anyone met ML Dog?
ML Dog's posts are the most thought out, and it ain't close. Seems like you would be a very intelligent 'fella MLD or bat shit crazy..which one is it? or maybe both?
Definitely a little of both. Bat-Shit Crazy part tho not in a Dangerous way. When Younger, about 72% Smart 28% Bat-Shit Crazy but here now its about 37% Smart 63% Bat-Shit Crazy. And the "Smart" part of that could really be debated. Very possibly a complete Illusion, Smoke & Mirrors.
I've come to understand the meaning and Truth of:
"The more I Learn The Less I know",
"The Older I get the Less I know" and
"Much of what I thought I knew turned out to be totally wrong". The Behavior of The Liberal Left/Obama/"Progressives"/Millineals/Free Stuff Army Leeches/Abandoning & Betrayal of Our Veterans have left me in a place where for me those Cliche's about knowing stuff (
being "Smart", as a Totally false Delusion) are 100% accurate.
Have never met anyone from here. Would like to tho.