i dont see the cubs being that big of a dawg at all....now mind you, i am a lifelong cub fan, but being from Evansville (mattingly country) i am a slight yankees fan too.....
but first of all, if the cubs clinch tomorrow and the Yanks go 7........
The Cubs would be able to set up their rotation how they want......I believe Prior would pitch game 1, Wood game 2, and Clement game 3....if i am not mistaken isnt the world series played basically every other day? In other words, if the can they will use a 3 man rotation.....And prior would be game 7.........any way u slice it, even if wood goes first, then Prior, i still see the cubs as no more than -140-150 dawgs........
also, the cubs won 2/3 from the Yankees already this year........
and the strongest pitcher in the playoffs so far for the Yankees has been Pettite, and the Cubs hit lefties very well....