WorldNetDaily Drops Tranny as Keynote Speaker For Their PowWow!


I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
no worries'll still be able to catch her at Homocon

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Hope they have live streaming...My travel budget tapped out until early October when I travel back up to Colorado

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Fortunately, regardless of whether one believes Coulter to have been born with a vah-jay-jay, she should be impervious to the kookiest fringes of the Radical Right who are now putting great distance between themselves and our favorite blonde Long Tall Sally

[SIZE=+1]Ann Coulter on WND: 'They're a bunch of fake Christians'[/SIZE]
WASHINGTON – Conservative pundit Ann Coulter intensified her attacks on WND last night on Fox News Channel's "Red Eye" show, accusing those at the largest independent news site who dropped her from the "Taking America Back National Conference" in Miami of being "fake Christians."

Coulter claimed she was never actually booked for the event, repeated her resentment over publishing her e-mail explanations to WND Editor Joseph Farah for appearing at GOProud's Homocon event and lashed out at WND for "pushing the birther thing," which she said is not supported by any conservatives.

"These are fake Christians trying to get publicity," said Coulter.

Previously, Coulter called Farah a "publicity whore" and a "swine" for WND's decision to drop her upon learning of her plan to speak to the homosexual Republican group.

In response, Farah issued the following statement: "Coulter called me a 'publicity whore' for my decision. But look who is on television talking about this – throwing mud, name-calling, smearing not only me but my entire staff. I will not engage in the kind of ad hominem attacks that have made Coulter so famous and that are making her even more of a media darling in this age of reckless anger and character assassination for the sake of entertainment. Every day, since we made this decision at WND, I thank God for giving me the clarity of mind and discernment to make the right choice."

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
and even more Fringe-y and more Kooky....the 'noids over at AFA* are likewise wagging the ol' finger

hat tip for both this post and the one preceding to "JoeMyGod"

American Family Association: Ann Coulter Is The Godess Of Gayness

"Ann Coulter is the headliner at "Homocon 2010," a Sept. 25 gathering of so-called gay "conservatives." And Glenn Beck has folded his hand and cashed in his chips on the issue of gay marriage. Even Rush Limbaugh, who supports counterfeit same-sex marriages in the form of civil unions, won't go that far.

"Let's be clear: Endorsing homosexual behavior is not a conservative position, period. Supporting special rights based on aberrant sexual behavior is not conservative, period. Supporting either civil unions or marriages based entirely on using the alimentary canal for sexual purposes is not conservative, period. Even Darwinian evolutionists know better than to believe there is something healthy about homosexual conduct. They know it cannot lead to the propagation of the species, which, after all, is what evolution is supposed to be all about.

"Coulter justifies her Benedict Arnold impersonation by saying she speaks all the time in hostile environments, such as Harvard. OK, Ann, how exactly is this a hostile environment? You're being welcomed as a heroine, as the Joan of Arc of homosexuality, literally the poster child for 'Homocon 2010.' You are the goddess of gayness for the moment. You are taking money from people who want to destroy the U.S. military and destroy the institution of marriage. Good luck getting us to believe that's a good thing. " - American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer.


bar - *The AFA has been one of my favorite LyingHuckster organizations ever since they ardently opposed the 2004 ballot initiative in Nevada that would have legalized adult possession of up to 3 ozs of cannabis.

Most prominent in their lying campaign used to bilk financial donations from their email subscribers was the claim that "3 ozs of marijuana can produce up to 252 marijuana 'joints'!!!"

And they even backed that claim by having volunteers take (an alleged) 3 ozs of parsley to roll up 252 really teeny weeny tiny faux doobies - with a dramatic photo of said fakery spread across a lengthy table for increased level of chicanery.

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