Let me ask you a question JC since you have been playing 20 questions with me all day.
Would you prefer that I never acknowledge your existence on this forum ever again, or would you like me to keep giving you the attention that I know you secretly enjoy.
This is your once in a lifetime opportunity for me to leave you alone for life. Your one chance .
If you quote this post and tell me not to acknowledge you directly or indirectly ever again I will ignore you for life and pretend that you don't exist.
But I have a feeling you don't want me to do that because I think you enjoy the attention even though you pretend you don't.
But here is your chance.
Qoute this post and say leave me alone and I will pretend like I never knew you.
And unlike your forum promise I keep mine.
So here is your chance to never hear a single word from me again .
If you don't acknowledge this post I will just assume you enjoy it and double up my efforts.
Would you like to address this question yea or nay?
Or are you going to pretend like you did not read it and confirm my assumption that you really like the attention?
Remember when you said I was a pussy for not addressing your question?
Does this mean you are a pussy if you don't answer mine or does it just work one way like every other thing you do on this site?
This is your opportunity to get rid of me for life.