allo heveryone, i would like to hintroduce myself, my name is jean guy pepin and i ham a very close friend of da sick gambler. we had been freinds now for 18 da years. we used to play da hockey on da same team long time ago. he told me to tell you all dat he is not havailable to do da talking and he has no comment on da series because he had to go to hemergency flight to Italie to see his friend who is sick. I will be commenting for da sick gambler and replacing him for ha little while till he gets back from da Italie.
tank you heveryone and please be patient with da me because like I said, i ham not henglish and i ham quebecois from la province du quebec and j'habite a Montreal. i live in da montreal not too far from mon ami da sick gambler
Ici au Quebec, on parle francais, which is why i dont speak da henglish.. tank you again heveryone..