

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Just to save the mods the trouble of moving this to the RR I am just going to start the post down here.

XPANDA, you stupid bitch, how did it feel to be betrayed by your jagoff mentor Shrinky? Damn all the crap you did for him and look how he treated you. Now look where your back at the RX and acting like nothing ever happen. YOUR PATHETIC. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY whatsoever. NONE!!!!!

Just keep your drivel in the political forum with all those nut jobs and you will be just fine. I dont think you have the backbone to owe someone and you know damn well who I am talking about a much deserved apology, not that it will do any good. The best part of the whole situation is that what you 2 clowns tried to do worked at first but failed miserably in the end. You may have won the battle, but you 2 lost the war. What you did because you were so blinded by Shrinky was uncalled for and malicious (sp?). Alot of people trusted you and Shrinky but after the attack on Roxy for no reason, and your reason was recruiting which was the funniest excuse in the world after what your boy Shrinky tried to pull. Guess you were to busy blowing him that you didnt realize that he was doing exactly what you 2 bozos accused Roxy of doing. Yeah right, you knew exactly what was going on when you came up for some air.

The male/female thing is pointless as nobody gives a rats ass if someone is male, female, black or white on these forums. We are all here to try to share info on our love, which is gambling. Roxy never once insulted anyone on here nor did she do any recruiting as you 2 clowns so blatanly did.

Flame away, but remember one thing, your big PRODUCTION was way off base. You tried to bring Roxy down and guess what, she is stronger than ever at her new home and has even been posting back over here without all the bullshit you started.

Sorry to be bringing up old news but Xpanda was Shrinkys right hand in all of this and deserves to be held accountable for what she tried to do. I got suckered in at first in believing all the crap they were starting but instead of blindly following those 2 nutjobs, I did some research myself and found out just how wrong I was.

It just amazes me how Xpanda comes back here like nothing ever happended. To you Xpanda :finger:

Oct 5, 2004
dude, you are such a frickin drama queen...if you are so in love with Roxy, go play on her little childrens site...maybe if you hurry, you'll be the 20th member, and you'll have your own little skybox next to JimFeistSux...I know I'll get blasted for sticking up for Xpanda, but she is my friend, in real life...your post shows your lack of class, and lack of information on all the details surrounding all of the events you mentioned...have a nice day...oh btw, now the she is Head Mod, did she finally learn what a unit was?...lmao

New member
Mar 16, 2005
Lawrence said:
dude, you are such a frickin drama queen...if you are so in love with Roxy, go play on her little childrens site...maybe if you hurry, you'll be the 20th member, and you'll have your own little skybox next to JimFeistSux...I know I'll get blasted for sticking up for Xpanda, but she is my friend, in real life...your post shows your lack of class, and lack of information on all the details surrounding all of the events you mentioned...have a nice day...oh btw, now the she is Head Mod, did she finally learn what a unit was?...lmao
Lawrence on the MONEY!

OK boys, report to his/hers playsite for rah-rah pep rally bullshit!!

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Its weird how you guys know alot about my site? For a site that only has what 19 members looks like I wouldnt waste my time going there to check it out but maybe just maybe it is bigger then that? Hmmmm, 400 in 2 months? OR maybe just MAYBE Lawrence is the biggest piece of shit this forum has had since prj or some other degenerates. I dont know who you are Jimmy but whatever. Lawrence, seems like you stick your brown nose in everyones business just so you can have a life? You kiss the mods asses and post bad views on everything! I have yet to see you win a season or whatever youre on here for. OH I FORGOT youre on here to bad mouth people! My site may not be the rx and I dont claim it to be! BUT, we have great people over there and alot of them are from here. SO< are you saying all of those who post there are kids? Maybe you should go to yahoo chat with the lil teenie boppers and pretend you have a girlfriend OR just start posting on here without saying ignorant things that mean nothing! It doesnt show too much about a grown man on here talking smack about other people or there things when you have no idea what the fuck is going on in your pathetic lil world called "your life" Im done with this sublect because I feel much less of a person by responding to you! Thanks as always and Happy Thanksgiving! BTW, that avatar of yours fits you great! LMAO!!!!!!!!

