Will I burn in HELL for this ?


ok to claim discount you don't qualify for ?

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    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • no

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Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
My local grocery store ( Shoprite) offers a senior citizen's discount of 10% to seniors ( 65+ by their rules) on Tuesdays, they publish the coupon in their flyer every week. It's not the cleanest store of the the local options, ( not disgusting or anything close to it )but they have great prices especially on weekly sale stuff, they make you jump jump through hoops downloading digital coupons and shit like that. It is also only half a mile away from home. Well I just pick out a cashier that looks young, dumb, and clueless....that is 80% of them, they don't have the balls to card you anyway, and you could easily just say I'm a caretaker for elderly mother, father,neighbor, godfather, second cosin twice removed, etc. or I don't have it on me right now, you ain't gonna get arrested for trying it and will almost 100% succeed.

I know the loss prevention guy there personally, and he tells me Tuesday is the busiest day of the week by far. I've taken to fighting the crowds of old fucks there on Tuesdays now, they always be standing right in front of what you're trying to get to and blocking you in with carriages and electric scooters, walkers,etc. the 10% off applies to most everything even sale items, about the only exclusions are stuff like lottery tickets, postage stamps, money orders, probably tobacco too.

well I am not 65 ( 55 actually). I'm usually good for about $80 a week there, so $8 off. Lately I fight the senior crowd on tuesdays since I see that coupon every week ( minimum purchase required $40), and have got caught there accidently on a Tuesday before and wondered why WTF is it so busy today ? I actually kind of liked shopping at grocery stores that were open 24 hours at like 3 am because you could get in and out real fast, but no services like deli,seafood,etc.

how does my sin compare with say BTJ stealing pockets full of grass seed at Home Depot ? My ex-wife is far worse than me on abusing this kind of stuff. she's not not yet yet 65, but will claim this stuff all the time. She will claim military discount, but would have trouble even spelling A-R-M_Y !

Bitch will tear you up if you are a salesperson dealing with her on the phone. She won't stop ....I wan't to speak to your supervisor right now !, eventually they just give her whatever the f**k she wants for free, to get rid of her and save their sanity. Some women can accomplish this stuff by being sexy and flirtatious, like the hot chick Jerry was dating on Seinfeld that could get out of tickets, get sold out tickets or anything else with a look and a few words.

she is 4'11' of terror, looks and acts just like Carla from Cheers, but meaner ! Glad I'm out of that one, but still speak to her often and she drops by a at least a few times a month, much better that way ! I did learn a few things from her, and taught her quite a few things as well.

mods sorry this got so long, easy to do with a computer instead of a phone.

if you want to RR it , OK !

basic question is the morality of claiming to be a senior, or military or whatever when you aren't one ? Store still makes a profit, not really stealing, or is it ?

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Elizabeth Warren been claiming her Native American heritage to get the minority advantages for the past 30 years and she might be your next POTUS so I think you're ok getting the -10% on Twinkies and Charmin. I wouldn't do it but I'm not poor

Sep 21, 2004
You are good

At Disney kids 3 and under are free

i took them in routinely after that.
one time my daughter had a I’m turning 4 shirt on, told her to fake sleep in the stroller.

took my son into the Rays game when he was 5 on my shoulders.

kids eat free deals are always expanded for a few years here as well.
Nov 8, 2012
You are good

At Disney kids 3 and under are free

i took them in routinely after that.
one time my daughter had a I’m turning 4 shirt on, told her to fake sleep in the stroller.

took my son into the Rays game when he was 5 on my shoulders.

kids eat free deals are always expanded for a few years here as well.


Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
Those young cashiers are not dumb and clueless. They just see this sad old man downloading coupons that he doesn't qualify for just to save two dollars and have nothing but pity for him. You probably remind them of that crazy uncle they only see during the holidays who everyone accommodates so he doesn't make a drunken scene.

