s dubious admission links him to the Red Hats, whom he could be trying to implicate for reasons unknown. “If he’s really a Red Hat, we’ll find out, but he could be a lone wolf or a clever Deep State plant. The title of your article suggests that GITMO was invaded by an army of Red Hats, but that’s not the case. Please do better,” JAG told us. We will do better going forward.

I digress.

Wednesday evening President Trump telephoned Adm. Crandall to inquire about Schwab’s condition and whether the 86-year-old death-bringer would ever be healthy enough to face a military tribunal for his myriad crimes against humanity. The admiral, our source said, informed Trump that Schwab’s prognosis was bleak and that GITMO’s finest physicians put his odds of recovery at less than 1:150,000.

“Mr. President, if he regains consciousness, it’s unlikely he’ll know who or where he is or what’s going on. He’s a vegetable, Mr. President. A specialist here did suggest a radical therapy that could stimulate him awake, but It’s unethical, immoral, and not something we’d try—at least not without your approval,” the admiral said.

“What is it?” President Trump asked.

“Well, Mr. President, it would mean acquiring and administering Adrenochrome,” the admiral said.

“That’s not happening,” said President Trump authoritatively. “Schwab’s a loser and deserves a tremendous hanging, but no point dragging this out. Pull the plug. It’s my call.”

An hour later, our source said, physicians removed Schwab’s breathing tube; his heart stopped beating, and he flatlined shortly thereafter.

“He’ll be kept on ice like the rest of them,” our source said.

Asked if President Trump and Adm. Crandall discussed the orderly who wanted to liquefy Schwab’s innards with acid, our source said, “They did not. We will figure out his allegiances, then decide where to go from there.”

Nov 11, 2007
The more you watch the more you’ll be waiting for one of the hacks on the left to call it a slam dunk case .

The fat POS DA has more people doubting the case than strongly supporting .

But the borderline retard might have found the reason for the strength of the case according to Normy Lawfare Eisen who had a very bad day yestrday.

CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen shared his insight into what Pecker's admission means for the prosecution with CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez

Pecker's testimony today has provided direct proof of Trump's state of mind That's a success for the prosecution, because they must prove Trump's intent to jurors beyond a reasonable doubt."

As my only post to you today with my one limit a day(which I rarely need) what you stated is more of the same:

1) bashing highly respected people whose intelligence, education, debating and legal experience buries your own

which amounts to ZERO!!

2) Never once in all of the time you have posted here have you ever acknowledged even one thing that Trump did or said

he should not have done, meaning that he should stand as some kind of dignity who no one has the right to criticize about anything

even with documentation.

3) Not responding DIRECTLY to what I said, in this case blaming part of the legal mess that Trump finds himself in at the moment

not on his ex-attorneys(and for that matter the present ones) but on Trump himself for meddling in their strategies.

This is not hearsay and has been stated by some of those attorneys themselves!!

I could go on, but why waste any more time with a reincarnated human condom like yourself who cannot/refuses to see the dark

side of Trump and who conversely clings to him and lives through him vicariously because of the frustrations and disappointment of

his own life and by so doing believes that he can transform his own life into one of instant success, money, power, dominance

and respect!!

Back at you tomorrow at the earliest and if the history of late continues, sometime after that!!

Sep 21, 2004
To be honest and fair, the more I see of some of these ex-Trump attorneys on CNN, the more I believe that their failures to get the job

to some degree with Trump is not because of their own incompetence but rather because their strategy has to be approved by Trump first,

who of course has no clue how to proceed when it comes to matters like this!!
Talk about the truth this Peckerhead is not about what he remembers, it’s about what he was told to say! If I was a juror….. he too me is part of the Fuher….

On Thursday, Pecker testified that at the meeting Trump thanked him for paying to silence a Trump Tower doorman who claimed Trump had fathered a love child. But according to notes from a 2018 FBI interview with Pecker, he told agents that Trump had not thanked him at the Jan. 6 meeting.

