Are Ace's big plays really grinding. Please. He's on fire with them. His small action plays are just for people who want more plays but his top plays are $$$$$$. To say his information is neither helpful nor hurtful is the stupidest comment EVER posted on this forum.:nono5:
Maybe you haven't heard of my big plays sonny > I make more than he does on his. He thinks that percentage isn't a big deal? Then winning 1% of your bets would not be a big deal? so out of 100 plays... you are banking on him to tell you EXACTLY which one is going to hit to make u money... smart.
I respect ace for what he's done... but he's not the guy you want to tail to the deep-end anymore.
here's what u need to see:
(as copied from his thread)
Action plays .............14-22 -$4671.00
Investment...............12-6 + $12,715.00
Total........................26-28 +$8344.00
(total betting ace-ace flat: -$4,800)
Total of betting me flat: +$13,000
Betting according to my value of plays:
LARGE PLAYS (9-4) +$23,000
MEDIUM PLAYS (7-4) +$7,800
NORMAL PLAYS (19-12) +$5,800
Total of betting my value: +$36,600
Even my non large plays are dominating him. Ace isn't the only good capper in this place... there's a lot of us--OPEN YOUR EYES. I don't bet $1,000/game either. But that seems to be what his units are--so in comparison. I'm twice as good as he is right now.
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