To make the record straight .. the question posed was with regards to "America" and "George Bush", not Americans specifically and individually.
My problems are generally with the broader concepts of "Nation states" and "Government". If one were to ask me my opinion on Canada and it's elected leaders I would have a very similar response.
Although I could not call my country, or its' elected leaders 'colonial', I could use about a hundred other adjectives to describe the complete and utter contempt I have for both.
As I have stated previously - I swear no allegiance to any flag, or political organization. To be 'proud' of a geographic area on the globe is ridiculous from my perspective. The accident of birth combined with the forces of fate have landed my sorry ass in a place people call Canada ... does it necessarily follow that I must blindly follow the so-called leaders of my co-called country ?
Elected officials are just people. There is nothing inherently special about them that I should feel compelled to put my faith and trust in. Canadian politicinas, for example, are a bunch of self serving, intellectually stunted, parasites living off the backs off those called 'tax-payers".
I refuse to believe I was placed on this planet to be told what I can and can't do by others. I refuse to believe I was put on this planet to abdicate my personal responsibility and be 'cared' for by a government.
Call me crazy but in my eyes we are all equal, truly. As such, I will never accord any special priviledge to any other human, period. Especially those who have been accorded every advantage this socially constructed morass has conferred to them. Conversely, I will not seek to do any harm to other equals either. To go over seas and kill others I have never met, in the name of a 'country', or at the behest of another politician is, in my estimation, the very definition of INSANE.
So in short, every so-called 'American' is more than welcome in my home (you too Patriot). I have several friends and relatives living in that geographic region directly south of me and I travel there quite frequently. Amazingly, I have never had any problems getting along with their friends and neighbours who call themselves 'American'.