If that's the funniest shit you have ever read you clearly don't know how to browse the web... You missed BTJ's thread about Yuri and the nigerian that stole his lawnmower, so that right there, makes your whole argument invalid.
So you are mocking me because I love animals and I encourage people to try and abolish this silly tradition of hunting trophy animals for fun? It's cruel and unethical... I mean, I guess I'd give you props for hunting a male lion with a bow and arrow, or even a crossbow... but these cowards killing a BEAUTIFUL animal that keeps the ecologic system balanced with a freaking M13... fuck that shit. Cowards, illiterate serial killers is what they are.
You are speechless? I'm glad, the world frankly needs no more people like you venting positive opinions on murdering animals.
Btj is a character meant to be funny. You are a emo queen thats crying crocodile tears over a lion. I'm not happy the lion was killed or upset. I have much more serious issues to deal with daily than wasting 6 seconds giving a shit about this kind of dumb shit.
"I don't want to live in a world where there are no lions" is the gayest overreaction since "leave Britney alone". I'm sorry it's nothing personal it's just a dumb fucking thing to say