Oct 5, 2004
C-LO said:
OR maybe just MAYBE Lawrence is the biggest piece of shit this forum has had since prj or some other degenerates. I dont know who you are Jimmy but whatever. Lawrence, seems like you stick your brown nose in everyones business just so you can have a life? You kiss the mods asses and post bad views on everything! I have yet to see you win a season or whatever youre on here for. OH I FORGOT youre on here to bad mouth people! LMAO!!!!!!!!
thats funny, i'm actually pretty well liked by most non-tranny posters on all forums...i hardly ever post something negative, but I guess anything can seem negative to someone whos forum consists of "tee-hee, you rock...sex and gambling is fun, tee hee"...you need to buck up and be a man not such a sensitive little tranny-chaser...oh and by the way you're in no position to be questioning anyones capping ability seeing as how shi*ty youre doing in hoops so far...at least i'm on the plus side of things...I was responding to the starter of this thread who was bad mouthing and slandering a friend of mine...now hurry back to your playground, I think I hear one of the kiddies in the Sandbox, oops i mean skybox crying...

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Xpanda wont even respond to crap like this

the whole issue has been wash wrinse repeat so many times now theres holes in the fabric

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Hey, I agree. I like Xpanda ever since we cleared things up! But why do these nobodys come post things about other peoples thigns Rob? I just dont get it! Hey Lawrence, you win, I will go back now running wah wah. Thanks for a moment out of your busy schedule as I must go back to my real life! Happy Thanksgiving Rob ans letgetiton!

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Well. I find a thread that I have feelings about and yet should stay away from.

Here is what is odd. I like letgetiton a lot. I like Lawrence a lot. I like Jimmy Hoffa a lot. I like C-LO a lot. I like Roxy a lot. The only one mentioned here that I have no opinion on is XPANDA. We all do things a little differently. There was wrong done to people a few months ago.

I'll say that everyone in this thread is "good people." Good luck guys....tulsa

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Looks like the truth hurts doesnt Larry boy. Tranny queen or not as usual your to stupid to see what the post was about. As I posted up above, male, female, black or white is not the point.

I guess trying to make my point was to difficult for your 4th grade mentality to understand. The point ONCE AGAIN is that what Xpanda and Shrink accused Roxy of doing was the same exact thing they did 2 weeks later only worse. See Larry, thats the point, hope you can understand it now.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Tulsa said:
Well. I find a thread that I have feelings about and yet should stay away from.

Here is what is odd. I like letgetiton a lot. I like Lawrence a lot. I like Jimmy Hoffa a lot. I like C-LO a lot. I like Roxy a lot. The only one mentioned here that I have no opinion on is XPANDA. We all do things a little differently. There was wrong done to people a few months ago.

I'll say that everyone in this thread is "good people." Good luck guys....tulsa

This is one topic and subject that brings out the worse in all of us. But oh well what fun would it be if we all agreeded on everything. There was no need for the name calling by Larry, I was just stating the obivious facts and he goes off on his tangent.

Oct 5, 2004
C-LO said:
But why do these nobodys come post things about other peoples thigns Rob? I just dont get it!
lmao..look at the"nobody" who started this thread about other people's business...sure wasnt me...bottom line: this guy told a friend of mine, female no less, to go suck dic*, and blah blah...i dont care if its on a forum or in real life, but that's just not cool to me..good luck on your plays

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Lawrence said:
C-LO said:
But why do these nobodys come post things about other peoples thigns Rob? I just dont get it!
lmao..look at the"nobody" who started this thread about other people's business...sure wasnt me...bottom line: this guy told a friend of mine, female no less, to go suck dic*, and blah blah...i dont care if its on a forum or in real life, but that's just not cool to me..good luck on your plays

Larry, she may be a friend of yours but look how your friend ended up getting screwed over by Shrinky. I guess that jagoff is a friend of yours to. You call me a tranny lover, (fuckin joke since I am married with 2 kids) but yet you will support the shit that your "friend" started about a friend of mine. So it works both ways.

Oct 5, 2004
letgetiton said:
There was no need for the name calling by Larry, I was just stating the obivious facts and he goes off on his tangent.
haha, no need for name calling? read the 2nd line of your original post you hypocrite: "Xpanda, you stupid Bitch."...so, name calling is ok as long as its done by you? :icon_conf good luck today

Oct 5, 2004
letgetiton said:
Lawrence said:
C-LO said:
But why do these nobodys come post things about other peoples thigns Rob? I just dont get it!

