me, I'm the one he spent day after day calling a racist. He was set off because I was arguing African american basketball players should not let the words of an ignorant old man ruin their dreams. Evidently, only racists can hold such beliefs, and then he tried to use statements like "the inner-city poor put Obama over the top" as proof that I'm racist.
Nobody bit, nobody addressed his accusations, nobody concurred with his accusations, and nobody even asked me to explain something I said (or may have said), but that's not the point. The vile POS wasted a lot of effort trying to paint me a racist, thus he's scum to me. I'll never treat him in any other fashion, because scum is scum.
and Seymour is supposedly worst than me
the only thing I've seen that's even in the same stratosphere would be the guesser trying to accuse Dave of being a terrorist, and / or a terrorist lover.
again, they do have something in common