you act like that's a good thing. Wasted 6 years soon to be 8. Worst ever.
first of all, you don't know that and second of all, we know how bad Obama has been. Nice argument hno:It's a GREAT thing compared to the alternatives that were offered. If Insane, War Mongering, McCain had won, we wouldn't be here posting. The world would have been wiped out years ago in the World War he would have caused. That's why I'm very wary of Hillary, among other reasons. She has some McCain war mongering qualities.
]Except Obama hasn't been bad. Just mediocre. B-A-D is the President that proceeded him.
Watch McCain's response to EVERY International situation. It's a pretty educated guess.
McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan could not have possibly been any worse that this guy in office today. Not a chance. Bush was 10 time the president than this dufuss today and he wasn't even very good.
A river in Egypt.
Or a refusal to accept something.
Or both.
That Egyptian claims he is dry, but he is clearly in denial.
It's more than a river it Egypt--it's ignoring the obvious truth that everyone sees but you.
Denial is basically a form of self-dishonesty
Something you go into when something is extremely wrong and you know it but choose not to admit that something is true.
Larry: Hey there Girlfriend
Bob: Im a guy
Larry: like whatever
Bob:You are really gay Larry.
Larry: I am not
Bob: You are in denial
Obama has not had 3000 People killed on his watch, on American soil, by terrorists. Obama didn't send us to war and get another 3000 Plus American kids killed in a war that was based on false premises. Obama did not destabilize the middle east and hand over Iran's enemy, who was a stabilizing force in the Middle east, to Iran. When/If Obama does these things, I'll be right there with you. Oh, but Obama DID get the guy killed who was behind 911, something the prior incompetent was incapable of, and gave up on. It is YOU who is in very serious denial. Keep swimming that river. :toast:
Obama has not had 3000 People killed on his watch, on American soil, by terrorists. Obama didn't send us to war and get another 3000 Plus American kids killed in a war that was based on false premises. Obama did not destabilize the middle east and hand over Iran's enemy, who was a stabilizing force in the Middle east, to Iran. When/If Obama does these things, I'll be right there with you. Oh, but Obama DID get the guy killed who was behind 911, something the prior incompetent was incapable of, and gave up on. It is YOU who is in very serious denial. Keep swimming that river. :toast:
Obama lover
A follower of Barrack Hussein Obama. Someone who blindly follows Obama no mater what he says or does. Most Obama lovers are liberals who reject any valid criticism of Obama, and often refer to his critics as "racists". Obamalovers are often unreasonable and are not able to partake in any discussions that might have negative reflections on Obama.
1) That Obama lover doesn't understand that printing and spending money without the wealth to back it up will cause severe inflation and devalue the dollar.
2)That Obama lover became really upset when I told him that I thought Obama was inexperienced and unqualified to serve as president.
Obama lover
A follower of Barrack Hussein Obama. Someone who blindly follows Obama no mater what he says or does. Most Obama lovers are liberals who reject any valid criticism of Obama, and often refer to his critics as "racists". Obamalovers are often unreasonable and are not able to partake in any discussions that might have negative reflections on Obama.
1) That Obama lover doesn't understand that printing and spending money without the wealth to back it up will cause severe inflation and devalue the dollar.
2)That Obama lover became really upset when I told him that I thought Obama was inexperienced and unqualified to serve as president.
I don't know anyone who posts here that would remotely fit that above description. Are you unable to acknowledge that you are falsely calling people Obama lovers that are anything but, since the moderates and Liberals that regularly post here can and do criticize Obama.
When is that severe inflation coming, BTW? Have heard it since day one of his election. Luckily I didn't listen so I was able to get back all my losses during the "Bush Boom", and have 3 times as much $$$ as when that pathetic failure left office. cheersgif