did bring up
birther issues
sexist issues
Trump's tax returns
you continually surprise me witht hese such strong stances...
Trump Campaign ... and Campaign would LOVE to address these head on. Its your chance to take control.
you should be angry that Trump failed. Lester was only throwing softballs. These werent up and in. They were softballs for the Candidates to do what they want with them...
No no no no no
I want to talk about real issues, real problems, real positions
I can't believe anyone is interested in red herrings and idiocy, it really makes me sick
The sad truth is that we are are nation of idiots when it comes to politics, one liners and gotcha moments are more important than policy and results and reality
One of my favorite political quotes of all time; "the greatest argument against a democratic form of government is a five minute conversation with the average voter" The brilliant Winston Churchill
Lester Holt appealed to idiocy tonight, pure idiocy, and his juvenile questions were designed to put Trump on the defensive (that simply can't be denied) while he gave Hillary a free ride on all the policy decisions she actually made.
[I'm continued to be amazed by how many people embrace ongoing failure, I'll never be able to comprehend it.
personality, character integrity matter..
again you should be mad at trump for not knocking these answers out of the park. they were easy questions...
why didn't Lester axe Hillary about calling Americans "deplorables"?
he liked to focus on things Trump said, so he wanted to avoid substance, so let's play that game, why not ask Hillary about the words she spoke?
The criticism is coming in loud and clear, it's only just beginning
Lester Holt soon to be professionally humiliated, butt liberals don't give a shit, he did his job
62% to 28. But I believe it was those 400lb hackers sitting on their beds who are at fault. Lol lol. Got beer all over the floor. Everyone who was drinking at the time spit their beer out. Only TRUMP. HE IS ALSO A SMART MAN NOT HAVING TO PAY TAXES BUT WE ALL KNEW HE DIDNT PAY ANY TAXES. THAT MAKES THOSE PEOPLE WHO PAY TAXES STUPID. Every station but FOX SAID HE GOT POUNDED. THEY HAD 20 undecided voters before debate & went it was over, the total went to 18-2 CLINTON
Here's the deal. Hillary used ALL the ammo she had...and I mean ALL the ammo she had on Trump tonight. This is where she dropped the ball. Trump only took a few shots towards her. There are 2 debates left and Hillary doesn't have anything left to attack Trump with while Trump still has all of his ammo left. She is fucked the next 2 debates because Donald is still standing and has SSSOOOO many things to unload on her the next 2 debates that weren't even brought up tonight. Hillary is in trouble.