How could it even be a "hate crime" if the guy was gay? Is black on black crime a "hate crime"? face)(*^%
Liberals pretend Islamic terror is the same as local crime. That's why Hussein's revamped politically-correct FBI screwed the pooch on Omar Manteen big time. Oh well, he hasn't committed any crimes, so we'll just stop tracking him. Besides, remember last time when we got a call from "the boss" for tracking one of his Mooslim's too long? Don't want that happening again! ##)
Hussein is going to get us all killed!
Liberals pretend Islamic terror is the same as local crime. That's why Hussein's revamped politically-correct FBI screwed the pooch on Omar Manteen big time. Oh well, he hasn't committed any crimes, so we'll just stop tracking him. Besides, remember last time when we got a call from "the boss" for tracking one of his Mooslim's too long? Don't want that happening again! ##)
Hussein is going to get us all killed!