Jan 28, 2012
No but being 55 and looking like 65, well thats for another discussion.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
You are good

At Disney kids 3 and under are free

i took them in routinely after that.
one time my daughter had a I’m turning 4 shirt on, told her to fake sleep in the stroller.

took my son into the Rays game when he was 5 on my shoulders.

kids eat free deals are always expanded for a few years here as well.

you are sinner, sir !

i've seriously down a lot of things that are lot more felonious than claiming a false discount at the supermarket, those will be remain unpublished and the statue of limitations will protect me, I hear she is in the Los Angeles harbor beckoning all the troubled peoples from the South to come join her and their orange haired savior....

not unlike the old decayed green monstrosity of scrap copper in NYC with some BS about welcoming everyone else's trash citizens.

don't get me wrong, I'm against ill eagle immigration, but I also am damn aware that this country was literally stolen from the natives by the mostly English "settlers" and founding father revered sorts, just realise where you came from and your grandparents and a few generations behind that.

a shitload of Euroians came here circa 1900, my grandparents included, most black folks have a better claim to being more American than many whities, many have been here longer, than a lot of Euro-Honkies !

it is what it is, but the USA is founded on theft, survival of the fittest, yada, yada....

one should at least see a bit of irony in atteptimg to stop foreigners from taking over the country, but in reality that is the root of the United States if you look at objectively.

I don't propose a solution better than Trump's wall/ fence. I don't have an answer. I just ask you to look at it in a broader historical context.

the strongest will take from the weaker, pretty much nails a lot of stuff, like why some 15% or so of the US population is Black, no problem with that, they have every bit of much as a right to be here as me, maybe more ?

this country ain't all that altruistic, look at what they did to Japanese-Americans in WW2- the big one !, and native Americans, and stole the Southwest from Mexico. Black beauties ( Okay, IMO per Archie Bunker to call them Black Beauties, since Black is beautiful ), they have certainly been subjected to some clearly unfair and nefarious treatment for no great reason, many groups have been discriminated against in the past.

i'm a bit of a history buff, there was a time when the Irish people were discriminated against in the early 20th century, to the point that that employers could post signs in their windows saying " no Irish need Apply" . Poles faced similar stuff, originally my family name ended in "kowski", some ancestor changed it to a neutral sounding 5 letter generic name, I don't know a ton about that. My father's military WW2 papers and every thing I can list the 5 letter name, only paternal grandmother kept the original name, had to have been changed before the war, nobody alive to query on such matters. However I understandwhy people came here in masses some 120 years ago and long before that in smaller numbers.

i really wish I could somehow solve the problem, but I can't

Trump can't shut down the gov't again, it only took 10 air traffic controllers calling out sick to stymie and quell his efforts, if he goes that route they will repair his childhood conveyance rapido ! massive equivelant of a "Blue Flu" crippling commerce, it ain't gonna occur !

he's going to have to do that executive emergency order thing, to get his way !

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
No but being 55 and looking like 65, well thats for another discussion.
most people take me for younger and are surprised I'm 55 , point is some young cashier will never challenge you to prove your age, it's not like liquor , tobacco etc with a standard of 18-21, and a mentality from management of card everybody. different animal with senior discounts, fuck it, worst that happen is they refuse to give it without ID, not going to face criminal charges for it, sort of like adultery, never did that, but it ain't a legal crime, more of a moral conundrum.

no risk no reward
Jun 13, 2014

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Of course there is no such place as "Hell", but I checked with a couple fundy Xtian friends who believe otherwise. They assured me no one will burn there just for being a cheap fuck

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Dang, my Shoprite only offers 5%

ShopRite is kind of odd. I'm not exactly sure if you would call their business model a franchise or some sort of a cooperative buying arrangement .

For example I know a family named Capuano has 3 CT stores in Norwich, New London, and Clinton, but if you went to say East Haven, it' a different story. I guess each owner has some discretion on matters such as wether to give discounts to seniors of 5,10, 15 , or zero percent and maybe what days to offer it, if any.

I Know my friend in loss prevention can easily trespass you off of the property for doing shit like not scanning all of your purchased at the self checkout stations, but it only applies to those 3 stores.

Small things matter a lot, for example Stop & Shop cart pushers wear a simple shoulder bag ,like a newsboy might carry papers in ( when newspapers were common ). They collect debris from carts like old flyers, so you get a clean cart to start, nice simple touch that costs the company nothing. I don't want a cart with some crap left behind in it, even if it just paper, it's tacky and so simple to rectify.

I don't care to play games with loyalty cards and digital coupons and deals like 3 cantaloupes for $4, must buy 3, otherwise $1.99 each ! I don't need that BS !

