Who’s the next athlete to quit saying they can’t handle it?


2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
All you have to do is watch Kitchen Nightmares,Amazing Race and other programs to see the decline of women over the last 15 years or so...Fucking sickening...

Friendly and Helpful
Jun 28, 2009
I disagree it's not women that are declining, it's society as a whole. If it were up to the Democrats, everyone would just stay home and the government would provide for you.

I think it was the Biles lady that said she feels the weight of the world on her shoulders. What weight and why the world? If you don't think you can compete on a team for your country but yet want to pursue your single events, then the only weight on your shoulders is your own.

Wanting to make a statement is one thing, being a classless, selfless bitch is another. The younger generation has no clue what the weight of the world is, have them go join the military and go into battle then they could run their mouths over what the weight of the world is. Ask any WWII Veteran and he/she will tell you how lucky we are for what they accomplished.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Our media is calling her courageous, because she quit

I feel bad for her, not sure what's going through her head, needs some tough love and a reality check.

Apr 2, 2020
Our media is calling her courageous, because she is Black.

Fixed that for ya. I capitalized the "B" because to Hell with proper grammar
& punctuation -- Blackness trumps EVERYTHING damnit.

Normal standards & rules don't apply. Got it? Shush()*

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
you don't remember when your parents told you quitting is courageous and empowering?

New member
Oct 9, 2004
The mind is the most powerful part of the body. I think she is suffering from something similar to a golfer that gets the yips. The mind and the body don't work together. The golf yips might be the best example of it that you have seen. A golfer that will play absolutely spectacular and then gets over a 2 foot putt and he/she cant make it and often time they are not even close on the putt. In golf they will try all different things to change the connection between the mind and the muscle movement....so things like a different grip. Bernard Langer career was almost over because of the yips. I can see other pro golfers that have the same problem.

The difference for a golfer is if you miss a two foot putt you dont risk serious injury.

There are some places where it doesn't matter that much. There are other cases where a small mistake isnt allowed. You can have surgeons who get it and their careers are over.

Jul 23, 2020
I feel bad for her

I feel bad for children with cancer. Parents who lose their kids before they pass. Abused animals.

I don't feel bad for entitled people who quit on their team when the going gets tough.

Aug 20, 2007
And everyone is praising her? So bizarre. Imagine if MJ quit on the flu game. Or Kobe sat out game 7 of the finals because he needed time to himself. Tom Brady sits out the super bowl to focus his mental health. Just wow.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
And everyone is praising her? So bizarre. Imagine if MJ quit on the flu game. Or Kobe sat out game 7 of the finals because he needed time to himself. Tom Brady sits out the super bowl to focus his mental health. Just wow.
imagine the praise they would give for Mariano Rivera if Joe Girardi called for him the bullpen to close out a World Series game and he said he feels a little too stressed out to take the mound that night?

i thought it was bizarre when Osaka pulled out of a major because reporters ask her questions but at least she has dozens of more majors to compete in. this is a new level of craziness and now sponsors paying millions for her endorsements for one week of performances in Tokyo are too afraid to cancel her deal even though she didn't keep up her end of the partnership.

Sep 21, 2004
Dr. Love;13549597 who quit on their team when the going gets tough.[/QUOTE said:
Well she dropped out out of individual events too so definitely having mental/emotional issues going on in her head. However that is also the mark of elite athletes like Mariano, Brady, MJ, Kobe etc. mental and emotional toughness that comes with the territory of sports. That is why they are hailed and held in high esteem and regard.

Sep 21, 2004
The mind is the most powerful part of the body. I think she is suffering from something similar to a golfer that gets the yips. The mind and the body don't work together. The golf yips might be the best example of it that you have seen. A golfer that will play absolutely spectacular and then gets over a 2 foot putt and he/she cant make it and often time they are not even close on the putt. In golf they will try all different things to change the connection between the mind and the muscle movement....so things like a different grip. Bernard Langer career was almost over because of the yips. I can see other pro golfers that have the same problem.

The difference for a golfer is if you miss a two foot putt you dont risk serious injury.

There are some places where it doesn't matter that much. There are other cases where a small mistake isnt allowed. You can have surgeons who get it and their careers are over.

This is a good post.

Jul 23, 2020
Well she dropped out out of individual events too so definitely having mental/emotional issues going on in her head.

I don't see that as much of a defense for her. She sort of had to right? How bad would that look to quit on your team, then participate in the individual events? That was a no brainer for her at that point.

We all go through shit. She's probably going through some shit. Compete. Do your best. Then take some time off after the competition. Quitting midstream when teammates are depending on you is never the answer.

Jul 23, 2020
The difference for a golfer is if you miss a two foot putt you dont risk serious injury.

Ridiculous point IMO.

She was just a little off and not blowing the competition away like she normally does. Something wasn't right with her. That was obvious. But based on what I saw, she just didn't have it. And even then, she was doing well enough in most events to be one of the top performers.

If you want to make that sort of injury argument, make it for football. Where you can really get your clock cleaned. There's thick mats under these gymnasts for a reason. She screws up and bites the dust she will be fine. Her risk of injury was/is no different than for any of her teammates or competitors.

Life is Good
Nov 21, 1999
All due respect bro, your way off. You fall on your head off of a two and a half twist as high and hard as she goes, you could be paralyzed.

A little off was an understatement. Did you see her practice vault? That wouldn't have even been top 10. She actually gave her team a better shot by pulling the plug. She was awful and she knew it. She had the yips, same way as a golfer does or a pitcher that can't find the plate. Golfers who get the yips mid tournament shoot 12 over and go home Thursday night. Pitchers who can't find the plate get pulled and go do some bullpen sessions to figure it out after the fact. She screws up those vaults she leaves in a wheelchair.

Ridiculous point IMO.

She was just a little off and not blowing the competition away like she normally does. Something wasn't right with her. That was obvious. But based on what I saw, she just didn't have it. And even then, she was doing well enough in most events to be one of the top performers.

If you want to make that sort of injury argument, make it for football. Where you can really get your clock cleaned. There's thick mats under these gymnasts for a reason. She screws up and bites the dust she will be fine. Her risk of injury was/is no different than for any of her teammates or competitors.

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