Larry, she may be a friend of yours but look how your friend ended up getting screwed over by Shrinky. I guess that jagoff is a friend of yours to. You call me a tranny lover, (fuckin joke since I am married with 2 kids) but yet you will support the shit that your "friend" started about a friend of mine. So it works both ways.
do you know the details of what went down? no, so dont pretend to...if i started a new thread trashing a friend of yours, (not an internet buddy, but a real friend), you would respond as well...good luck

New member
Mar 16, 2005
Tulsa said:
I like Jimmy Hoffa a lot.
Happy Thanksgiving Tulsa.

P.S. to all and my LAST word on the matter: ONE phone call to SHRINK from Roxy would have cleard up the WHOLE MATTER. She/He/It refused to make the call, END of story.

C-LO, good luck with your site.

New member
Jan 15, 2005
I know it might not mean shot to you Jimmy, but that just made me think of you alot more! Happy Thanksgiving and good luck on the plays!

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Holy shit. I missed this thread all day! I gotta come down to the Rubber Room more often, I suppose.

Letgetiton: I don't know you from Adam. I don't owe you any kind of explanation for anything I've ever done, unless I've done it to you. If Roxy wants to chat with me, well, my phone number was sent a long time ago.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
OK, this will be my last post EVER regarding this situation. It seems to me that trying to explain things to certain people no matter how simple I try to make just isnt worth the time.

For the god knows how many times I am going to say this one more time. Whether Roxy was a guy, girl, tranny, black, white, blue, yellow is NOT the point I was making. I thought I said that in my first post but I guess with all the name calling I did my point didnt get across. I repeated myself about that point in a later post in this thread and of course it got ignored. This is a fucking internet gambling forum, what someone looks like, what they do and how they live there life makes no difference, nor does it matter to me. We are all suppossedly on the same team here as far as a common goal and that goal is picking winners and beating the man.

This is a dead horse and everyone knows what went down. Larry I guess your a big shot since you know all the details and nobody else does. I know what I know and from what happen when this all started to the day that Shrinky and Xpanda left here is well documented. I will not change my mind on either of those 2. We are going to have to agree to disagree on this topic.

As for the shots at Chads site, well it just goes to show you really dont know what the hell is going on. That site has come a long long way and alot of people have done alot of hard work to get it to where it is from where it started out. Of course its not The Rx, but I nor anyone else claimed it was. Its another forum to help us gamblers share info.

As for me being a "nobody" well Larry that is a laugh and a half. Who the hell are you? You want to trade stupid insults all day then lets do it, I can be just as immature as alot of people on here or I can sit down and have a decent conversation. Yes, I was harsh in my original post but that is the way I feel about this topic. It just amazes me how you dont see what my point on this whole situation is.

Lastly, Xpanda, why the hell would Roxy call you after what you pulled. NOT ONCE have I seen Roxy try to steal people from other sites as Shrinky and you did and now Shrinky continues to do. You have to admit you blindly went with Shrinky and look what it got you. He used you like he uses anyone he thinks can help him and then when he is done with you he throws you under the bus. I will admit to you Xpanda that you showed me something by your response in this thread. By not going off the deep end like alot of us have done shows me that maybe you can be talked to in a responible manner.

Oh well I am done with this, I hope everyone has a good holiday and continues to pick winners.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Xpanda is a tuff girl that speaks her mind nothing wrong with that IMO....and she knows sports to boot ..

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
letgetiton said:
I will not change my mind on either of those 2.

Then why are you bothering with this drivel?

I will admit to you Xpanda that you showed me something by your response in this thread. By not going off the deep end like alot of us have done shows me that maybe you can be talked to in a responible manner.

Thanks, I guess. But since you opened this thread by calling me a stupid bitch, and since you also state that your mind is permanently made up about me, this seems like a wee bit of lip service and nothing more.

Again, if Roxy wishes to air this grievance with me, my phone number has been made available. I should think that if Roxy can sit at the Stardust for an hour to make a point, that Roxy can also pick up the phone to bitch at me. I would be more than happy to chat.

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