just so damn stupid, like she thinks she's some sort of martyr or something
Talk exists saying that she got exposed to Lead as a kid got Lead Poisoning and this resulted in her having Brain Damage.
"Developmentally Disabled" being used to describe her situation.
Some Thing was wrong with her ability to think, to rationalize, some thing impaired her brain's ability to accomplish Critical Thought.
Appears to me that she did desire to die. Maybe due to what she had to deal with as resu;t of that Brain Damage?
Interesting possibility is: What if she was Gambling?
Take some bullets for a possible Payday? Baltimore had just paid Freddie Gray's family 6.8 Million Dollars.
Maybe she lives and can enjoy Wealth herself, "worse case" is she dies, gets free of her physical suffering due to that brain damage and her kids get $$$$$$$
Thats what I believe was going on here. I think she had a "plan" here.