Big Y is spotlessly clean and the local one is new, they are almost too clean, employees have to adhere to a ridiculous dress code like shined dress shoes, ties, etc., Overkill. Fantastic deli. I instantly throw their ad in the trash because of their deceptive advertising tactics. They love the gimmick of buy 1, get 2 free... But never tell you what the first one costs ! If the first item is $4.99 then it is really 3/ 4.99. ShopRite might just honestly advertise at $1.49

ShopRite for me, with a dose of Stop & Shop

The real future in groceries is Walmart, their upper management above store manager level, the real CEO types and people near that level know what they are doing.

None of that loyalty and digital coupon crap, you can just order your stuff online and go there to pick it up and they'll even load it into your car, no charge for them to have an associate essentially shop for you. They might make a decision to substitute something for you if unavailable like a different variety of a pear or something, but that is a real time saver. I've never used , I have plenty of free time to shop and enjoy watching the people there, but that is wildly popular and their prices would beat any supermarket on a large diverse order, sure you can cherry pick sales items at multiple stores if you have the time, but time can be money. If I'm an attorney or something making $100 + per hour, I'll gladly let them do it for me .

Well managed company at the highest levels, they adapt to the times.

Nov 7, 2008
My grandma goes there and they have the same deal. Everything in that store is trash, even their “organic” produce. Shopwrong

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
My grandma goes there and they have the same deal. Everything in that store is trash, even their “organic” produce. Shopwrong

Horse hockey to that as colonel Potter would say.

With so many identical items price is the only thing that matters, might as well get the sales price, when they offer loss leaders.

Some common things that are the same wherever you buy it, and pretty much never expire.

Any paper/ plastic stuffage like plates,cups, napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, it don't matter if it is older than your grandmother, toilet paper is toilet paper.

Any cleaning products last forever. A bottle of Clorox is still a bottle of Clorox 20 years later.

Slightly pershible stuff like a box of Cheerios, usually has a Best buy date about a year from when you buy it, it's fine a year or past that, I'd refrain from saying good forever, but realistically you could go 2 years beyond that. OTC and prescription drugs are good for at least 1-2 years beyond expiration date, worst case is they be less effective.

Anything in a can or box is pretty much the same wherever you buy it.

A former coworker and friend, I saw her just this morning in fact, have discussed this topic before, her view is I don't really need this but the price is so good, I can't really afford to not buy it since it so cheap, I will need it and it never goes bad . She thinks like me and is cool and about 8 years younger than me, a real good fit as potential 2nd wife, not that I want to remarry quickly if ever.

The deal breaker there is she has 8 freaking cats. I like cats more than the average person, but never have owned more than two at the same time, usually only one. I decided not to replace my favorite deceased feline that croaked about 3 years ago. I really don't miss a litter box on my kitchen/ bathroom etc. I also am unsure if a new cat might outlive me, they can last 20 years, I' m leaning to under for me at 20 left,.I'm handicapping that at more like 11- 16.5 years at -110

Back to ShopRite, it's easy to bypass departments like deli / meat/seafood /.produce.
I will buy live lobsters there, kinda avoid the deli and meat items.

I will buy fresh fruit there, but agree it isn't the ultimate in quality. I refuse to pay 3X the price for organic, when there is no way to verify it, shit eating a non- organic S/R pear has to healthier than half a bag of Doritos.

ShopRite has its place, and I stated earlier that it wasn't the cleanest supermarket I ever shopped at.

Many items are just totally price dependant, some pershible items and produce are more iffy, but value is value on non perishable items and I have at least 600- 1000 SF of easily accessible storage in the form of 2 storage sheds with power, plus an attic.

Shop smart not rite or wrong, if they want to nearly give me 20 rolls of 1,000 sheet tp for like 30 cents a roll, same thing as Scott's, I'll buy it even if I already 6 boxes of it stock. I ain't moving anytime soon, have plenty of space, and don't plan to stop crapping in the foreseeable future..

Some might be consider me to be a hoarder, nothing near that, not like I have stuff like empty pizza boxes and garbage laying around and so much crap you can't even find a walkway to the bedroom and a fridge full of 3 year old milk bottles. Perhaps a tad lived in sort of look, but no absolute trash or crazy stuff worthy of an intervention an bid TV spot.

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