Who's got an Oregon St/California opinion???

Want to sweat a small one while trying to doze off in bed in a half hour. Game starts at 12EST.

Give me the play!!!
Keep up your great season in nba and finish strong.
Hope you reconsider participating in the mlb challenge, you post pretty regularly anyway.

Congratulation on your success in nba

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The dogs are barkin' in the Pac-10 and the only team an LA crowd dislikes more than CAL is STAN. So OR ST will have the crowd. Take the 6.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
dogball,you are the most transparent,phony,shyster who ever drew a breath!!
Thanks Dog. Nothing against you guys but it is getting more and more for touts and others who are trying to come in "first place" more than beating the bookies. Heck a guy can make a name for himself if he "wins" the contest so I don't blame him but I bet my plays, trying to win that way, not come in first in the standings. Know what I mean? I've said many times I would rather be in last place in his contest and +15.5 units than "win" his contest and be up +15.4 units. Not sure if that makes sense but I don't want to compete against each other and try and force plays to get in first. I am going to play my same game, slow and steady (hopefully anyway). Think it will be more fun for you guys to have other guys who play more often and will play more units. I will be the first to admit I never "came in first" but ask him my record in each and every sport he monitored, I didn't win first place was always up near the top and more importantly had a + in front of my record on everything he monitors.

Anyway who knows, may change my mind at the last second. Just think the guys are getting more and more wrapped up in beating each other instead of beating the books sometimes. Nothing against RPM but I remember when you started coming over to the NBA thing and his quote was "good maybe I can get some competition for first". LOL. He was half joking but he was very serious about being on top. The guy on top now in the NBA I haven't seen a play from in a week I bet. Even TRK is congratulating Jake for his first place finish from last year. LOL. It's all good but I think I am done with it now. Not sure if you know how it started but I only ever got involved because TRK said no one would make money in baseball if he monitored every play and there was no mulligans. Of course I couldn't say not to that challenge and I found myself continuing on in every other sport that came down the line, mostly because I like TRK. Now he has a ton of people doing it so he no longer needs me. I have played for one full year and it was fun but I am kind of burnt out right now anyway, just going to relax a while. Probably will post my plays just don't want the pressure of trying to come in "first", LOL. Later.

BTW since no one said anything I bet Cali -6. LOL.


<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rudy1957:
The dogs are barkin' in the Pac-10 and the only team an LA crowd dislikes more than CAL is STAN. So OR ST will have the crowd. Take the 6.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Didn't see this, thanks.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
patrick,most of these kids dont have a clue,that was a great post!! god bless you.
" Anyway who knows, may change my mind at the last second. Just think the guys are getting more and more wrapped up in beating each other instead of beating the books sometimes"

I hear you, and you have a good point. The only important bottom line is the one btwn us and each of our books. Either way, I know you will do a good job this season and wish you luck.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
dogball,im gonna friggin puke!!!! you told every lie in the book on pat & he put your beggin sick people lookin ass in place.you would do anything for money,dont try & align yourself with a decent guy like pat,it just makes you look even more phony.
I have to agree with you guys. I think most of the guys in the challenges are more worried about their records than the amount of money they are winning or losing. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't bet at all.
elmer, aka elma251, alma blow job mcallister, aka fraud fudd, you are the biggest joke here.

>>30 years of experience. lmao

what is 20 cents line.

whats the best hockey out.


spank spank girly ass
no allignment. I have always respected pats capping abilities. Two men got into a disagreement, adults know how to move past that. Im not saying all is forgiven for either of us, but I am man enough to compliment pat when it is due.

NOw I know talking sense and you do not go hand in hand, but why dont you go respond to the intersting news DOn broke for everyone today?
30 yrs experience in 4 months? Conveniently overlooked by you.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Pat I am openly requesting your presence in the MLB CHALLENGE!
You have posted a winning record in every sport that I have monitored and it would be great to have you along for the ride again!
Please reconsider,give it some thought!
Pat I don't usually do this(Request people to join)!
Pat you are wrong about one thing ,saying I no longer need you!
I need quality cappers not quantity!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
scammer,im sure oud like to "move on" as you put it because shitbags like you work on a "lets just move on so i can find another compulsive gambler desperate enough to pay for a damned lie".you are a parasite on mankind & face to face you would be shittin peach seeds,you punkified,sawed off piece of shit.
Might as well hop in Pat. I know your reasons for not doing it, but you have a decent chance to win it, thereby destroying the hopes of all those only interested in winning the contest for fame. So you can fight the same battle by winning the contest and doing it your own way. I don't know, it makes some sense. Some. See you in bases either way.
Jake- There's nothing for Irish to gain by getting in the contest. You have a tout service and are a small player. Irish is helping others for free and playing bigger bucks than you. Why should he let a contest distract him?
Jake - nothing wrong with your attitude but that is exactly why I don't want to enter. Nothing personal but I'm not trying to beat you or "destroy your hope for fame". Seriously. Nor do I care about beating anyone else on TRK's list unless there was a wager involved. I'm only trying to beat Olympic, Pinnacle, Bowmans etc......, the people who are holding the money. Not sure you understand but I got in it for a whole different reason than you guys. You are hoping to attract customers, I am trying to win actual $$$ from the books. In fact I would glady let you beat me by any margin as long as I am making real money playing my own picks. I couldn't have been happier with my +11.6 regular season and +6.33 I think in the play-offs. That's a solid +17/18 units in baseball that I will take every year. Trust me. No props, futures or anything else, just grinding it out everyday. I don't want to "destroy the hopes" as you put it of winning, I wish you luck. Besides I think you and Dog probably are both better than I in bases anyway, no big deal for me to say it. Don't think you will ever get it but you are the last guy on my list of enemies or the last guy I want to beat. LOL. I think it's healty for you to compete with others actually, I just need to focus on beating the books not you. Hope you understand. Good luck to all of you.

TRK - I hate saying no to you so PLEASE don't ask me. LOL. You see how Jake is, well there's plenty others like that here too. They may not bet much but would love to win this contest. That's not a cutdown, simply they check the standings everyday instead of their spread sheets. LOL. It's important to them. Hope it's cool with you because you were super easy to work with and it's really no hassle at all but it is very important to some of these guys like Jake to win. This latest round of bickering and all is not what I come here for and quite frankly am a little burnt out right now anyway. I'll talk to you later about it but others would get way more out of this than I would. I gave you a whole year to track me and I consider you a good friend!!!



New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well said Pat. Too many posters forget that the ONLY goal is to beat the books and people gets carried away with other posters and jump up and down after some one loses on a day. It is one ****ing day. Proven losers or winners with a long term track record, that's a different story. LOL. As my favorite poster of all time would say, it is personal between us and the man(the books), not other posters. Nicely said as usual.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> play at your own risk as this is personal between me and the man <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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