Pecker initially suggested that the FBI's notes were wrong, but later during Bove's cross-examination acknowledged that he may have, in fact, told them Trump had not thanked him.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
As my only post to you today with my one limit a day(which I rarely need) what you stated is more of the same:

1) bashing highly respected people whose intelligence, education, debating and legal experience buries your own

which amounts to ZERO!!

2) Never once in all of the time you have posted here have you ever acknowledged even one thing that Trump did or said

he should not have done, meaning that he should stand as some kind of dignity who no one has the right to criticize about anything

even with documentation.

3) Not responding DIRECTLY to what I said, in this case blaming part of the legal mess that Trump finds himself in at the moment

not on his ex-attorneys(and for that matter the present ones) but on Trump himself for meddling in their strategies.

This is not hearsay and has been stated by some of those attorneys themselves!!

I could go on, but why waste any more time with a reincarnated human condom like yourself who cannot/refuses to see the dark

side of Trump and who conversely clings to him and lives through him vicariously because of the frustrations and disappointment of

his own life and by so doing believes that he can transform his own life into one of instant success, money, power, dominance

and respect!!

Back at you tomorrow at the earliest and if the history of late continues, sometime after that!!

The previous DA and the FEC wanted no part lf this dog shit case . Yet this fat POS , another who campaigned on getting Trump felt the need to enter the race for who can get Trump first and make a name for him/her self .

But yeah , it’s Trump that got himself into this mess .

Enjoy the non stop coverage by the warmest and the brightest .

Let us know when one of the “legal experts” point out the felony Fat Alvin is trying to convict Trump on since the statute of limitations on the book keeping misdemeanor has long since expired .

Now run along twerp .

New member
Dec 4, 2022
The previous DA and the FEC wanted no part lf this dog shit case . Yet this fat POS , another who campaigned on getting Trump felt the need to enter the race for who can get Trump first and make a name for him/her self .

But yeah , it’s Trump that got himself into this mess .

Enjoy the non stop coverage by the warmest and the brightest .

Let us know when one of the “legal experts” point out the felony Fat Alvin is trying to convict Trump on since the statute of limitations on the book keeping misdemeanor has long since expired .

Now run along twerp .
Savage gives hand jobs to Crooked Joey. Cut him a break

Nov 11, 2007
Savage gives hand jobs to Crooked Joey. Cut him a break

As an obvious newcomer to this thread, you obviously don't know that many times I have stated that I believe Biden is not a good

POTUS and should not be running in 2024 because of that and his age!!

Hopefully that clears things up!!

Nov 11, 2007
As my only post to you today with my one limit a day(which I rarely need) what you stated is more of the same:

1) bashing highly respected people whose intelligence, education, debating and legal experience buries your own

which amounts to ZERO!!

2) Never once in all of the time you have posted here have you ever acknowledged even one thing that Trump did or said

he should not have done, meaning that he should stand as some kind of dignity who no one has the right to criticize about anything

even with documentation.

3) Not responding DIRECTLY to what I said, in this case blaming part of the legal mess that Trump finds himself in at the moment

not on his ex-attorneys(and for that matter the present ones) but on Trump himself for meddling in their strategies.

This is not hearsay and has been stated by some of those attorneys themselves!!

I could go on, but why waste any more time with a reincarnated human condom like yourself who cannot/refuses to see the dark

side of Trump and who conversely clings to him and lives through him vicariously because of the frustrations and disappointment of

his own life and by so doing believes that he can transform his own life into one of instant success, money, power, dominance

and respect!!

Back at you tomorrow at the earliest and if the history of late continues, sometime after that!!
Thanks to Lenny for just corroborating that everything I stated in this post is 100% true as he just did it once again!!

In addition he once again demonstrated that he doesn't care about the facts of the case and has now rebuttal to any of the 91 indictments

but being the redneck he is, cares not about trump's guilt but by getting him of the hook by a delay of the trials!!

The GUTTER SLIME he is as well as a coward when he runs away and hidees when I bring up things for which he has not DIRECT

answers as he just showed today!!

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