Worst date ever?


Jan 13, 2019
In my younger days I hooked up with a cutie in a local neighborhood bar. We went out the next night to a place she wanted to go to. Unknown to me it was a club she had recently worked at as a waitress and quit. We went in, sat down and ordered a drink. She got up and tried to go talk to the manager but the bouncers stopped her. She was cussing and pointing her finger in one of the bouncers chest. Another gal there, the bouncers girlfriend ran up from behind her, slammed her head on the table and was beating on her. I thought this looked unfair so I grabbed the other girl and pulled her off. Then every bouncer, bartender and employee of the bar pounced on me, we both got a good ass woopin and thrown out the front door.

Oct 28, 2021
In my younger days I hooked up with a cutie in a local neighborhood bar. We went out the next night to a place she wanted to go to. Unknown to me it was a club she had recently worked at as a waitress and quit. We went in, sat down and ordered a drink. She got up and tried to go talk to the manager but the bouncers stopped her. She was cussing and pointing her finger in one of the bouncers chest. Another gal there, the bouncers girlfriend ran up from behind her, slammed her head on the table and was beating on her. I thought this looked unfair so I grabbed the other girl and pulled her off. Then every bouncer, bartender and employee of the bar pounced on me, we both got a good ass woopin and thrown out the front door.
WHAT! They pounced on you, really

Dec 13, 2007
Party night 1988...I'd met this great girl (Betina) who I invite to a party at a friends house.
On the way we pick up a few bottles of wine..we're both nervous (first date) she starts drinking as soon as we hit the party then completely disappears from the festivities ... I go outside to make sure her car is still there..I look all over the house casually ...She's gone, I'm a little bummed but I continue on with the party. After a few hours the host comes to me and says.."I found your date, she in the basement " and "she's thrown up"..Somehow she found her way into his basement passed out and had barfed red wine all over her white outfit...How I'm responsible for getting her out of the party without making his upstairs look like a goat murder had happened....lots of white stuff in this house...I decide to carry her outside up the dark side of the house in the rain to avoid going through the party with what looks like a murder victim .... I start my way up the hill it's completely dark, I've picked her up and am cradling her, it's slippery and I'm about to step in a deep hole. (my buddy had been digging a drain pipe on the side of his house) I fall in the hole.. body slam my date I land on top of her hard body to body...
All I hear is what sounds like a huge fart...No, worst. ...I've pounded a major shit outa her with the body slam.
I'm like WTF..I sorta laugh thinking she just farted...Once I get her in the car I realize whats happened..she shit in her pants or I've body slammed a shit in her pants... I'm like "It's Okay I know whats happened" she keep mumbling "I don't know what you're talking about"..She too fucked up to take back to her house so we go to mine...I finally get her to my place start the shower for her..she's sorta coming around. I give her a bag for her shit stained clothing and tell her I can run her pants in the washer but she needs to get undressed and wash off...she mumbles and locks the bathroom door..I'm again like WTF.. after 20 mins of the shower running I knock..Nothing, knock again.. nothing. finally I brake the lock , she's passed out in the shower fully clothed ... I get her up undress her wet, wash her ass and body put a tee shirt on her and put her in the guest bedroom...I'd never ever seen this women nude, kissed her... nothing.

Cutting a long story short..we dated for 5 years after that night and I never ever saw her that drunk again.
Nov 8, 2012
Party night 1988...I'd met this great girl (Betina) who I invite to a party at a friends house.
On the way we pick up a few bottles of wine..we're both nervous (first date) she starts drinking as soon as we hit the party then completely disappears from the festivities ... I go outside to make sure her car is still there..I look all over the house casually ...She's gone, I'm a little bummed but I continue on with the party. After a few hours the host comes to me and says.."I found your date, she in the basement " and "she's thrown up"..Somehow she found her way into his basement passed out and had barfed red wine all over her white outfit...How I'm responsible for getting her out of the party without making his upstairs look like a goat murder had happened....lots of white stuff in this house...I decide to carry her outside up the dark side of the house in the rain to avoid going through the party with what looks like a murder victim .... I start my way up the hill it's completely dark, I've picked her up and am cradling her, it's slippery and I'm about to step in a deep hole. (my buddy had been digging a drain pipe on the side of his house) I fall in the hole.. body slam my date I land on top of her hard body to body...
All I hear is what sounds like a huge fart...No, worst. ...I've pounded a major shit outa her with the body slam.
I'm like WTF..I sorta laugh thinking she just farted...Once I get her in the car I realize whats happened..she shit in her pants or I've body slammed a shit in her pants... I'm like "It's Okay I know whats happened" she keep mumbling "I don't know what you're talking about"..She too fucked up to take back to her house so we go to mine...I finally get her to my place start the shower for her..she's sorta coming around. I give her a bag for her shit stained clothing and tell her I can run her pants in the washer but she needs to get undressed and wash off...she mumbles and locks the bathroom door..I'm again like WTF.. after 20 mins of the shower running I knock..Nothing, knock again.. nothing. finally I brake the lock , she's passed out in the shower fully clothed ... I get her up undress her wet, wash her ass and body put a tee shirt on her and put her in the guest bedroom...I'd never ever seen this women nude, kissed her... nothing.

Cutting a long story short..we dated for 5 years after that night and I never ever saw her that drunk again.
Wow Boz

Not sure if anyone could follow that one up

Dec 13, 2007
Wow Boz

Not sure if anyone could follow that one up
I have others..Janna...better known as "Janna Banana"
I met janna at a bar in LA hottest little brunette and so insane.

janna's story later.


Jun 4, 2018
I have others..Janna...better known as "Janna Banana"
I met janna at a bar in LA hottest little brunette and so insane.

janna's story later.

View attachment 30009
I take it that's Janna on the left ?
gotta know why they called her Janna Banana .

Waiting to hear Janna's story Bozzie Monster ?

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
...Holy fuck...Bozzie and sportsm60 have 2 of the worst I've ever heard...was expecting some tame stories but those 2 are just beyond bad...good for you guys sticking with those girls afterwards?

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