Let me turn this around and tell you how scammers think. Okay? Just to show there is two sides to everything. I have been around this stuff for a while, these guys look for opportunities to take a shot. Plays where they can not lose are ideal for them, they know when to hit and how to extort the money afterwards.
I am not suggesting Happy did this but let's pretend a dishonest guy wanted to and he was in Happy's shoes this week-end.
He's playing at WWTS and notices that they have admitted they are having trouble with the software and can not close the races. Everything is working okay but they can not stop you from making wagers on races already ran. A player notices this and starts his plan. First to make it look good he bets as close as he can on every race at the same time. For instance he may get his bet in 2 minutes before post each time, by doing this several times in a row he is showing some consistentcy. After doing this a few races he decides to make his move. He loses his bet on Race #4 and waits patiently until 2 minutes before Race #5. He then bets whatever he wants but instead of Race #5 he deliberately bets it on Race #4 again.
At this point everything is perfect for him. He knows the book has admitted software problems already and they can't close a race after it had been ran. He knows he has an established time line of betting each race two minutes before hand. When he punches Race # 4 instead of Race # 5 of course he keeps a copy of his ticket. Now you sit back and see what happens in Race #5. If the horses you picked lose then you notify WWTS as you have a screen shot of your ticket and you "accidently bet Race #4", a race that had already been run. Of course it was an "accident" you tell them, why would you pick losers on a race you already knew the result of? Of course the real answer is you know past posting won't ever fly with a time stamp on the ticket so you are trying to win Race #5 instead. In fact you are careful to pick horses in Race #5 that are different from winners in Race #4. That will firm the story up later. If questioned you can scream why would I pick losers if I knew what horses had won the race already!!? The book is a lock to refund you the money if the horses don't come in on Race #5. How can they say no? You have a copy of your ticket showing you bet Race #4 and it's the books fault anyway they can't close the race.
Now if the horses you "accidently" bet in Race #4 do end up winning Race #5 you do better than just getting your money back. In this case you not only get your money back if you lose but you fight to get paid on the wins in Race #5 if that happens to hit. You have enough "evidence" to show that the only rational belief would be your
intent was to bet Race #5, not Race #4 again. Now you pretend to "lose" your copy of the ticket that shows you bet Race #4 and swear you bet Race #5 and demand payment. When they question you about it you get real angry and threaten to go to the forums if they don't pay you. You scream all the stuff you had lined up to make the story good. "All day I bet each race 2 minutes before post why suddenly bet 20 minutes later?" Or "you are having software trouble why is it my fault?" Or "why would I bet losers again in Race # 4 if I knew the results" etc..... When/if a book does try and stick to their guns as they have proof you bet Race #4 and you don't even have a ticket you are in perfect shape to then run to the forums and round up a bunch of support.
Guys these cases are not always as they appear. A book the size of WWTS could care less about this money. In fact that's the angle these guys use. You threaten them with legal stuff, berate them, harrass them and try to round up others to fight for you so that it makes sense to pay this money for their peace of mind. The story is always good because these sort of people think backwards. A book with software problems is HUGE for a shottaker. Without that they wouldn't even try. However once that is noticed and it is clear they can't close races down it is a perfect no lose set-up for a player who sets his mind to it. If you get a couple of nice longshots to come in on Race #5 you can make some decent risk free money.
I have had a small interest in both a poker and a casino concession and trust me things you or I would never think about other people do. Normally when they do it's always quick hit and run too. They get here and can not collect fast enough, anyone remember the hurry Hammy was in to get paid for the money he alleged got stolen from him? Of course we know Happy is legit but the point here is most posters don't realize what books are faced with. As far as I am concerned I don't care what WWTS does, it's their call but let's not be naive here. Books this size stand up for themselves sometimes because they do not want to encourage this sort of stuff. It is not a money issue with them. Never was. Anyway thanks for playing along on this fantasy of mine, I'm sure Happy is innocent. We'll see how it ends just a damn shame he didn't keep a ticket of what he bet, we could have avoided all this.
[This message was edited by Patrick McIrish on October 30, 2003 at 02:12 AM.]