For his actions in the starting and during the Iraq war the Bush admisistration is gulty (by all definitions) of being war criminals.
There was not a good reason for that war. Those people should never have died.
If you guys think that this stuff all started with the Bush Administration you guys are blind. This stuff has been going on since the beginning of America. Take a look back to the beginning of the 1900's. How do you guys think we got all the land we have now. Every president does the same thing it is just harder sometimes then others.
Take a look back on the philiphines, hawaii, puerto rico, guam, midway island how do you people think we got all of this land. We did the same thing to these countries that we are doing to iraq. The problem is that iraq is putting up a fight. We went into cuba and defeated spain in the early 1900s. We got all of the land i said above and we only paid them something like 200mil. We didn't have many deaths because spain was not strong.
Every president has been guilty of everything the Bush Adminstration did. This sort of stuff did not happen over night. How did we get Alaska. We kinda just went to Russia and gave them 270million and we took it. Thats about it. Russia did not fight because at the time they were weak and America was strong. Within the next 10 years I promise you guys we will be in Iran. It is just a matter of time. I love of this country thinks Obama will keep us out of Iraq. Just take a look back on history. The problem is people in this country are to stupid to do so.