Whitney Houston passed away and no one on this here site gave her a thank you for her allure.


Sep 21, 2004
I for one, thank for your songs, and your beauty. You were the best and I am sorry that you died. I will miss you and will always love you. :103631605


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Had a great voice....other then that she was a nasty crackhead.

cunning linguist, master debator
Sep 22, 2006
Saw they lowered the flag to half staff in New Jersey for her...disgusting considering they dont lower it when a NJ soldier is brought home dead

Sep 21, 2004
I think if she were a white Republican they would not have lower it or put it on the TV either.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
I was very sad to hear of her death. I think most people just feel it is a little
difficult sympathizing for someone who had all the fame and $$$ in the world
and lost it all on drugs which eventually killed her. A very sad story indeed.

Mar 7, 2009
Huh? Crackheads come in all colors. Good try though. Snoop bought it at least.

Says the rabid supporter of the party of Rev Al, Jesse, Maddow, and Bawney Fwank. Float those comments at your next "marching order" talking points meeting and see what kind of response you receive. Holiday Inn will ban you faster than the mods at the other site.

Wheres your liberal compassion? I'm slightly right of center, and feel bad for her family and close friends, especially before she is even put in the ground. Either you are trying to be an internet bad ass, a cold, heartless individual, racist, or all of the above.

For the record, Rev Al blasted someone the other day as a racist for making comments similar to the one you made. Take it up with him if you have a problem, he is a influential leader of the party to which you are so closely aligned.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Huh? Crackheads come in all colors. Good try though. Snoop bought it at least.

Meh, racism is probably the last thing I'll be concerning about. Trust me, being an immigrant, I often find myself at the receiving end of racial slurs, prejudices and every name calling in the book...it's nothing new to me.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Says the rabid supporter of the party of Rev Al, Jesse, Maddow, and Bawney Fwank. Float those comments at your next "marching order" talking points meeting and see what kind of response you receive. Holiday Inn will ban you faster than the mods at the other site.

Wheres your liberal compassion? I'm slightly right of center, and feel bad for her family and close friends, especially before she is even put in the ground. Either you are trying to be an internet bad ass, a cold, heartless individual, racist, or all of the above.

For the record, Rev Al blasted someone the other day as a racist for making comments similar to the one you made. Take it up with him if you have a problem, he is a influential leader of the party to which you are so closely aligned.

I'm not like you and the members of your party. I don't follow blindly and toe the party line. Once again....not banned anywhere but you just keep trying that story even though the facts are once again not on your side. That never seems to stop you though.

All the sudden you and you party have compassion from a drug addict? The same party whose leader Rush Limbaugh said that drug addicts should be put in jail forever.....of course we now know he is a pill popper.

I don't care what rev al says....the woman is a crackhead they same way lindsay lohan is a crackhead. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin...it just happens to be fact.

It seems her close friends and family were enablers...so they share in the responsibility of her death.

It's always sad when someone dies but that doesn't change what she was. The idiot governor in jersey lowers the flags for her and the next day and 11 year old girl dies in a school bus crash and he does nothing like that for her.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Meh, racism is probably the last thing I'll be concerning about. Trust me, being an immigrant, I often find myself at the receiving end of racial slurs, prejudices and every name calling in the book...it's nothing new to me.

Like I told that fool vico dan...crackhead is all colors. Lindsay lohan is a crackhead and she is as white as white gets.

Mar 7, 2009
Like I told that fool vico dan...crackhead is all colors. Lindsay lohan is a crackhead and she is as white as white gets.
Your a real civil, level headed dude Vit. Your immense intelligence can be seen in your sentence structure, grammar usage, and spelling. I am not surprised that you made the above comment; you are a narrow minded, weak person.

Last word on the other site. The members used you like the tool that you are; the dullest one in the tool shed. For the record, the owner gave clemency to every member that was ever banned at that site with the exception of members that threatened bodily harm on the others. You were included in the unbanning, and made one or two posts and then disappeared like the pussy that you are; hiding behind your keyboard. You were a tool at that site, you are a tool at this site, and you will be a tool at any site of which you are a member.

Limit your rants; you expose yourself as the buffoon that you are when you reply. My comment on your comment about Ms. Houston was sarcasm; too bad you were the only one that did not get it.

Nov 17, 2004
Your a real civil, level headed dude Vit. Your immense intelligence can be seen in your sentence structure, grammar usage, and spelling. I am not surprised that you made the above comment; you are a narrow minded, weak person.

Last word on the other site. The members used you like the tool that you are; the dullest one in the tool shed. For the record, the owner gave clemency to every member that was ever banned at that site with the exception of members that threatened bodily harm on the others. You were included in the unbanning, and made one or two posts and then disappeared like the pussy that you are; hiding behind your keyboard. You were a tool at that site, you are a tool at this site, and you will be a tool at any site of which you are a member.

Limit your rants; you expose yourself as the buffoon that you are when you reply. My comment on your comment about Ms. Houston was sarcasm; too bad you were the only one that did not get it.

LOL...well said. PM me if you get a chance. I'd love to hear about another site that he got banned at. Actually, he wasn't necessarily banned at the site I first encountered him. The moderator literally closed down the political forum there because he was so tired of him instigating fights, LOL. Hilarious! The troll hasn't been able to close this one yet (probably because no one gives him the time of day anymore)

Mar 7, 2009
LOL...well said. PM me if you get a chance. I'd love to hear about another site that he got banned at. Actually, he wasn't necessarily banned at the site I first encountered him. The moderator literally closed down the political forum there because he was so tired of him instigating fights, LOL. Hilarious! The troll hasn't been able to close this one yet (probably because no one gives him the time of day anymore)

He was definitely banned, but in fairness to Vitterd it was more of a run in with a mod. It was just Vitterd being Vitterd, he didn't know when to shut up after the mod warned him; he pissed off the wrong guy. A year later, the site let everyone come back, including Vitterd. He made a couple of posts and then went away. The site still has a Political Rant section, but I think Vitterd either had his feelings hurt, or was abused so badly that he went away. Vit makes it look like they begged him to come back, but the guy caught a lot of shit on that site with very little back up from like minded posters. PM on the way

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